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synced 2025-03-27 17:41:34 +00:00
When applying DTBO on top of DTB (with "fdt apply" command) on AM57x EVM board, there is not enough memory reserved in RAM for DTB blob. Hence, DTBO can't be merged in DTB. It leads to inability to boot Android with next error message: failed on fdt_overlay_apply(): FDT_ERR_NOSPACE To overcome that issue let's provide 512 KiB of space to keep DTB and all merged DTBO blobs. To do so, "length" parameter should be specified for "fdt addr" command: => fdt addr $fdtaddr 0x80000 512 KiB is the maximum size we can use for this, because next address after $fdtaddr is 512 KiB ahead of it: fdtaddr=0x88000000 rdaddr=0x88080000 Also add size variables to 'adtimg' command invocations, to avoid cluttering the console with DTBO blob sizes. Signed-off-by: Sam Protsenko <joe.skb7@gmail.com> Reviewed-by: Eugeniu Rosca <rosca.eugeniu@gmail.com>
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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
* Boot related environment variable definitions on TI boards.
* (C) Copyright 2017 Linaro Ltd.
* Sam Protsenko <semen.protsenko@linaro.org>
#ifndef __TI_BOOT_H
#define __TI_BOOT_H
#define CONSOLEDEV "ttyS2"
* Default GPT tables for eMMC (Linux and Android). Notes:
* 1. Keep partitions aligned to erase group size (512 KiB) when possible
* 2. Keep partitions in sync with DFU_ALT_INFO_EMMC (see dfu.h)
* 3. Keep 'bootloader' partition (U-Boot proper) start address in sync with
* CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_U_BOOT_SECTOR (see common/spl/Kconfig)
/* Linux partitions */ \
"uuid_disk=${uuid_gpt_disk};" \
"name=bootloader,start=384K,size=1792K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_bootloader};" \
"name=rootfs,start=2688K,size=-,uuid=${uuid_gpt_rootfs}\0" \
/* Android partitions */ \
"partitions_android=" \
"uuid_disk=${uuid_gpt_disk};" \
"name=xloader,start=128K,size=256K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_xloader};" \
"name=bootloader,size=2048K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_bootloader};" \
"name=uboot-env,start=2432K,size=256K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_reserved};" \
"name=misc,size=128K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_misc};" \
"name=boot_a,size=20M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_boot_a};" \
"name=boot_b,size=20M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_boot_b};" \
"name=dtbo_a,size=8M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_dtbo_a};" \
"name=dtbo_b,size=8M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_dtbo_b};" \
"name=vbmeta_a,size=64K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_vbmeta_a};" \
"name=vbmeta_b,size=64K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_vbmeta_b};" \
"name=recovery,size=64M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_recovery};" \
"name=super,size=2560M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_super};" \
"name=metadata,size=16M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_metadata};" \
#endif /* PARTS_DEFAULT */
#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_AVB)
#define AVB_VERIFY_CHECK "if run avb_verify; then " \
"echo AVB verification OK.;" \
"set bootargs $bootargs $avb_bootargs;" \
"else " \
"echo AVB verification failed.;" \
"exit; fi;"
#define AVB_VERIFY_CMD "avb_verify=avb init 1; avb verify $slot_suffix;\0"
#define AVB_VERIFY_CMD ""
#define CONTROL_PARTITION "misc"
#define AB_SELECT_SLOT \
"if part number mmc 1 " CONTROL_PARTITION " control_part_number; " \
"then " \
" partition number:${control_part_number};" \
"ab_select slot_name mmc ${mmcdev}:${control_part_number};" \
"else " \
"echo " CONTROL_PARTITION " partition not found;" \
"exit;" \
"fi;" \
"setenv slot_suffix _${slot_name};"
#define AB_SELECT_ARGS \
"setenv bootargs_ab androidboot.slot_suffix=${slot_suffix}; " \
"echo A/B cmdline addition: ${bootargs_ab};" \
"setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${bootargs_ab};"
#define AB_SELECT_SLOT ""
#define AB_SELECT_ARGS ""
* Prepares complete device tree blob for current board (for Android boot).
