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synced 2025-03-21 14:41:31 +00:00
At present patman sets the python path on startup so that it can access the libraries it needs. If we convert to use absolute imports this is not necessary. Move patman to use absolute imports. This requires changes in tools which use the patman libraries (which is most of them). Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
292 lines
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292 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors.
import itertools
import os
from patman import get_maintainer
from patman import gitutil
from patman import settings
from patman import terminal
from patman import tools
# Series-xxx tags that we understand
valid_series = ['to', 'cc', 'version', 'changes', 'prefix', 'notes', 'name',
'cover_cc', 'process_log']
class Series(dict):
"""Holds information about a patch series, including all tags.
cc: List of aliases/emails to Cc all patches to
commits: List of Commit objects, one for each patch
cover: List of lines in the cover letter
notes: List of lines in the notes
changes: (dict) List of changes for each version, The key is
the integer version number
allow_overwrite: Allow tags to overwrite an existing tag
def __init__(self):
self.cc = []
self.to = []
self.cover_cc = []
self.commits = []
self.cover = None
self.notes = []
self.changes = {}
self.allow_overwrite = False
# Written in MakeCcFile()
# key: name of patch file
# value: list of email addresses
self._generated_cc = {}
# These make us more like a dictionary
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self[name] = value
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self[name]
def AddTag(self, commit, line, name, value):
"""Add a new Series-xxx tag along with its value.
line: Source line containing tag (useful for debug/error messages)
name: Tag name (part after 'Series-')
value: Tag value (part after 'Series-xxx: ')
# If we already have it, then add to our list
name = name.replace('-', '_')
if name in self and not self.allow_overwrite:
values = value.split(',')
values = [str.strip() for str in values]
if type(self[name]) != type([]):
raise ValueError("In %s: line '%s': Cannot add another value "
"'%s' to series '%s'" %
(commit.hash, line, values, self[name]))
self[name] += values
# Otherwise just set the value
elif name in valid_series:
if name=="notes":
self[name] = [value]
self[name] = value
raise ValueError("In %s: line '%s': Unknown 'Series-%s': valid "
"options are %s" % (commit.hash, line, name,
', '.join(valid_series)))
def AddCommit(self, commit):
"""Add a commit into our list of commits
We create a list of tags in the commit subject also.
commit: Commit object to add
def ShowActions(self, args, cmd, process_tags):
"""Show what actions we will/would perform
args: List of patch files we created
cmd: The git command we would have run
process_tags: Process tags as if they were aliases
to_set = set(gitutil.BuildEmailList(self.to));
cc_set = set(gitutil.BuildEmailList(self.cc));
col = terminal.Color()
print('Dry run, so not doing much. But I would do this:')
print('Send a total of %d patch%s with %scover letter.' % (
len(args), '' if len(args) == 1 else 'es',
self.get('cover') and 'a ' or 'no '))
# TODO: Colour the patches according to whether they passed checks
for upto in range(len(args)):
commit = self.commits[upto]
print(col.Color(col.GREEN, ' %s' % args[upto]))
cc_list = list(self._generated_cc[commit.patch])
for email in sorted(set(cc_list) - to_set - cc_set):
if email == None:
email = col.Color(col.YELLOW, "<alias '%s' not found>"
% tag)
if email:
print(' Cc: ', email)
for item in sorted(to_set):
print('To:\t ', item)
for item in sorted(cc_set - to_set):
print('Cc:\t ', item)
print('Version: ', self.get('version'))
print('Prefix:\t ', self.get('prefix'))
if self.cover:
print('Cover: %d lines' % len(self.cover))
cover_cc = gitutil.BuildEmailList(self.get('cover_cc', ''))
all_ccs = itertools.chain(cover_cc, *self._generated_cc.values())
for email in sorted(set(all_ccs) - to_set - cc_set):
print(' Cc: ', email)
if cmd:
print('Git command: %s' % cmd)
def MakeChangeLog(self, commit):
"""Create a list of changes for each version.
