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1 Authors
author : 'catch 22'*joseph heller
author : thanatopsis'*bryant
author anne rice wrote the part of lestat with this actor in mind for the movie role*rutgar hauer
author of 'coming of age in samoa', the mostly widely read book in the field of anthropology*margaret mead
author of 'frankenstein'*mary shelley
author of 'roots'*alex haley
author of 'the kiss of a spider woman'*puig
author of 'the world as will' and 'representation', pessimistic forbearer of nietzsche*arthur schopenhauer
author of gulliver's travels*jonathan swift
author of such children books as the enchanted wood, famous five*enid blyton
author of such fairy tales: the frog prince, hansel & gretel*grimm brothers
author: anatomy of a murder*robert traver
author: deadly rich, ballerina, the privileged lives*stewart
author: gift of the magi*o. henry
author: how to win friends and influence people*dale carnegie
author: one flew over the cuckoo's nest*kesey
author: presumed innocent*scott turow
author: the puppet masters*robert heinlein
author: the sword of shannara, magic kingdom for sale -- sold*terry brooks
author: two years before the mast*richard henry dana
authored 'gone with the wind'*margaret mitchell
authors/poets: who wrote illiad*alexander pope
authors: 'angela's ashes'*frank mccourt
authors: 'the butcher boy' and 'the dead school'*patrick mccabe
authors: 'the importance of being earnest'*oscar wilde
authors: atlas shrugged*ayn rand
authors: diana*andrew morton
authors: elementa*euklides
authors: every living thing*herriot
authors: exit earth*caidin
authors: exodus*uris
authors: german nobel prize laureate (1999). his works include 'cat and mouse', and 'the rat'.*gunter grass
authors: hideaway*dean koontz
authors: invisible man*ralph ellison
authors: jewels*danielle steel
authors: marjorie morningstar*herman wouk
authors: red storm rising*clancy
authors: the old man and the sea*ernest hemingway
authors: the prince of tides*conroy
authors: the silence of the lambs*thomas harris
authors: who wrote 'autumn of the patriarch'*gabriel garcia marquez
authors: who wrote 'the ambassadors'*henry james
authors: who wrote 'the man in the iron mask'*alexandre dumas
authors: who wrote 'the man who was thursday'*g.k. chesterton
authors: who wrote 'the stranger'*albert camus
authors: who wrote 'winesburg, ohio'*sherwood anderson
authors: who wrote 101 uses for a dead cat*simon bond
authors: who wrote 1876*gore vidal
authors: who wrote 1919*john de passos
authors: who wrote 1984*george orwell
authors: who wrote 20,000 leagues under the sea*jules verne
authors: who wrote 42nd parallel*john de passos
authors: who wrote a brave new world*aldous huxley
authors: who wrote a bridge to far*cornelius ryan
authors: who wrote a christmas carol*charles dickens
authors: who wrote a clockwork orange*anthony burgess
authors: who wrote a farewell to arms*ernest hemingway
authors: who wrote a french lieutenants woman*john fowles
authors: who wrote a modest proposal*jonathan swift
authors: who wrote a prayer for owen meany*john irving
authors: who wrote a red badge of courage*stephen crane
authors: who wrote a room with a view*e m forster
authors: who wrote a time to kill*john grisham
authors: who wrote a view for the bridge*arthur miller
authors: who wrote about samuel johnson*james boswell
authors: who wrote absolom xl*william faulkner
authors: who wrote adventures of huckleberry finn*mark twain
authors: who wrote all the kings men*robert penn warren
authors: who wrote andromeda strain*michael creighton
authors: who wrote angle of repose*wallace stegner
authors: who wrote animal farm*george orwell
authors: who wrote anne of green gables*l m montgomery
authors: who wrote anthem*ann rand
authors: who wrote arrowsmith*sinclair lewis
authors: who wrote art of love*ovid
authors: who wrote art of war*sun tzu
authors: who wrote as i lay dying*william faulkner
authors: who wrote at freddies*penelope fitzgerald
authors: who wrote atlas shrugged*ayn rand
authors: who wrote babbitt*sinclair lewis
authors: who wrote beloved*toni morrison
authors: who wrote big green book*robert graves
authors: who wrote big money*john de passos
authors: who wrote billy budd*herman melville
authors: who wrote blood of amber*roger zelazny
authors: who wrote bobok*fydor dostoyevsky
authors: who wrote born free*joy adamson
authors: who wrote brideshead revisited*evelyn waugh
authors: who wrote brief history of time*stephen hawkings
authors: who wrote brocas brain*carl sagan
authors: who wrote burmese days*george orwell
authors: who wrote caine mutiny*herman wouk
authors: who wrote cakes and ale*w somerset maugham
authors: who wrote call of wild*jack london
authors: who wrote candide*voltaire
authors: who wrote cannery row*john steinbeck
authors: who wrote cantebury tales*geoffrey chaucer
authors: who wrote captain courageous*rudyard kipling
authors: who wrote cardinal of the kremlin*tom clancy
authors: who wrote carrie*stephen king
authors: who wrote casey at the bat*ernest thayer
authors: who wrote catch 22*joseph heller
authors: who wrote catcher in the rye*j d salinger
authors: who wrote catriona*robert louis stevenson
authors: who wrote centennial*james mitchener
authors: who wrote charlottes web*elwyn brooks white
authors: who wrote chitty chitty bang bang*ian fleming
authors: who wrote chronicles of narnia*cs lewis
authors: who wrote cider with rosie*laurie lee
authors: who wrote citizen of the galaxy*robert heinlein
authors: who wrote clear and present danger*tom clancy
authors: who wrote collector's choice*john paul getty
authors: who wrote confederacy of dunces*john kennedy toole
authors: who wrote confessions of nat turner*william styron
authors: who wrote cool million*nathanael west
authors: who wrote counte of monte christo*alexander dumas
authors: who wrote crime and punishment*fydor dostoyevsky
authors: who wrote cry the beloved country*alan paton
authors: who wrote cunning man*robertson davies
authors: who wrote daisy millers*henry james
authors: who wrote das capital*karl marx
authors: who wrote david copperfield*charles dickens
authors: who wrote day of the locust*nathanael west
authors: who wrote day of the triffids*john wyndham
authors: who wrote death comes for the archbishop*willa cather
authors: who wrote death of a salesman*arthur miller
authors: who wrote debt of honour*tom clancy
authors: who wrote deerslayer*james fenimore cooper
authors: who wrote deptford mice trilogy*robert jarvis
authors: who wrote deptford trilogy*robertson davies
authors: who wrote devil's dictionary*ambrose pierce
authors: who wrote don quixote*cervantes
authors: who wrote door into summer*robert heinlein
authors: who wrote double star*robert heinlein
authors: who wrote dr. jekyll and mr. hyde*robert louis stevenson
authors: who wrote dr. zhivago*boris pasternak
authors: who wrote dracula*bram stoker
authors: who wrote dragon's egg*robert forward
authors: who wrote dragons of eden*carl sagan
authors: who wrote dubliners*james joyce
authors: who wrote dung beetle*hans christian anderson
authors: who wrote east of eden*john steinbeck
authors: who wrote el gringo*carlos fuentes
authors: who wrote elmer gantry*sinclair lewis
authors: who wrote embraced by the light*betty j eadie
authors: who wrote enders game*orson scott card
authors: who wrote evangeline*longfellow
authors: who wrote every living thing*james herriot
authors: who wrote eye of the tiger*wilbur smith
authors: who wrote fahrenheit 451*ray bradbury
authors: who wrote father brown mysteries*gilbert keith chesterton
authors: who wrote fathers and sons*ivan turgenov
authors: who wrote fear of 50*erica jong
authors: who wrote fear of flying*erica jong
authors: who wrote female eunoch*germaine greer
authors: who wrote fifth business*robertson davies
authors: who wrote finnegans wake*james joyce
authors: who wrote fire next time*james a baldwin
authors: who wrote firestarter*stephen king
authors: who wrote flowers in the attic*v c andrews
authors: who wrote flying*charles de lint
authors: who wrote for whom the bells toll*ernest hemingway
authors: who wrote frankenstein*mary shelley
authors: who wrote from here to eternity*james joyce
authors: who wrote future shock*alvin toffler
authors: who wrote gai-jim*james clavell
authors: who wrote golden bowls*henry james
authors: who wrote gone with the wind*margaret mitchell
authors: who wrote good earth*pearl s buck
authors: who wrote grapes of wrath*john steinbeck
authors: who wrote gravitys rainbow*thomas pyncheon
authors: who wrote greenmantle*charles de lint
authors: who wrote guilty pleasures*laurell k hamilton
authors: who wrote gullivers travels*jonathan swift
authors: who wrote handful of dust*evelyn waugh
authors: who wrote handmaid's tale*margaret attwood
authors: who wrote hard times*charles dickens
authors: who wrote heart is a lonely hunter*carson mccullers
authors: who wrote heart of darkness*joseph conrad
authors: who wrote heart of the matter*graham green
authors: who wrote henderson the rain king*saul bellow
authors: who wrote high wind in jamaica*richard hughes
authors: who wrote hitchikers guide to the galaxy*douglas adams
authors: who wrote hotel*arthur hailey
authors: who wrote house of 7 gables*nathanial lewis
authors: who wrote house of mirth*edith wharton
authors: who wrote house of seven gables*nathanial hawthorne
authors: who wrote how to win friends and influence people*dale carnegie
authors: who wrote hunchback of notre dame*victor hugo
authors: who wrote hunt for red october*tom clancy
authors: who wrote i am legend*richard matt
authors: who wrote i claudius*robert graves
authors: who wrote i robot*isaac asimov
authors: who wrote ice palace*edna furber
authors: who wrote iceman cometh*eugene oneill
authors: who wrote if only they could talk*james herriot
authors: who wrote il principe&*niccolo macchiavelli
authors: who wrote illusions*richard bach
authors: who wrote imajica*barker
authors: who wrote in cold blood*truman capote
authors: who wrote incarnations of immortality*piers antony
authors: who wrote interview with a vampire*anne rice
authors: who wrote invisible man*ralph ellison
authors: who wrote invitation to a beheading*vladimir nabokov
authors: who wrote ironweed*william kennedy
authors: who wrote islands in the stream*ernest hemingway
authors: who wrote it*stephen king
authors: who wrote it should't happen to a vet*james herriot
authors: who wrote ivanhoe*sir walter scott
authors: who wrote jack of shadows*roger zelazny
authors: who wrote jane eyre*charlotte bronte
authors: who wrote jaws*peter benchley
authors: who wrote joy luck club*amy tan
authors: who wrote joy of collecting*john paul getty
authors: who wrote kidnapped*robert louis stevenson
authors: who wrote kim*rudyard kipling
authors: who wrote king arthur*thomas malory
authors: who wrote lady with lapdog*anton chekhov
authors: who wrote last of the mohicans*james fenimore cooper
authors: who wrote les miserables*victor hugo
authors: who wrote let sleeping vets lie*james herriot
authors: who wrote leviathan*thomas hobbes
authors: who wrote life on the mississippi*mark twain
authors: who wrote light in august*william faulkner
authors: who wrote lightning*dean koontz
authors: who wrote little country*charles de lint
authors: who wrote little men*louisa may alcott
authors: who wrote little women*louisa may alcott
authors: who wrote lodore*mary shelley
authors: who wrote lolita*vladimir nabokov
authors: who wrote lonesome dove*larry mcmurtry
authors: who wrote long goodbye*raymond chandler
authors: who wrote look homeward angel*thomas wolfe
authors: who wrote lord jim*joseph conrad
authors: who wrote lord of the flies*william golding