* Boot image or recovery image should be loaded into $loadaddr prior to running
* these commands. The logic of these commnads is next:
* 1. Read correct DTB for current SoC/board from boot image in $loadaddr
* to $fdtaddr
* 2. Merge all needed DTBO for current board from 'dtbo' partition into read
* 3. User should provide $fdtaddr as 3rd argument to 'bootm'
#define PREPARE_FDT \
"echo Preparing FDT...; " \
"if test $board_name = am57xx_evm_reva3; then " \
"echo \" Reading DTBO partition...\"; " \
"part start mmc ${mmcdev} dtbo${slot_suffix} p_dtbo_start; " \
"part size mmc ${mmcdev} dtbo${slot_suffix} p_dtbo_size; " \
"mmc read ${dtboaddr} ${p_dtbo_start} ${p_dtbo_size}; " \
"echo \" Reading DTB for AM57x EVM RevA3...\"; " \
"abootimg get dtb --index=0 dtb_start dtb_size; " \
"cp.b $dtb_start $fdtaddr $dtb_size; " \
"fdt addr $fdtaddr 0x80000; " \
"echo \" Applying DTBOs for AM57x EVM RevA3...\"; " \
"adtimg addr $dtboaddr; " \
"adtimg get dt --index=0 dtbo0_addr dtbo0_size; " \
"fdt apply $dtbo0_addr; " \
"adtimg get dt --index=1 dtbo1_addr dtbo1_size; " \
"fdt apply $dtbo1_addr; " \
"elif test $board_name = beagle_x15_revc; then " \
"echo \" Reading DTB for Beagle X15 RevC...\"; " \
"abootimg get dtb --index=0 dtb_start dtb_size; " \
"cp.b $dtb_start $fdtaddr $dtb_size; " \
"fdt addr $fdtaddr 0x80000; " \
"else " \
"echo Error: Android boot is not supported for $board_name; " \
"exit; " \
"fi; " \
#define FASTBOOT_CMD \
"echo Booting into fastboot ...; " \
"fastboot " __stringify(CONFIG_FASTBOOT_USB_DEV) "; "
"console=" CONSOLEDEV ",115200n8\0" \
"fdtfile=undefined\0" \
"bootpart=0:2\0" \
"bootdir=/boot\0" \
"bootfile=zImage\0" \
"usbtty=cdc_acm\0" \
"vram=16M\0" \
"partitions=" PARTS_DEFAULT "\0" \
"optargs=\0" \
"dofastboot=0\0" \
"emmc_linux_boot=" \
"echo Trying to boot Linux from eMMC ...; " \
"setenv mmcdev 1; " \
"setenv bootpart 1:2; " \
"setenv mmcroot /dev/mmcblk0p2 rw; " \
"run mmcboot;\0" \
"emmc_android_boot=" \
"setenv mmcdev 1; " \
"mmc dev $mmcdev; " \
"mmc rescan; " \
"if bcb load " __stringify(CONFIG_FASTBOOT_FLASH_MMC_DEV) " " \
"setenv ardaddr -; " \
"if bcb test command = bootonce-bootloader; then " \
"echo Android: Bootloader boot...; " \
"bcb clear command; bcb store; " \
"exit; " \
"elif bcb test command = boot-recovery; then " \
"echo Android: Recovery boot...; " \
"setenv ardaddr $loadaddr;" \
"setenv apart recovery; " \
"else " \
"echo Android: Normal boot...; " \
"setenv ardaddr $loadaddr; " \
"setenv apart boot${slot_suffix}; " \
"fi; " \
"else " \
"echo Warning: BCB is corrupted or does not exist; " \
"echo Android: Normal boot...; " \
"fi; " \
"setenv eval_bootargs setenv bootargs $bootargs; " \
"run eval_bootargs; " \
"setenv machid fe6; " \
"if part start mmc $mmcdev $apart boot_start; then " \
"part size mmc $mmcdev $apart boot_size; " \
"mmc read $loadaddr $boot_start $boot_size; " \
"bootm $loadaddr $ardaddr $fdtaddr; " \
"else " \
"echo $apart partition not found; " \
"exit; " \
"if test $board_name = omap5_uevm; then " \
"setenv fdtfile omap5-uevm.dtb; fi; " \
"if test $board_name = dra7xx; then " \
"setenv fdtfile dra7-evm.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = dra72x-revc; then " \
"setenv fdtfile dra72-evm-revc.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = dra72x; then " \
"setenv fdtfile dra72-evm.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = dra71x; then " \
"setenv fdtfile dra71-evm.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = dra76x_acd; then " \
"setenv fdtfile dra76-evm.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = beagle_x15; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = beagle_x15_revb1; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15-revb1.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = beagle_x15_revc; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15-revc.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am5729_beagleboneai; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am5729-beagleboneai.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am572x_idk; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am572x-idk.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am574x_idk; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am574x-idk.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am57xx_evm; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am57xx_evm_reva3; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am571x_idk; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am571x-idk.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $fdtfile = undefined; then " \
"echo WARNING: Could not determine device tree to use; fi; \0"
"if test ${dofastboot} -eq 1; then " \
"echo Boot fastboot requested, resetting dofastboot ...;" \
"setenv dofastboot 0; saveenv;" \
"fi;" \
"if test ${boot_fit} -eq 1; then " \
"run update_to_fit;" \
"fi;" \
"run findfdt; " \
"run envboot; " \
"run mmcboot;" \
"run emmc_linux_boot; " \
"run emmc_android_boot; " \
#endif /* CONFIG_OMAP54XX */
#endif /* __TI_BOOT_H */