The change log as a list of strings, one per line
Changes in v4:
- Jog the dial back closer to the widget
Changes in v3: None
Changes in v2:
- Fix the widget
- Jog the dial
final = []
process_it = self.get('process_log', '').split(',')
process_it = [item.strip() for item in process_it]
need_blank = False
for change in sorted(self.changes, reverse=True):
out = []
for this_commit, text in self.changes[change]:
if commit and this_commit != commit:
if 'uniq' not in process_it or text not in out:
line = 'Changes in v%d:' % change
have_changes = len(out) > 0
if 'sort' in process_it:
out = sorted(out)
if have_changes:
out.insert(0, line)
out = [line + ' None']
if need_blank:
out.insert(0, '')
final += out
need_blank = have_changes
if self.changes:
return final
def DoChecks(self):
"""Check that each version has a change log
Print an error if something is wrong.
col = terminal.Color()
if self.get('version'):
changes_copy = dict(self.changes)
for version in range(1, int(self.version) + 1):
if self.changes.get(version):
del changes_copy[version]
if version > 1:
str = 'Change log missing for v%d' % version
print(col.Color(col.RED, str))
for version in changes_copy:
str = 'Change log for unknown version v%d' % version
print(col.Color(col.RED, str))
elif self.changes:
str = 'Change log exists, but no version is set'
print(col.Color(col.RED, str))
def MakeCcFile(self, process_tags, cover_fname, raise_on_error,
add_maintainers, limit):
"""Make a cc file for us to use for per-commit Cc automation
Also stores in self._generated_cc to make ShowActions() faster.
process_tags: Process tags as if they were aliases
cover_fname: If non-None the name of the cover letter.
raise_on_error: True to raise an error when an alias fails to match,
False to just print a message.
add_maintainers: Either:
True/False to call the get_maintainers to CC maintainers
List of maintainers to include (for testing)
limit: Limit the length of the Cc list
Filename of temp file created
col = terminal.Color()
# Look for commit tags (of the form 'xxx:' at the start of the subject)
fname = '/tmp/patman.%d' % os.getpid()
fd = open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
all_ccs = []
for commit in self.commits:
cc = []
if process_tags:
cc += gitutil.BuildEmailList(commit.tags,
cc += gitutil.BuildEmailList(commit.cc_list,
if type(add_maintainers) == type(cc):
cc += add_maintainers
elif add_maintainers:
cc += get_maintainer.GetMaintainer(commit.patch)
for x in set(cc) & set(settings.bounces):
print(col.Color(col.YELLOW, 'Skipping "%s"' % x))
cc = set(cc) - set(settings.bounces)
cc = [tools.FromUnicode(m) for m in cc]
if limit is not None:
cc = cc[:limit]
all_ccs += cc
print(commit.patch, '\0'.join(sorted(set(cc))), file=fd)
self._generated_cc[commit.patch] = cc
if cover_fname:
cover_cc = gitutil.BuildEmailList(self.get('cover_cc', ''))
cover_cc = [tools.FromUnicode(m) for m in cover_cc]
cover_cc = list(set(cover_cc + all_ccs))
if limit is not None:
cover_cc = cover_cc[:limit]
cc_list = '\0'.join([tools.ToUnicode(x) for x in sorted(cover_cc)])
print(cover_fname, cc_list, file=fd)
return fname
def AddChange(self, version, commit, info):
"""Add a new change line to a version.
This will later appear in the change log.
version: version number to add change list to
info: change line for this version
if not self.changes.get(version):
self.changes[version] = []
self.changes[version].append([commit, info])
def GetPatchPrefix(self):
"""Get the patch version string
Patch string, like 'RFC PATCH v5' or just 'PATCH'
git_prefix = gitutil.GetDefaultSubjectPrefix()
if git_prefix:
git_prefix = '%s][' % git_prefix
git_prefix = ''
version = ''
if self.get('version'):
version = ' v%s' % self['version']
# Get patch name prefix
prefix = ''
if self.get('prefix'):
prefix = '%s ' % self['prefix']
return '%s%sPATCH%s' % (git_prefix, prefix, version)