authors: who wrote madame bovary*gustav flaubert
authors: who wrote magnificent ambersons*booth tarkington
authors: who wrote main street*sinclair lewis
authors: who wrote maltese falcon*dashiell hammett
authors: who wrote man in the iron mask*alexander dumas
authors: who wrote man who loved children*christian stead
authors: who wrote mansfield park*jane austen
authors: who wrote marjorie morningstar*herman wouk
authors: who wrote marlow*arthur conan doyle
authors: who wrote martian chronicles*ray bradbury
authors: who wrote mary poppins*p l travers
authors: who wrote mask*dean koontz
authors: who wrote mein kampf*adolf hitler
authors: who wrote memory and dreams*charles de lint
authors: who wrote microserfs*douglas coupland
authors: who wrote middlemarch*george elliot
authors: who wrote midnight children*salman rushdie
authors: who wrote millengro*charles de lint
authors: who wrote misfits*arthur miller
authors: who wrote miss marple*agatha christie
authors: who wrote mission earth*l ron hubbard
authors: who wrote moby dick*herman melville
authors: who wrote moon is a harsh mistress*robert heinlein
authors: who wrote moonheart*charles de lint
authors: who wrote movable feast*ernest hemingway
authors: who wrote mulengro*charles de lint
authors: who wrote murders of rue morgue*edgar allan poe
authors: who wrote my antonia*willa cather
authors: who wrote my favourite hero*james joyce
authors: who wrote my friend flicka*mary o'hara
authors: who wrote myra breckinridge*gore vidal
authors: who wrote mythago wood*robert holdstock
authors: who wrote naked lunch*william s burroughs
authors: who wrote native son*robert wright
authors: who wrote necroscope*lumley
authors: who wrote never bet the devil on your head*edgar allan poe
authors: who wrote night chills*dean koontz
authors: who wrote nightwork*irwin shaw
authors: who wrote nine princes in amber*roger zelazny
authors: who wrote nostromo*joseph conrad
authors: who wrote nothing lasts forever*sidney sheldon
authors: who wrote o pioneer!*willa cather
authors: who wrote of human bondage*w somerset maugham
authors: who wrote of mice and men*john steinbeck
authors: who wrote old curiousity shop*charles dickens
authors: who wrote on the beach*neville shute
authors: who wrote on the road*jack kerouac
authors: who wrote one flew over the cuckoo's nest*ken kesey
authors: who wrote one of ours*willa cather
authors: who wrote other side of midnight*sidney sheldon
authors: who wrote our town*thornton wilder
authors: who wrote pale fire*vladimir nabokov
authors: who wrote parades end*ford madox ford
authors: who wrote paradise lost*john milton
authors: who wrote patriot games*tom clancy
authors: who wrote pelican brief*john grisham
authors: who wrote penrod omnibus*booth tarkington
authors: who wrote peter pan*james m barrie
authors: who wrote picture of dorian gray*oscar wilde
authors: who wrote pilgrims progress*john bunyan
authors: who wrote point counterpoint*aldous huxley
authors: who wrote portnoy's complaint*philip roth
authors: who wrote portrait of a ladys*henry james
authors: who wrote pride and prejudice*jane austen
authors: who wrote prince and the pauper*mark twain
authors: who wrote psycho*richard bloch
authors: who wrote puppet masters*robert heinlein
authors: who wrote rabbit at rest*john updike
authors: who wrote rainbow*d h lawrence
authors: who wrote rainmaker*john grisham
authors: who wrote rebecca*daphne du maurier
authors: who wrote red storm rising*tom clancy
authors: who wrote roots*
authors: who wrote russia house*john le carre
authors: who wrote sahara*clive cussler
authors: who wrote sailing alone around the world*joshua slocum
authors: who wrote salome*oscar wilde
authors: who wrote satanic verses*salman rushdie
authors: who wrote schindler's list*thomas kennedy
authors: who wrote scoop*evelyn waugh
authors: who wrote secret life of walter mitty*james thurber
authors: who wrote secret sharer*joseph conrad
authors: who wrote sense and sensibility*jane austen
authors: who wrote seventeen*booth tarkington
authors: who wrote sheltering sky*paul bowles
authors: who wrote shock wave*clive cussler
authors: who wrote silas marner*george elliot
authors: who wrote simon templar*leslie charteris
authors: who wrote single and single*john le carre
authors: who wrote slaughterhouse five*kurt vonnegut
authors: who wrote slay ride*dick francis
authors: who wrote someplace to be flying*charles de lint
authors: who wrote something wicked this way comes*ray bradbury
authors: who wrote sometimes a great notion*ken kesey
authors: who wrote song of solomon*toni morrison
authors: who wrote sons and lovers*d h lawrence
authors: who wrote sophie's choice*william styron
authors: who wrote sound and the fury*william faulkner
authors: who wrote starquake*robert forward
authors: who wrote starship troopers*robert heinlein
authors: who wrote storm warning*jack higgins
authors: who wrote stranger in a strange land*robert heinlein
authors: who wrote strangers*dean koontz
authors: who wrote stuart little*elwyn brooks white
authors: who wrote study in scarlet*arthur conan doyle
authors: who wrote submarine*tom clancy
authors: who wrote sum of all fears*tom clancy
authors: who wrote sun also rises*ernest hemingway
authors: who wrote tai-pen*james clavell
authors: who wrote tale of two cities*charles dickens
authors: who wrote tender is the night*f scott fitzgerald
authors: who wrote terra nostra*carlos fuentes
authors: who wrote testament*john grisham
authors: who wrote the 'little house' series of books*laura inglis wilder
authors: who wrote the age of reason*thomas paine
authors: who wrote the agony and the estacy*irving stone
authors: who wrote the ambassadors*henry james
authors: who wrote the bear*william faulkner
authors: who wrote the black cat*edgar allan poe
authors: who wrote the chamber*john grisham
authors: who wrote the client*john grisham
authors: who wrote the color purple*alice walker
authors: who wrote the deliverance*james dickey
authors: who wrote the eagle has landed*jack higgins
authors: who wrote the exorcist*william peter blatty
authors: who wrote the firm*john grisham
authors: who wrote the fountainhead*ayn rand
authors: who wrote the godfather*mario puzo
authors: who wrote the great gatsby*f scott fitzgerald
authors: who wrote the ground beneath her feet*salman rushdie
authors: who wrote the importance of being earnest*oscar wilde
authors: who wrote the jungle*upton sinclair
authors: who wrote the jungle book*rudyard kipling
authors: who wrote the just so stories*rudyard kipling
authors: who wrote the last tycoon*f scott fitzgerald
authors: who wrote the lottery*shirley jackson
authors: who wrote the magus*john fowles
authors: who wrote the moneychangers*arthur hailey
authors: who wrote the moviegoer*walker percy
authors: who wrote the mystery of marie roget*edgar allan poe
authors: who wrote the old man and the sea*ernest hemingway
authors: who wrote the partner*john grisham
authors: who wrote the plague dogs*richard adams
authors: who wrote the rama series*arthur c clarke
authors: who wrote the recognition*william gaddis
authors: who wrote the right stuff*thomas wolfe
authors: who wrote the runaway jury*john grisham
authors: who wrote the scarlett letter*nathanial hawthorne
authors: who wrote the shootist*glendon swarthout
authors: who wrote the snopes trilogy*william faulkner
authors: who wrote the stand*stephen king
authors: who wrote the time machine*h g wells
authors: who wrote the town*william faulkner
authors: who wrote the trumpet of the swans*elwyn brooks white
authors: who wrote the wood wife*terri windling
authors: who wrote third man*graham green
authors: who wrote thorn birds*colleen mccullough
authors: who wrote three musketeers*alexander dumas
authors: who wrote through the looking glass*lewis carroll
authors: who wrote tidewater morning*william styron
authors: who wrote timberlaine*sinclair lewis
authors: who wrote tinker tailor soldier spy*john le carre
authors: who wrote to kill a mockingbird*harper lee
authors: who wrote tobacco road*erskine caldwell
authors: who wrote tom sawyer*mark twain
authors: who wrote town like alice*neville shute
authors: who wrote trader*charles dickens
authors: who wrote travels*marco polo
authors: who wrote travels with a donkey in the cervennes*robert louis stevenson
authors: who wrote treasure island*robert louis stevenson
authors: who wrote tropic of cancer*henry miller
authors: who wrote trumps of doom*roger zelazny
authors: who wrote trustee in the toolroom*neville shute
authors: who wrote ulysses*james joyce
authors: who wrote uncle tom's cabin*harriet beecher stowe
authors: who wrote under the volcano*malcolm lowry
authors: who wrote usa trilogy*john de passos
authors: who wrote v*thomas pyncheon
authors: who wrote vanity fair*william thackerey makepeace
authors: who wrote vet in harness*james herriot
authors: who wrote walden*henry david thoreau
authors: who wrote watchers*dean koontz
authors: who wrote watership down*richard adams
authors: who wrote way of all flesh*samuel butler
authors: who wrote we the living*ayn rand
authors: who wrote wealth of nations*adam smith
authors: who wrote wheel of time series*robert jordan
authors: who wrote where the air clears*carlos fuentes
authors: who wrote wild sargasso sea*jean rhys
authors: who wrote wind in the willows*kenneth graham
authors: who wrote wings of the doves*henry james
authors: who wrote winnie the pooh*aa milne
authors: who wrote witches of eastwick*john updike
authors: who wrote without remorse*tom clancy
authors: who wrote wizard of oz*l frank baum
authors: who wrote women in love*d h lawrence
authors: who wrote world according to garp*john irving
authors: who wrote wuthering heights*emily bronte
authors: zorba the greek*nikos kazantzakis
who wrote & directed the horrible yet entertaining movie plan 9 from outer space*ed wood
who wrote & drew the strip cartoon peanuts*charles schulz
who wrote '1984'*george orwell
who wrote '2001 '*arthur c. clarke
who wrote '2001: a space odyssey'*arthur c clarke
who wrote 'a brief history of time'*stephen hawking
who wrote 'a christmas carol'*charles dickens
who wrote 'a christmas carole'*charles dickens
who wrote 'a clockwork orange'*anthony burgess
who wrote 'a streetcar named desire' in 1947*tennesee williams
who wrote 'a tale of two cities'*charles dickens
who wrote 'a testament of youth'*vera brittain
who wrote 'a world restored: europe after napoleon'*henry kissinger
who wrote 'across the river and into the trees'*ernest hemmingway
who wrote 'alexander's ragtime band'*irving berlin
who wrote 'alice in wonderland'*lewis carroll
who wrote 'ancient evenings'*norman mailer
who wrote 'andromeda strain'*michael crichton
who wrote 'animal farm'*george orwell
who wrote 'aulularia'*plautus
who wrote 'beach music'*pat conroy
who wrote 'black beauty'*anne sewell
who wrote 'bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven'*william wordsworth
who wrote 'born free', 'living free' & 'forever free'*joy adamson
who wrote 'born free', 'living free' & 'forever free'*joy adamson
who wrote 'born free', 'living free' and 'forever free'*joy adamson
who wrote 'brave new world'*aldous huxley
who wrote 'candide'*voltaire
who wrote 'casey at the bat'*ernest thayer
who wrote 'catch-22'*joseph heller
who wrote 'confessions of an english opium eater'*thomas de quincey
who wrote 'crime & punishment' & 'the brothers kamarazov'*fyodor dostoevsky
who wrote 'crime and punishment'*fedor dostoevsky
who wrote 'crime and punishment' and 'the brothers kamarazov'*fyodor dostoevsky
who wrote 'cruel shoes'*steve martin
who wrote 'damn yankees' in 1955*george abbott
who wrote 'das kapital'*karl marx
who wrote 'death of a salesman' in 1949*arthur miller
who wrote 'doctor zhivago'*boris pasternak
who wrote 'dombey and son'*charles dickens
who wrote 'don quixote'*cervantes
who wrote 'dracula'*bram stoker
who wrote 'dyskolos'*menander
who wrote 'ender's game'*orson scott card
who wrote 'everyone lives by selling something'*robert louis stevenson
who wrote 'everything you always wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask'*dr david reuben
who wrote 'farwell to arms'*ernest hemingway
who wrote 'for whom the bell tolls'*ernest hemingway
who wrote 'frankenstein'*mary shelley
who wrote 'from the earth to the moon'*jules verne
who wrote 'funerals are fatal'*agatha christie
who wrote 'gentlemen prefer blondes'*anita loos
who wrote 'gone with the wind'*margaret mitchell
who wrote 'great expectations'*charles dickens
who wrote 'hedda gabler'*henrik ibsen
who wrote 'high fidelity'*nick hornby
who wrote 'how to win friends and influence people'*dale carnegie
who wrote 'humboldt's gift'*saul bellow
who wrote 'i robot' and 'the foundation trilogy'*isaac asimov
who wrote 'i, claudius'*robert graves
who wrote 'in search of excellence'*tom peters
who wrote 'ivanhoe'*sir walter scott
who wrote 'jane eyre'*charlotte bronte
who wrote 'juno' and 'paycock'*sean o'casey
who wrote 'la traviata'*guiseppe verdi
who wrote 'les miserables'*victor hugo
who wrote 'little lamb, who made thee'*william blake
who wrote 'little women'*louisa m. alcott
who wrote 'look back in anger'*john osborne
who wrote 'lords and ladies' and 'eric'*terry pratchett
who wrote 'lucky jim'*kingsley amis
who wrote 'maple leaf rag'*scott joplin
who wrote 'martin chuzzlewit'*charles dickens
who wrote 'mein kampf'*adolf hitler
who wrote 'moby dick'*herman melville
who wrote 'moll flanders'*daniel defoe
who wrote 'monkey time'*curtis mayfield
who wrote 'moon river' with henry mancini*john mercer
who wrote 'moon river' with john mercer*henry mancini
who wrote 'nicholas nickleby'*charles dickens
who wrote 'no man is an island...never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee'*donne
who wrote 'northanger abbey' and 'mansfield park'*jane austen
who wrote 'old man and the sea'*hemingway
who wrote 'old possum's book of practical cats'*ts eliot
who wrote 'on the origin of species' accepting all living things evolved from earlier forms*charles darwin
who wrote 'paradise lost'*john milton
who wrote 'pet semetry'*stephen king
who wrote 'peyton place'*grace metalious
who wrote 'phormio'*terence
who wrote 'psycho'*alfred hitchcock
who wrote 'rendezvous with rama'*sir arthur c. clarke
who wrote 'roll over beethoven'*chuck berry
who wrote 'salesman in beijing', which was published in 1984*arthur miller
who wrote 'sexual behavior in the human male' in 1948*alfred kinsey
who wrote 'shirley valentine'*willy russell
who wrote 'shogun'*james clavell
who wrote 'silas marner'*george eliot
who wrote 'sleepers'*lorenzo carcaterra
who wrote 'ss-gb'*len deighton
who wrote 'star trek iii: the search for spock'*vonda mcintryre
who wrote 'stardust'*hoagy carmichael
who wrote 'ten little indians?'*agatha christie
who wrote 'testament of youth' and 'testament of experience'*vera brittain
who wrote 'the adventures of huckleberry finn'*mark twain
who wrote 'the agony & the ecstasy'*irving stone
who wrote 'the agony and the ecstasy'*irving stone
who wrote 'the analects'*confucius
who wrote 'the ascent of man'*jacob bronowski
who wrote 'the babysitter's club' series*ann m. martin
who wrote 'the birds'*alfred hitchcock
who wrote 'the black prince', 'the sea the sea', and 'the philosopher's pupil'*iris murdoch
who wrote 'the camomile lawn'*mary wesley
who wrote 'the canterbury tales'*geoffrey chaucer
who wrote 'the catcher in the rye'*j.d. salinger
who wrote 'the cherry orchard'*anton chekov
who wrote 'the city of god'*saint augustine
who wrote 'the clouds'*aristophanes
who wrote 'the common sense book of baby and child care'*benjamin spock
who wrote 'the complete book of running'*jim fixx
who wrote 'the corn is green'*emlyn williams
who wrote 'the count of monte-christo'*dumas
who wrote 'the day of the jackal'*frederick forsyth
who wrote 'the descent of man'*charles darwin
who wrote 'the dragons of eden'*carl sagan
who wrote 'the emporers new clothes'*hans christian anderson
who wrote 'the female eunuch'*germaine greer
who wrote 'the fountainhead'*ayn rand
who wrote 'the four just men'*edgar wallace
who wrote 'the french lieutenant's woman'*john fowles
who wrote 'the glass menagerie'*tennessee williams
who wrote 'the glass menagerie' and 'cat on a hot tin roof'*tennesee williams
who wrote 'the godfather'*mario puzo
who wrote 'the grapes of wrath'*john steinbeck
who wrote 'the great gatsby'*f. scott fitzgerald
who wrote 'the grinch who stole christmas'*dr seuss
who wrote 'the happy hooker'*xaviera hollander
who wrote 'the happy prince'*oscar wilde
who wrote 'the hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy'*douglas adams
who wrote 'the hobbit'*j.r.r tolkien
who wrote 'the hunchback of notre dame' & 'les miserables'*victor hugo
who wrote 'the iliad'*homer
who wrote 'the invisible man'*h.g wells
who wrote 'the james bond theme'*monty norman
who wrote 'the joy of sex'*alex comfort
who wrote 'the kitchen god's wife'*amy tan
who wrote 'the learning tree'*gordon parks jr
who wrote 'the life and opinions of tristram shandy, gent'*laurence sterne
who wrote 'the lion, the witch and the wardrobe*c.s.lewis
who wrote 'the lost world'*michael crichton
who wrote 'the maltese falcon'*dashiell hammett
who wrote 'the marriage of figaro'*mozart
who wrote 'the moor's last sigh'*salman rushdie
who wrote 'the naked ape'*desmond morris
who wrote 'the nine tailors'*dorothy l sayers
who wrote 'the old man and the sea'*ernest hemingway
who wrote 'the old man of lochnagar'*prince charles
who wrote 'the outcast of the islands'*joseph conrad
who wrote 'the pickwick papers'*charles dickens
who wrote 'the picture of dorian grey'*oscar wilde
who wrote 'the professor'*charlotte bronte
who wrote 'the raven' and 'the fall of the house of usher'*edgar allen poe
who wrote 'the red-headed league''*arthur conan doyle
who wrote 'the rime of the ancient mariner?'*samuel taylor coleridge
who wrote 'the rose tattoo'*tennessee williams
who wrote 'the satanic verses'*salman rushdie
who wrote 'the scarlatti inheritance'*robert ludlum
who wrote 'the silmarillion'*j.r.r. tolkien
who wrote 'the spy who came in from the cold*john le carre
who wrote 'the starry messenger'*galileo
who wrote 'the sun also rises'*ernest hemingway
who wrote 'the sweater', a favourite children's story about rocket richard*roch carrier
who wrote 'the tale of genji' the world's first novel*lady murasaki
who wrote 'the tale of tom kitten'*beatrix potter
who wrote 'the third man' and 'our man in havana'*graham greene
who wrote 'the time machine'*h.g wells
who wrote 'the wealth of nations'*adam smith
who wrote 'the wind in the willows'*kenneth grahame
who wrote 'the witches of eastwick'*john updike
who wrote 'three lives'*gertrude stein
who wrote 'three men in a boat'*jerome k jerome
who wrote 'time and the conways'*j b priestley
who wrote 'titus groan'*mervyn peake
who wrote 'to kill a mockingbird'*harper lee
who wrote 'to the ends of the earth'*david yallop
who wrote 'treasure island'*robert louis stevenson
who wrote 'under milk wood'*dylan thomas
who wrote 'unsafe at any speed'*ralph nader
who wrote 'valley of the dolls'*jacqueline susann
who wrote 'watership down'*richard adams
who wrote 'weird harold and fat albert'*bill cosby
who wrote 'when angry, count a hundred. when very angry, swear'*mark twain
who wrote 'why england slept'*john f. kennedy
who wrote 'words of love' that the beatles recorded*buddy holly
who wrote 'wuthering heights'*emily bronte
who wrote 'xanth'*piers anthony
who wrote 'young lonigan' as his first novel*james farrell
who wrote 1950's 'dianetics: the modern science of mental health'*l. ron hubbard
who wrote 1984*george orwell
who wrote 20,000 leagues under the sea*jules verne
who wrote 2001 a space oddesy*arthur c clarke
who wrote 2001, a space odyssey*arthur c clarke
who wrote 3 symphonies in 42 days*mozart
who wrote _dido_ and _pa*joan aiken
who wrote a best-selling autobiography called 'addicted' in 1998*tony adams
who wrote a bird of bagdad*o. henry
who wrote a bit o' love*john galsworthy
who wrote a book entitled 'the north pole' published in 1910*robert peary
who wrote a book entitled the north pole published in 1910*robert peary
who wrote a brief history of time*stephan hawkins
who wrote a buckeye hollow inheritance*bret harte
who wrote a call to my countrywomen*gail hamilton
who wrote a case of identity*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote a century of roundels*algernon charles swineburne
who wrote a changed man, and other tales*thomas hardy
who wrote a charmed life*richard harding davis
who wrote a child's garden of verses*robert louis stevenson
who wrote a child's history of england*charles dickens
who wrote a christmas carol*charles dickens
who wrote a classic of the sea*jack london
who wrote a confession*lev nikolayevich tolstoy
who wrote a damsel in distress*pelham grenville wodehouse
who wrote a dark night's work*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote a daughter of eve*honore de balzac
who wrote a daughter of the aurora*jack london
who wrote a daughter of the land*gene stratton-porter
who wrote a defence of poesie and poems*sir philip sidney
who wrote a diary entitled 'five years of my life' at the beginning of this century*alfred dreyfus
who wrote a distinguished provincial at paris*honore de balzac
who wrote a drama on the seashore*honore de balzac
who wrote a dream of armageddon*herbert george wells
who wrote a dream of john ball: a king's lesson*william morris
who wrote a dreary story*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote a drift from redwood park*bret harte
who wrote a fair penitent*wilkie collins
who wrote a farewell to arms*ernest hemingway
who wrote a florentine tragedy*oscar wilde
who wrote a footnote to history : eight years of trouble in samoa*robert louis stevenson
who wrote a formidable weapon*patrick henry woodward
who wrote a girl of the limberlost*gene stratton-porter
who wrote a group of noble dames*thomas hardy
who wrote a hazard of new fortunes*william dean howells
who wrote a history of english speaking peoples*winston churchill
who wrote a history of science (in four volumes)*henry smith williams
who wrote a house of pomegranates*oscar wilde
who wrote a house to let*charles dickens
who wrote a hyperborean brew*jack london
who wrote a journal of the plague year, written by a citizen who continued all the while in london*daniel dafoe
who wrote a journey in other worlds*john jacob astor
who wrote a journey to the centre of the earth*jules verne
who wrote a kidnapped santa claus*lyman frank baum
who wrote a kind of loving*stan barstow
who wrote a knight-errant of the foot-hills*bret harte
who wrote a lady's story*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote a laodicean : a story of to-day*thomas hardy
who wrote a legend of montrose*sir walter scott
who wrote a lodging for the night*robert louis stevenson
who wrote a lover's complaint*william shakespeare
who wrote a malefactor*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote a man of business*honore de balzac
who wrote a man of the people*chinua achebe
who wrote a mercury of the foot-hills*bret harte
who wrote a message from the sea*charles dickens
who wrote a midsummer night's dream*william shakespeare
who wrote a millionaire of rough-and-ready*bret harte
who wrote a miscellany of men*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote a modest proposal*jonathan swift
who wrote a monk of fife*andrew lang
who wrote a mortal antipathy : first opening of the new portfolio*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote a municipal report*o. henry
who wrote a nervous breakdown*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote a night in new arabia*o. henry
who wrote a pair of blue eyes*thomas hardy
who wrote a parody outline of history*donald ogden stewart
who wrote a passion in the desert*honore de balzac
who wrote a personal record*joseph conrad
who wrote a phyllis of the sierras*bret harte
who wrote a play called 'man and superman'*george bernard shaw
who wrote a plea for old cap collier*irvin shrewsbury cobb
who wrote a poem about his raven*edgar allen poe
who wrote a poor wise man*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote a prince of bohemia*honore de balzac
who wrote a princess of mars*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote a protegee of jack hamlin's; jeff brigg's love story*bret harte
who wrote a psychological counter-current in recent fiction*william dean howells
who wrote a question of latitude*richard harding davis
who wrote a ramble in aphasia*o. henry
who wrote a relic of the pliocene*jack london
who wrote a rogue's life*wilkie collins
who wrote a room with a view*edward morgan forster
who wrote a sappho of green springs*bret harte
who wrote a scandal in bohemia*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote a second home*honore de balzac
who wrote a secret of telegraph hill*bret harte
who wrote a series of novels about c.i.a. analyst, jack ryan*tom clancy
who wrote a series of stories about the character father brown*g k chesterton
who wrote a set of six*joseph conrad
who wrote a simpleton*charles reade
who wrote a spasm of sense*gail hamilton
who wrote a start in life*honore de balzac
who wrote a straight deal*owen wister
who wrote a study in scarlet*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote a tale of two cities*charles dickens
who wrote a terribly strange bed*wilkie collins
who wrote a total of 54 western romances*zane grey
who wrote a tragic actor*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote a transgression*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote a treatise on good works*martin luther
who wrote a waif of the plains*bret harte
who wrote a ward of colonel starbottle's*bret harte
who wrote a ward of the golden gate*bret harte
who wrote a wasted day*richard harding davis
who wrote a wicked woman (curtain raiser)*jack london
who wrote a wish unexpectedly granted*patrick henry woodward
who wrote a woman of no importance*oscar wilde
who wrote a woman of thirty*honore de balzac
who wrote a woman-hater*charles reade
who wrote a yellow god : an idol of africa*henry rider haggard
who wrote a young girl's diary*a young girl
who wrote a. v. laider*sir max beerbohm
who wrote about 'anarchism'*michael bakunin
who wrote about a british agent named george smiley*john le carr
who wrote about a frog called dan'l from calaveras county*mark twain
who wrote about love*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote above life's turmoil*james allen
who wrote across the plains*robert louis stevenson
who wrote addresses*henry drummond
who wrote adventure*jack london
who wrote adventures among books*andrew lang
who wrote adventures in the secret service of the post-office department*patrick henry woodward
who wrote after dark*wilkie collins
who wrote after the theatre*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote agafya*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote agesilaus*xenophon
who wrote aids to scouting and scouting for boys*lord baden powell
who wrote alexander's bridge*willa sibert cather
who wrote ali pacha*alexandre dumas
who wrote alice's adventures in wonderland*lewis carroll
who wrote all for love*john dryden
who wrote all god's children need traveling shoes*maya angelou
who wrote all gold canyon*jack london
who wrote all the year round: contributions*charles dickens
who wrote allan quatermain*henry rider haggard
who wrote allan's wife*henry rider haggard
who wrote almayer's folly: a story of an eastern river*joseph conrad
who wrote aloha oe*jack london
who wrote amateur night*jack london
who wrote american newspaper*charles dudley warner
who wrote amy foster*joseph conrad
who wrote an accursed race*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote an ali baba of the sierras*bret harte
who wrote an aspirant for congress*patrick henry woodward
who wrote an episode under the terror*honore de balzac
who wrote an erring shepard*patrick henry woodward
who wrote an historical mystery*honore de balzac
who wrote an ideal husband*oscar wilde
who wrote an inland voyage*robert louis stevenson
who wrote an odyssey of the north*jack london
who wrote an old game revived*patrick henry woodward
who wrote an old maid*honore de balzac
who wrote an old town by the sea*thomas bailey aldrich
who wrote an old-fashioned girl*louisa may alcott
who wrote an open-eyed conspiracy; an idyl of saratoga*william dean howells
who wrote an outcast of the islands*joseph conrad
who wrote an unsocial socialist*george bernard shaw
who wrote and directed the 1977 film 'annie hall'*woody allen
who wrote and even now*sir max beerbohm
who wrote and performed the song 'poisoning pigeons in the park'*tom lehrer
who wrote and performed the theme song from chico & the man*jose feliciano
who wrote and popularized the christmas song `feliz navidad`*jose feliciano
who wrote and preformed the soundtrack for live and let die*paul mccartney and wings
who wrote and produced bright eyes for art garfunkel*mike batt
who wrote and recorded 'streets of philadelphia' the theme song for the film philadelphia*bruce springsteen
who wrote and sang 'annie's song'*john denver
who wrote and sang blue suede shoes*carl perkins
who wrote andreas hofer*luise muhlbach
who wrote angling sketches*andrew lang
who wrote animal heroes*ernest thompson seton
who wrote ann veronica, a modern love story*herbert george wells
who wrote anna karenina*leo tolstoy
who wrote antony and cleopatra*william shakespeare
who wrote april hopes*william dean howells
who wrote armadale*wilkie collins
who wrote arms and the man*george bernard shaw
who wrote as a man thinketh*james allen
who wrote as we go*charles dudley warner
who wrote as we were saying*charles dudley warner
who wrote as you like it*william shakespeare
who wrote at christmas time*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote at the back of the north wind*george macdonald
who wrote at the earth's core*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote at the foot of the rainbow*gene stratton-porter
who wrote at the rainbow's end*jack london
who wrote at the sign of the cat & racket*honore de balzac
who wrote aucassin and nicolete*andrew lang
who wrote augustus does his bit*george bernard shaw
who wrote auld lang syne*robert burns
who wrote autobiography and selected essays*thomas henry huxley
who wrote autobiography of a pocket-handkerchief*james fenimore cooper
who wrote autocrat of the breakfast table*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote bab: a sub-deb*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote babes in the jungle*o. henry
who wrote backlog studies*charles dudley warner
who wrote baddeck, and that sort of thing*charles dudley warner
who wrote ballad of reading gaol*oscar wilde
who wrote ballads*robert louis stevenson
who wrote ballads in blue china*andrew lang
who wrote ballads of a bohemian*robert william service
who wrote ballads of a cheechako*robert william service
who wrote bambi*felix salten
who wrote ban and arriere ban*andrew lang
who wrote barnaby rudge : a tale of the riots of 'eighty*charles dickens
who wrote barometer rising*hugh maclennan
who wrote batard*jack london
who wrote battle of the books and other short pieces*jonathan swift
who wrote beatrice*henry rider haggard
who wrote beatrix*honore de balzac
who wrote before adam*jack london
who wrote being a boy*charles dudley warner
who wrote benita, an african romance*henry rider haggard
who wrote beowulf*anonymous
who wrote bernice bobs her hair*f. scott fitzgerald
who wrote betty zane*zane grey
who wrote beyond*john galsworthy
who wrote beyond the city*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote bhowani junction*john masters
who wrote bickerstaff-partridge papers*jonathan swift
who wrote billy and the big stick*richard harding davis
who wrote billy budd*herman melville
who wrote black beauty*anna sewell
who wrote black heart and white heart*henry rider haggard
who wrote black rock : a tale of the selkirks*ralph connor
who wrote bleak house*charles dickens
who wrote bobbsey twins in the country*sir anthony hope
who wrote bonheur d'occasion*gabrielle roy
who wrote book of the thousand nights and a night*anonymous
who wrote books and bookmen*andrew lang
who wrote bourgonef*anonymous
who wrote boyhood*lev nikolayevich tolstoy
who wrote brave new world*aldous huxley
who wrote breakfast at tiffany's*truman capote
who wrote bride of lammermoor*sir walter scott
who wrote brideshead revisited*evelyn waugh
who wrote bridget jones' diarv*helen fielding
who wrote briefe aus der schweiz*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote bureaucracy*honore de balzac
who wrote burning daylight*jack london
who wrote by shore and sedge*bret harte
who wrote cabbages and kings*o. henry
who wrote caesar and cleopatra*george bernard shaw
who wrote camilla's concert*gail hamilton
who wrote camille*alexandre dumas
who wrote candide*voltaire
who wrote canterbury tales, and other poems*geoffrey chaucer
who wrote captain brassbound's conversion*george bernard shaw
who wrote captain jim's friend*bret harte
who wrote captain john smith*charles dudley warner
who wrote case of the pool of blood in the pastor's study*auguste groner
who wrote cast upon the breakers*horatio alger
who wrote catherine de medici*honore de balzac
who wrote catriona*robert louis stevenson
who wrote causes of discontent*charles dudley warner
who wrote cavelleria rusticana*mascagni
who wrote celebrated crimes*alexandre dumas
who wrote cenci*alexandre dumas
who wrote champagne*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote chance*joseph conrad
who wrote chants for socialists*william morris
who wrote character*samuel smiles
who wrote charmides and other poems*oscar wilde
who wrote chastelard, a tragedy*algernon charles swineburne
who wrote cheri*gail hamilton
who wrote child christopher and goldilind the fair*william morris
who wrote child of storm*henry rider haggard
who wrote childhood*lev nikolayevich tolstoy
who wrote christ in flanders*honore de balzac
who wrote christie johnstone*charles reade
who wrote chronicles of the canongate*sir walter scott
who wrote chun ah chun*jack london
who wrote cinderella*anonymous
who wrote clarence*bret harte
who wrote cleopatra*henry rider haggard
who wrote clever woman of the family*charlotte mary young
who wrote clouds*aristophanes
who wrote cobb's anatomy*irvin shrewsbury cobb
who wrote collodi, carlo*wilkie collins
who wrote colonel chabert*honore de balzac
who wrote colonel starbottle for the plaintiff*bret harte
who wrote colonel starbottle's client*bret harte
who wrote commentary on galatians*martin luther
who wrote complete essays*charles dudley warner
who wrote complete march family trilogy*william dean howells
who wrote complete project gutenberg john galsworthy works*john galsworthy
who wrote complete works*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote compliments of the season*o. henry
who wrote concerning christian liberty*martin luther
who wrote conditions of existence as affecting the perpetuation of living beings*thomas henry huxley
who wrote coral and coral reefs*thomas henry huxley
who wrote coral reefs*charles darwin
who wrote coriolanus*william shakespeare
who wrote corporal cameron of the north west mounted police; a tale of the macleod trail*ralph connor
who wrote count kostia*victor cherbuliez
who wrote count moscow's narrative*bret harte
who wrote countess kate*charlotte mary young
who wrote country legend george jones' first hit, white lightning*big bopper
who wrote cousin betty*honore de balzac
who wrote cousin pons*honore de balzac
who wrote cranford*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote crime and punishment*fyodor dostoyevsky
who wrote criticism and fiction*william dean howells
who wrote criticism on 'the origin of species'*thomas henry huxley
who wrote cromwell*william shakespeare
who wrote cruise of the dolphin*thomas bailey aldrich
who wrote cuchulainn of muirtheimhne*lady gregory
who wrote cyborg*martin caidin
who wrote cymbeline*william shakespeare
who wrote cyprus, as i saw it in 1879*samuel white baker
who wrote cyropaedia: the education of cyrus*xenophon
who wrote daddy-long-legs*jean webster
who wrote damaged goods; the great play 'les avaries' by brieux, novelized with the approval of the author*upton sinclair
who wrote danny's own story*don marquis
who wrote daphne, an autumn pastoral*margaret pollock sherwood
who wrote dark lady of the sonnets*george bernard shaw
who wrote das kapital*karl marx
who wrote david copperfield*charles dickens
who wrote david elginbrod*george macdonald
who wrote days with sir roger de coverley*joseph addison
who wrote de bello gallico*julius caesar
who wrote de profundis, being the first complete and accurate version of 'epistola in carcere et vinculis,' the last prose work in english of oscar wilde*oscar wilde
who wrote dead souls*nikolai vasilevich gogol
who wrote death of a salesman*arthur miller
who wrote death of the laird's jock*sir walter scott
who wrote deirdre of the sorrows*john millington synge
who wrote democracy ~ an american novel*henry adams
who wrote derrick vaughan, novelist*edna lyall
who wrote derues*alexandre dumas
who wrote desert gold*zane grey
who wrote desperate remedies*thomas hardy
who wrote devil's ford*bret harte
who wrote dick boyle's business card*bret harte
who wrote dickory cronke*daniel dafoe
who wrote die geschwister*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote die leiden des jungen werther*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote die wahlverwandtschaften*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote difficult people*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote dionne warwick's 'walk on by' and 'say a little prayer'*burt
who wrote discourses on satire and on epic poetry*john dryden
who wrote diversities of american life*charles dudley warner
who wrote doctor marigold*charles dickens
who wrote dolly dialogues*sir anthony hope
who wrote dombey and son*charles dickens
who wrote domestic peace*honore de balzac
who wrote donal grant, by george macdonald*george macdonald
who wrote doom of the griffiths*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote dope*sax rohmer
who wrote dorothy and the wizard in oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote down his 'reflections on the revolution in france'*edmund burke
who wrote dr zhivago*boris pasternak
who wrote dr. breen's practice*william dean howells
who wrote dr. diggs's statement*bret harte
who wrote dr. faustus*christopher marlowe
who wrote dr. jekyll and mr. hyde*robert louis stevenson
who wrote dracula*bram stoker
who wrote dreams and dust*don marquis
who wrote drift from two shores*bret harte
who wrote driven from home, or carl crawford's experience*horatio alger
who wrote droll stories*honore de balzac
who wrote early kings of norway*thomas carlyle
who wrote edinburgh picturesque notes*robert louis stevenson
who wrote education of the negro*charles dudley warner
who wrote egmont*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote eight years' wanderings in ceylon*samuel white baker
who wrote el verdugo*honore de balzac
who wrote elinor wyllys*susan fenimore cooper
who wrote elissa*henry rider haggard
who wrote elizabeth and her german garden*elizabeth von arnim
who wrote elsie venner*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote eminent victorians*lytton strachey
who wrote emma*jane austen
who wrote england*charles dudley warner
who wrote enoch soames: a memory of the eighteen-nineties*sir max beerbohm
who wrote equality*charles dudley warner
who wrote eric brighteyes*henry rider haggard
who wrote essays in little*andrew lang
who wrote eugenie grandet*honore de balzac
who wrote eve and david*honore de balzac
who wrote everybody's business is nobody's business*daniel dafoe
who wrote evidence as to man's place in nature*thomas henry huxley
who wrote evil to him who evil thinks*richard harding davis
who wrote evolution and ethics*thomas henry huxley
who wrote evolution of theology: an anthropological study*thomas henry huxley
who wrote experiences of a bandmaster*john philip sousa
who wrote facino cane*honore de balzac
who wrote fahrenheit 451*ray bradbury
who wrote falk*joseph conrad
who wrote far from the madding crowd*thomas hardy
who wrote fashions in literature*charles dudley warner
who wrote father damien, an open letter to the reverend dr. hyde of honolulu*robert louis stevenson
who wrote faust: der tragoedie*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote female suffrage: a letter to the christian women of america*susan fenimore cooper
who wrote fennel and rue*william dean howells
who wrote ferragus*honore de balzac
who wrote filmer*herbert george wells
who wrote finished*henry rider haggard
who wrote finnegan's wake in 1939*james joyce
who wrote fire-tongue*sax rohmer
who wrote five tales*john galsworthy
who wrote five weeks in a balloon*jules verne
who wrote flatland*edwin a. abbott
who wrote flauberts parrot and england, england*julian barnes
who wrote flip, a california romance*bret harte
who wrote floor games; a companion volume to 'little wars'*herbert george wells
who wrote flower fables*louisa may alcott
who wrote flowers for algernon*daniel keys
who wrote flush of gold*jack london
who wrote foolish dictionary, the: an exhausting work of reference to un-certain english words, their origin, meaning, legitimate and illegitimate use, confused by a few pictures*gideon wurdz
who wrote for whom shakespeare wrote*charles dudley warner
who wrote for whom the bell tolls'*ernest hemmingway
who wrote formation of vegetable mould : through the action of earth worms, with observations on their habits*charles darwin
who wrote foul play*charles reade
who wrote found at blazing star*bret harte
who wrote four horses and a sailor*jack london
who wrote four short plays*john galsworthy
who wrote frances waldeaux*rebecca harding davis
who wrote frank's campaign, or, farm and camp*horatio alger
who wrote frankenstein*mary shelley
who wrote fraternity*john galsworthy
who wrote fraudulent spiritualism unveiled*david p. abbott
who wrote freckles*gene stratton-porter
who wrote frederick the great and his family*luise muhlbach
who wrote frivolous cupid*sir anthony hope
who wrote from london to land's end*daniel dafoe
who wrote from the earth to the moon; and round the moon*jules verne
who wrote from this moment on*cole porter
who wrote from twice told tales*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote gadsby in 1939*ernest vincent wright
who wrote gala-days*gail hamilton
who wrote gambara*honore de balzac
who wrote gaudissart ii*honore de balzac
who wrote generation x*douglas coupland
who wrote geological contemporaniety and persistent types of life*thomas henry huxley
who wrote geological observations on south america*charles darwin
who wrote george silverman's explanation*charles dickens
who wrote ghamba*scully, william charles
who wrote glengarry school days : a story of early days in glengarry*ralph connor
who wrote glinda of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote gobseck*honore de balzac
who wrote god the invisible king*herbert george wells
who wrote goetz von berlichingen*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote going into society*charles dickens
who wrote good-by, jack*jack london
who wrote goodbye mr chips*james hilton
who wrote gooseberries*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote grand inquisitor*fyodor dostoyevsky
who wrote grand'ther baldwin's thanksgiving with other ballads and poems*horatio alger
who wrote grandfather's chair*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote grass of parnassus*andrew lang
who wrote great catherine*george bernard shaw
who wrote great expectations*charles dickens
who wrote greyfriars bobby*eleanor stackhouse atkinson
who wrote grimm's fairy tales*jacob grimm
who wrote grit of women*jack london
who wrote gulliver of mars*edwin lester linden arnold
who wrote gulliver's travels*jonathan swift
who wrote gusev*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote guy heavystone*bret harte
who wrote guy mannering*sir walter scott
who wrote half a life-time ago*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote hamlet, prince of denmark*william shakespeare
who wrote handsome is as handsome does*bret harte
who wrote happiest days*gail hamilton
who wrote happiness*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote happy hawkins*robert alexander wason
who wrote hard cash*charles reade
who wrote hard times*charles dickens
who wrote hasisadra's adventure*thomas henry huxley
who wrote heart of the west*o. henry
who wrote heartbreak house*george bernard shaw
who wrote heartsease, or, the brother's wife*charlotte mary young
who wrote heidi*johanna spyri
who wrote helen of troy*andrew lang
who wrote hellenica*xenophon
who wrote henri iii et sa cour*alexandre dumas
who wrote henry iv*william shakespeare
who wrote henry v*william shakespeare
who wrote henry vi*william shakespeare
who wrote henry viii*william shakespeare
who wrote henry viii and his court*luise muhlbach
who wrote her father's daughter*gene stratton-porter
who wrote heretics*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote heritage of the desert*zane grey
who wrote hermann and dorothea*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote hermione's group of thinkers*don marquis
who wrote hiero*xenophon
who wrote hilary maltby and stephen braxton*sir max beerbohm
who wrote his last bow*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote his thoughts in a little red book*chairman mao
who wrote history of friedrich ii of prussia*thomas carlyle
who wrote history of troilus and cressida*william shakespeare
who wrote hobson's choice*harold brighouse
who wrote holiday romance*charles dickens
who wrote honorine*honore de balzac
who wrote hope, laura lee*sir anthony hope
who wrote horror: a true tale*anonymous
who wrote house of the seven gables*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote how great is the glory of kwannon!*lily moresby adams beck
who wrote how he lied to her husband*george bernard shaw
who wrote how spirits materialize*anonymous
who wrote how spring came in new england*charles dudley warner
who wrote how the two ivans quarrelled*nikolai vasilevich gogol
who wrote how to fail in literature; a lecture*andrew lang
who wrote howards end*edward morgan forster
who wrote hunter quatermain's story*henry rider haggard
who wrote i say no*wilkie collins
who wrote i, claudius*robert graves
who wrote in 'sonnets from the portuguese 'how do i love thee*let me count the ways.''
who wrote in 1831 the opera anna bolena which describes the life and times of henry viii's second wife*donizetti
who wrote in a far country*jack london
who wrote in a hollow of the hills*bret harte
who wrote in exile*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote in shadow of the glen*john millington synge
who wrote in the carquinez woods*bret harte
who wrote in the coach-house*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote in the heart of africa*samuel white baker
who wrote in the ravine*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote in the south seas*robert louis stevenson
who wrote in the wilderness*charles dudley warner
who wrote incognita; or, love and duty reconcil'd*william congreve
who wrote indeterminate sentence*charles dudley warner
who wrote industrial biography, iron workers and tool makers*samuel smiles
who wrote inn of tranquillity*john galsworthy
who wrote intentions*oscar wilde
who wrote introduction to the compleat angler*andrew lang
who wrote iphigenie auf tauris*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote irish fairy tales*james stephens
who wrote island nights' entertainments*robert louis stevenson
who wrote ismailia*samuel white baker
who wrote it doesn't matter anymore for buddy holly*paul anka
who wrote it: who wrote 'octopus's garden'*ringo starr
who wrote italienische reise*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote ivanhoe*sir walter scott
who wrote ivanoff*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote ivenhoe*sir walter scott
who wrote jack and jill*louisa may alcott
who wrote james pethel*sir max beerbohm
who wrote jan, the unrepentant*jack london
who wrote jasmin: barber, poet, philanthropist*samuel smiles
who wrote jeff briggs's love story*bret harte
who wrote jeremy*sir hugh walpole
who wrote jerry of the islands*jack london
who wrote jezebel's daughter*wilkie collins
who wrote jimmy goggles the god*herbert george wells
who wrote jo's boys*louisa may alcott
who wrote joan of naples*alexandre dumas
who wrote joe the hotel boy*horatio alger
who wrote john barleycorn*jack london
who wrote john bull's other island*george bernard shaw
who wrote john jenkins*bret harte
who wrote jonah*louis stone
who wrote joy*john galsworthy
who wrote juana*honore de balzac
who wrote jude the obscure*thomas hardy
who wrote julius caesar*william shakespeare
who wrote julius caesar, macbeth and hamlet*shakespeare
who wrote jungle tales of tarzan*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote junius and lord lyttelton's ghost*andrew lang
who wrote justice*john galsworthy
who wrote kama sutra*mallanaga vatsyayana
who wrote karl ludwig sand*alexandre dumas
who wrote kenilworth*sir walter scott
who wrote kidnapped*robert louis stevenson
who wrote king edward iii*william shakespeare
who wrote king henry iv*william shakespeare
who wrote king henry v*william shakespeare
who wrote king henry vi*william shakespeare
who wrote king henry viii*william shakespeare
who wrote king john*william shakespeare
who wrote king lear*william shakespeare
who wrote king richard ii*william shakespeare
who wrote king richard iii*william shakespeare
who wrote king solomon's mines*henry rider haggard
who wrote koolau the leper*jack london
who wrote l'abbesse de castro*marie-henri stendhal
who wrote la chartreuse de parme*marie-henri stendhal
who wrote la colmena*cela
who wrote la comtesse de saint-geran*alexandre dumas
who wrote la constantin*alexandre dumas
who wrote la dame aux camelias*alexandre dumas
who wrote la divina commedia*dante alighieri
who wrote la duchesse de palliano*marie-henri stendhal
who wrote la grande breteche*honore de balzac
who wrote la grenadiere*honore de balzac
who wrote la marseillaise*captain claude rouget de lisle
who wrote la sainte courtisane*oscar wilde
who wrote laddie; a true blue story*gene stratton-porter
who wrote lady baltimore*owen wister
who wrote lady betty's indiscretion*anonymous
who wrote lady susan*jane austen
who wrote lady windermere's fan*oscar wilde
who wrote lair of the white worm*bram stoker
who wrote lanty foster's mistake*bret harte
who wrote latter-day pamphlets*thomas carlyle
who wrote lavender and old lace*myrtle reed
who wrote lay morals*robert louis stevenson
who wrote lazarillo de tormes*anonymous
who wrote lazy tour of two idle apprentices*charles dickens
who wrote lectures on evolution*thomas henry huxley
who wrote legends and tales*bret harte
who wrote les cenci*marie-henri stendhal
who wrote les miserables*victor hugo
who wrote letters from the cape*lucie duff gordon
who wrote letters of two brides*honore de balzac
who wrote letters on sweden, norway, and denmark*mary wollstonecraft
who wrote letters to dead authors*andrew lang
who wrote life and adventures of santa claus*lyman frank baum
who wrote life in the iron-mills; or the korl woman*rebecca harding davis
who wrote life of bunyan*james hamilton
who wrote life of charlotte bronte*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote life of john sterling*thomas carlyle
who wrote life's little ironies*thomas hardy
who wrote light of the western stars*zane grey
who wrote lilith, a romance*george macdonald
who wrote lin mclean*owen wister
who wrote lion and the unicorn*richard harding davis
who wrote literary boston as i knew it*william dean howells
who wrote literary copyright*charles dudley warner
who wrote little dorrit*charles dickens
who wrote little journey in the world*charles dudley warner
who wrote little lord fauntleroy in 1886*frances hodgson burnett
who wrote little men*louisa may alcott
who wrote little novels*wilkie collins
who wrote little white bird; or, the adventures in kensington gardens*sir james matthew barrie
who wrote little women*louisa may alcott
who wrote lizzie leigh*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote local color*jack london
who wrote locrine/mucedorus*william shakespeare
who wrote locrine: a tragedy*algernon charles swineburne
who wrote lolita*vladimir nabokov
who wrote london's underworld*thomas holmes
who wrote long live the king!*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote long odds*henry rider haggard
who wrote lord arthur savile's crime*oscar wilde
who wrote lord of the flies*william golding
who wrote lord of the rings*j.r.r. tolkien
who wrote lost face*jack london
who wrote lothow*bret harte
who wrote louis lambert*honore de balzac
who wrote louisa of prussia and her times*luise muhlbach
who wrote louise de la valliere*alexandre dumas
who wrote love and friendship*jane austen
who wrote love eternal*henry rider haggard
who wrote love for love: a comedy*william congreve
who wrote love is all around*reg presley
who wrote love of life and other stories*jack london
who wrote love or fame; and other poems*fannie isabel sherrick
who wrote love's labours lost*william shakespeare
who wrote lucky jim*kingsley amis
who wrote m*a
who wrote macbeth*william shakespeare
who wrote madame bovary*gustave flaubert
who wrote madame firmiani*honore de balzac
who wrote maitre cornelius*honore de balzac
who wrote maiwa's revenge*henry rider haggard
who wrote majorie daw*thomas bailey aldrich
who wrote man and superman*george bernard shaw
who wrote man and wife*wilkie collins
who wrote man of property*john galsworthy
who wrote manalive*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote mansfield park*jane austen
who wrote margaret ogilvy, by her son j. m. barrie*sir james matthew barrie
who wrote margret howth, a story of to-day*rebecca harding davis
who wrote maria, or the wrongs of woman*mary wollstonecraft
who wrote marie*henry rider haggard
who wrote marie antoinette and her son*luise muhlbach
who wrote markheim*robert louis stevenson
who wrote marquise brinvillier*alexandre dumas
who wrote marquise de ganges*alexandre dumas
who wrote martin chuzzlewit*charles dickens
who wrote martin eden*jack london
who wrote martin guerre*alexandre dumas
who wrote maruja*bret harte
who wrote mary barton*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote mary had a little lamb*sarah j. hale
who wrote mary jones's narrative*bret harte
who wrote mary mcgillup*bret harte
who wrote mary musgrave*anonymous
who wrote mary stuart*alexandre dumas
who wrote massacre at paris*christopher marlowe
who wrote massacres of the south*alexandre dumas
who wrote massimilla doni*honore de balzac
who wrote master humphrey's clock*charles dickens
who wrote master of ballantrae*robert louis stevenson
who wrote mauki*jack london
who wrote maurice guest*henry handel richardson
who wrote medical essays, 1842-1882*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote melmoth reconciled*honore de balzac
who wrote memoir of fleeming jenkin*robert louis stevenson
who wrote memoirs of sherlock holmes*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote memories and portraits*robert louis stevenson
who wrote men of invention and industry*samuel smiles
who wrote merry men*robert louis stevenson
who wrote method by which the causes of the present and past conditions of organic nature are to be discovered -- the origination of living beings*thomas henry huxley
who wrote michael, brother of jerry*jack london
who wrote mirc*khaled mardam-bey
who wrote misalliance*george bernard shaw
who wrote miscellaneous papers*charles dickens
who wrote misery*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote miss civilization*richard harding davis
who wrote miss mix*bret harte
who wrote miss or mrs?*wilkie collins
who wrote miss peggy's prot<6F>g<EFBFBD>s*bret harte
who wrote miss winchelsea's heart*herbert george wells
who wrote modern fiction*charles dudley warner
who wrote modeste mignon*honore de balzac
who wrote mohammed ali and his house*luise muhlbach
who wrote moll flanders*daniel defoe
who wrote moments of vision and miscellaneous verses*thomas hardy
who wrote montezuma's daughter*henry rider haggard
who wrote moon of israel*henry rider haggard
who wrote moon-face and other stories*jack london
who wrote moral emblems*robert louis stevenson
who wrote morning star*henry rider haggard
who wrote mosses from an old manse and other stories*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote most of the new testament books*paul
who wrote mother*owen wister
who wrote mountain greenery*rodgers and hart
who wrote mr. brisher's treasure*herbert george wells
who wrote mr. crewe's career*winston churchill
who wrote mr. gladstone and genesis*thomas henry huxley
who wrote mr. jack hamlin's mediation*bret harte
who wrote mr. ledbetter's vacation*herbert george wells
who wrote mr. macglowrie's widow*bret harte
who wrote mr. midshipman breezy*bret harte
who wrote mr. skelmersdale in fairyland*herbert george wells
who wrote mrs. lirriper's legacy*charles dickens
who wrote mrs. lirriper's lodgings*charles dickens
who wrote mrs. skagg's husbands*bret harte
who wrote mrs. warren's profession*george bernard shaw
who wrote much ado about nothing*william shakespeare
who wrote muck-a-muck*bret harte
who wrote mudfog and other sketches*charles dickens
who wrote mugby junction*charles dickens
who wrote murat*alexandre dumas
who wrote my antonia*willa sibert cather
who wrote my aunt margaret's mirror*sir walter scott
who wrote my buried treasure*richard harding davis
who wrote my first visit to new england*william dean howells
who wrote my lady ludlow*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote my lady's money*wilkie collins
who wrote my summer in a garden*charles dudley warner
who wrote m<>a<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>h*richard hooker
who wrote nada, the lily*henry rider haggard
who wrote nan sherwood at pine camp: or, the old lumberman's secret*annie roe carr
who wrote narnia*c.s. lewis
who wrote netochka nezvanova*fyodor dostoyevsky
who wrote never again!*edward carpenter
who wrote new arabian nights*robert louis stevenson
who wrote new york*james fenimore cooper
who wrote news from nowhere, or, an epoch of rest : being some chapters from a utopian romance*william morris
who wrote nicholas nickleby*charles dickens
who wrote night and day*virginia woolf
who wrote nineteen eighty-four*george orwell
who wrote nisida*alexandre dumas
who wrote no name*wilkie collins
who wrote no thoroughfare*charles dickens
who wrote no. 27 limehouse road*bret harte
who wrote northanger abbey*jane austen
who wrote nostromo; a tale of the seaboard*joseph conrad
who wrote note on the resemblances and differences in the structure and the development of the brain in man and apes*thomas henry huxley
who wrote notes of a war correspondent*richard harding davis
who wrote notes on life and letters*joseph conrad
who wrote nothing compares 2u*prince
who wrote nothing that ever came to anything*jack london
who wrote novel and the common school*charles dudley warner
who wrote novelle*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote o pioneers!*willa sibert cather
who wrote o'flaherty v.c. : a recruiting pamphlet*george bernard shaw
who wrote oberon*christoph martin wieland
who wrote ode to a nightingale*keats
who wrote oedipus trilogy*sophocles
who wrote of mice & men*john steinbeck
who wrote of the 'cornhuskers'*carl sandburg
who wrote off on a comet*jules verne
who wrote oh carol for carole klien, later carole king, whom he met at high school*neil sedaka
who wrote old friends, epistolary parody*andrew lang
who wrote old fritz and the new era*luise muhlbach
who wrote old john brown, the man whose soul is marching on*walter hawkins
who wrote oliver twist*charles dickens
who wrote on being found out*william makepeace thackeray
who wrote on heroes and hero worship and the heroic in history*thomas carlyle
who wrote on horseback*charles dudley warner
who wrote on horsemanship*xenophon
who wrote on official duty*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote on revenues*xenophon
who wrote on some fossil remains of man*thomas henry huxley
who wrote on the advisableness of improving natural knowledge*thomas henry huxley
who wrote on the frontier*bret harte
who wrote on the makaloa mat*jack london
who wrote on the method of zadig*thomas henry huxley
who wrote on the nature of things*lucretius
who wrote on the origin of species : or, the causes of the phenomena of organic nature*thomas henry huxley
who wrote on the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life*charles darwin
who wrote on the relations of man to the lower animals*thomas henry huxley
who wrote on the road*jack kerouac
who wrote on the study of zoology*thomas henry huxley
who wrote one of ours*willa sibert cather
who wrote openings in the old trail*bret harte
who wrote options*o. henry
who wrote orations*john quincy adams
who wrote origin of species*thomas henry huxley
who wrote orthodoxy*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote oscar wilde miscellaneous*oscar wilde
who wrote othello*william shakespeare
who wrote other things being equal*emma wolf
who wrote our mutual friend*charles dickens
who wrote out of time's abyss*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote over the teacups*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote ozma of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote padre ignacio; or, the song of temptation*owen wister
who wrote pagan and christian creeds: their origin and meaning*edward carpenter
who wrote pages from an old volume of life; a collection of essays, 1857-1881*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote panic fears*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote paradise lost*john milton
who wrote past one at rodney's*o. henry
who wrote pathfinder*james fenimore cooper
who wrote paul prescott's charge*horatio alger
who wrote paul the peddler, or the fortunes of a young street merchant*horatio alger
who wrote paz*honore de balzac
who wrote peace*aristophanes
who wrote peace manoeuvres*richard harding davis
who wrote peasants*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote peg woffington*charles reade
who wrote pellucidar*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote perfect behavior; a guide for ladies and gentlemen in all social crises*donald ogden stewart
who wrote perfect wagnerite, commentary on the ring*george bernard shaw
who wrote pericles*william shakespeare
who wrote perils of certain english prisoners*charles dickens
who wrote persuasion*jane austen
who wrote peter pan*j.m. barrie
who wrote peter pan in kensington gardens*sir james matthew barrie
who wrote phantasmagoria and other poems*lewis carroll
who wrote phantastes; a faerie romance for men and women*george macdonald
who wrote pharsalia; dramatic episodes of the civil wars*marcus annaeus lucanus
who wrote phil, the fiddler*horatio alger
who wrote philoktetes*sophocles
who wrote philosophy 4*owen wister
who wrote piccadilly jim*pelham grenville wodehouse
who wrote pictures from italy*charles dickens
who wrote pierre grassou*honore de balzac
who wrote pierrette*honore de balzac
who wrote pilgrim and american*charles dudley warner
who wrote planchette*jack london
who wrote poems by the way*william morris
who wrote poems of the past and the present*thomas hardy
who wrote poetics*aristotle
who wrote polity athenians and lacedaemonians*xenophon
who wrote ponkapog papers*thomas bailey aldrich
who wrote poor folk*fyodor dostoyevsky
who wrote poor miss finch*wilkie collins
who wrote pride and prejudice*jane austen
who wrote prince and the page*charlotte mary young
who wrote prince hagen*upton sinclair
who wrote prince otto, a romance*robert louis stevenson
who wrote principia mathernatica. with alfred north whitehead, between 1910 and 1913*bertrand russell
who wrote proof of the pudding*o. henry
who wrote prosper's 'old mother'*bret harte
who wrote psmith, journalist*pelham grenville wodehouse
who wrote psyche and the pskyscraper*o. henry
who wrote put yourself in his place*charles reade
who wrote queen sheba's ring*henry rider haggard
who wrote queer little folks*harriet beecher stowe
who wrote ragged lady*william dean howells
who wrote real soldiers of fortune*richard harding davis
who wrote rebecca*daphne du maurier
who wrote records of a family of engineers*robert louis stevenson
who wrote red eve*henry rider haggard
who wrote redgauntlet*sir walter scott
who wrote reflections on the decline of science in england*charles babbage
who wrote reineke fuchs*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote return of the native*thomas hardy
who wrote rezanov*gertrude franklin horn atherton
who wrote rhymes a la mode*andrew lang
who wrote rhymes of a red cross man*robert william service
who wrote rhymes of a rolling stone*robert william service
who wrote richard ii*william shakespeare
who wrote richard iii*william shakespeare
who wrote riders of the purple sage*zane grey
who wrote riders to the sea*john millington synge
who wrote rinkitink in oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote rise and fall of cesar birotteau*honore de balzac
who wrote roads of destiny*o. henry
who wrote robert falconer*george macdonald
who wrote robinson crusoe*daniel defoe
who wrote rolf in the woods*ernest thompson seton
who wrote rosamund, queen of the lombards, a tragedy*algernon charles swineburne
who wrote rose in bloom*louisa may alcott
who wrote round the red lamp*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote round the sofa*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote rudder grange*frank richard stockton
who wrote rupert of hentzau*sir anthony hope
who wrote saint's progress*john galsworthy
who wrote sally dows, by bret harte*bret harte
who wrote salome*oscar wilde
who wrote samuel*jack london
who wrote samuel brohl and company*victor cherbuliez
who wrote sarrasine*honore de balzac
who wrote sartor resartus: the life and opinions of herr teufelsdrocke*thomas carlyle
who wrote satires of circumstance, lyrics and reveries with miscellaneous pieces*thomas hardy
who wrote saunterings*charles dudley warner
who wrote savonarola brown*sir max beerbohm
who wrote scenes from a courtesan's life*honore de balzac
who wrote school for scandal*richard brinsley sheridan
who wrote secret places of the heart*herbert george wells
who wrote selected stories of bret harte*bret harte
who wrote self help; conduct and perseverance*samuel smiles
who wrote selina sedilia*bret harte
who wrote sense and sensibility*jane austen
who wrote seraphita*honore de balzac
who wrote seven men*sir max beerbohm
who wrote she*henry rider haggard
who wrote she stoops to conquer*oliver goldsmith
who wrote shelley*sydney philip perigal waterlow
who wrote shin-bones*jack london
who wrote ship of fools*katharine anne porter
who wrote side-glances at harvard class-day*gail hamilton
who wrote sight unseen*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote signs of change*william morris
who wrote silent spring*rachel carson
who wrote sir gibbie*george macdonald
who wrote sir john oldcastle*william shakespeare
who wrote sir nigel*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote sir thomas more*william shakespeare
who wrote siwash*jack london
who wrote sixes and sevens*o. henry
who wrote sketches by boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people*charles dickens
who wrote sketches from memory*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote sketches of young couples*charles dickens
who wrote sketches of young gentlemen*charles dickens
who wrote small fry*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote small-boat sailing*jack london
who wrote smoke bellew*jack london
who wrote snow-bound at eagle's*bret harte
who wrote soldiers of fortune*richard harding davis
who wrote some reminiscences*joseph conrad
who wrote somebody's little girl*martha young
who wrote somebody's luggage*charles dickens
who wrote something new*pelham grenville wodehouse
who wrote somewhere in france*richard harding davis
who wrote song of the lark*willa sibert cather
who wrote sonnets from the portuguese*elizabeth barrett browning
who wrote sonnets on sundry notes of music*william shakespeare
who wrote sons of the soil*honore de balzac
who wrote sorrow*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote soul of a bishop*herbert george wells
who wrote south of the slot*jack london
who wrote south sea tales*jack london
who wrote sparkling cyanide and death on the nile*agatha christie
who wrote spell of the yukon, the songs of a sourdough*robert william service
who wrote st. john's eve*nikolai vasilevich gogol
who wrote staccato notes of a vanished summer*william dean howells
who wrote stories about winnie the pooh*a.a. milne
who wrote stories in light and shadow*bret harte
who wrote strictly business*o. henry
who wrote strictly business: more stories of the four million*o. henry
who wrote strife*john galsworthy
who wrote studies and essays: censorship and art*john galsworthy
who wrote studies and essays: concerning letters*john galsworthy
who wrote studies and essays: quality and others*john galsworthy
who wrote studies of lowell*william dean howells
who wrote study of a woman*honore de balzac
who wrote success in life*gail hamilton
who wrote sunday under three heads*charles dickens
who wrote susy, a story of the plains*bret harte
who wrote swan song*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote sylvie and bruno*lewis carroll
who wrote tales and fantasies*robert louis stevenson
who wrote tales for fifteen, or, imagination and heart*james fenimore cooper
who wrote tales of terror and mystery*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote tales of the argonauts*bret harte
who wrote tales of the fish patrol*jack london
who wrote tales of the klondyke*jack london
who wrote tales of trail and town*bret harte
who wrote tales of troy : ulysses, the sacker of cities*andrew lang
who wrote tales of unrest*joseph conrad
who wrote tamburlaine the great*christopher marlowe
who wrote tanglewood tales*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote tantra of the great liberation*arthur avalon
who wrote taras bulba and other stories*nikolai vasilevich gogol
who wrote tartarin de tarascon*alphonse daudet
who wrote tartarin of tarascon*alphonse daudet
who wrote tarzan and the jewels of opar*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote tarzan of the apes*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote tarzan the terrible*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote tarzan the untamed*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote ten days that shook the world*john reed
who wrote ten years later*alexandre dumas
who wrote terence denville*bret harte
who wrote tess of the d'urbervilles*thomas hardy
who wrote thankful blossom*bret harte
who wrote that dead men rise up never*jack london
who wrote that fortune*charles dudley warner
who wrote that if cows or horses had hands they would draw gods that looked just like them*xenophanes
who wrote that spot*jack london
who wrote the 'aeneid'*virgil
who wrote the 'decline and fall of the roman empire'*edward gibbon
who wrote the 'dragonriders of pern' series*anne mcaffrey
who wrote the 'ecclesiastical history of the english people'*venerable bede
who wrote the 'father brown' crime stories*g k chesterton
who wrote the 'iliad' and the 'odyssey'*homer
who wrote the 'just so' stories*rudyard kipling
who wrote the 'messiah'*handel
who wrote the 'myth' series*robert asprin
who wrote the 'noddy' books*enid blyton
who wrote the 'odyssey'*homer
who wrote the 'pledge of allegiance' to the flag of the united states*francis bellamy
who wrote the 'salem witchcraft trials'*arthur miller
who wrote the 'scarlet pimpernel ' series of novels*baroness emmuska orczy
who wrote the 'the dam busters march' for the 1954 film of that name*eric coates
who wrote the 'unfinished symphony'*wolfgang amadeus mozart
who wrote the 'waverley novels'*walter scott
who wrote the 1955 play long day's journey into night*eugene o'neill
who wrote the 1958 play five finger exercise*peter shaffer
who wrote the 1960s classic my girl*smokey robinson
who wrote the 1975 academy award winning song 'i'm easy' for nashville*keith carradine
who wrote the 1977 tv mini-series roots*alex haley
who wrote the 1998 best seller 'the chimney sweeper's boy'*barbara vine
who wrote the 1998 best-seller 'captain corelli's mandolin'*louis de bernieres
who wrote the 3rd gospel in the new testament*luke
who wrote the acharnenses*aristophanes
who wrote the adventure of the beryl coronet*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of the blue carbuncle*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of the bruce-partington plans*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of the cardboard box*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of the copper beeches*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of the devil's foot*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of the dying detective*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of the engineer's thumb*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of the noble bachelor*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of the red circle*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of the speckled band*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventure of wisteria lodge*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventures of don quixote*miguel de cervantes
who wrote the adventures of gerard*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the adventures of sherlock holmes*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the after house*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote the age of innocence*edith wharton
who wrote the albert n'yanza, great basin of the nile*samuel white baker
who wrote the amateur*richard harding davis
who wrote the amazing interlude*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote the ambitious guest*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote the annajanska bolshevik empress*george bernard shaw
who wrote the arabian nights*richard francis burton
who wrote the argonauts of north liberty*bret harte
who wrote the art of writing*robert louis stevenson
who wrote the atheist's mass*honore de balzac
who wrote the autobiographical book my family and other animals in 1956*gerald durrell
who wrote the autobiography 'managing my life'*sir alex ferguson
who wrote the autobiography of a slander*edna lyall
who wrote the bad child's book of beasts, first published in 1896*hilaire belloc
who wrote the ball at sceaux*honore de balzac
who wrote the ballad of the white horse*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote the baron's quarry*egerton castle
who wrote the baroque conserto grosso*johann sebastian bach
who wrote the barsetshire chronicles*anthony trollope
who wrote the bat*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote the battle of life*charles dickens
who wrote the beasts of tarzan*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the beauties*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the belgariad*leigh and david eddings
who wrote the bell-ringer of angel's*bret harte
who wrote the best*selling novel 'tara road' in 1998
who wrote the best selling book on which the film 'jurassic park was based'*michael crichton
who wrote the best selling novel polo*jilly cooper
who wrote the bet*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the biography 'frank sinatra: an american legend'*nancy sinatra
who wrote the biography of dr johnson*james boswell
who wrote the birds*aristophanes
who wrote the birth mark*jack london
who wrote the black arrow*robert louis stevenson
who wrote the black dwarf*sir walter scott
who wrote the black robe*wilkie collins
who wrote the blithedale romance*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote the blue fairy book*andrew lang
who wrote the bobbsey twins at school*sir anthony hope
who wrote the bones of kahekili*jack london
who wrote the book '20,000 leagues under the sea'*jules verne
who wrote the book 'a clockwork orange'*anthony burgess
who wrote the book 'computer power & human reason'*joseph weizenbaum
who wrote the book 'gentlemen prefer blondes'*anita loos
who wrote the book 'gulliver's travels?'*jonathon swift
who wrote the book 'jaws'*peter benchley
who wrote the book 'little women'*louisa may alcott
who wrote the book 'perestroika'*mikhail gorbachev
who wrote the book 'portrait of a lady'*henry james
who wrote the book 'schindler's ark' on which the film 'schindier's list' was based*thomas kenneally
who wrote the book 'something happened'*joseph heller
who wrote the book 'the go between'*l p hartley
who wrote the book 'the lion, the witch and the wardrobe'*c.s. lewis
who wrote the book 'the origin of species'*charles darwin
who wrote the book 'the war of the worlds'*h g wells
who wrote the book 'zen and the art of motorcvcle maintenance'*robert persig
who wrote the book bambi*felix salten
who wrote the book bridget jones' diaries*helen fielding:
who wrote the book catch 22*joseph heller
who wrote the book coral island*r. m. ballantyne
who wrote the book dune*frank herbert
who wrote the book heidi*johanna spyri
who wrote the book i claudius*robert graves
who wrote the book jaws that the film was based on*peter benchley
who wrote the book longitude, about john harrison's invention of the chronometer*dava sobel
who wrote the book midnight's children*salman rushdie
who wrote the book of 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest'*ken kesey
who wrote the book of proverbs*solomon
who wrote the book on which donizetti based his opera lucia di lammermoor*sir walter scott
who wrote the book on which the oscar winning film 'the godfather' was based*mario puzo
who wrote the book schindler's ark*thomas kenneally
who wrote the book that inspired the 1983 animated film 'the snowman'*raymond briggs
who wrote the book the firm*john grisham
who wrote the book the jewel in the crown*paul scott
who wrote the book the railway children*e nesbit
who wrote the book the time machine*h.g. wells
who wrote the booker prize winning novel 'paddy clarke, ha, ha, ha!'*roddy doyle
who wrote the booker prize-winning novel oscar and lucinda*peter carey
who wrote the booker prize-winning novel the old devils*kingsley amis
who wrote the books 'notes from a small island' and 'walk in the woods'*bill bryson
who wrote the books on which the television series the darling lands of may was based*h e bates
who wrote the books, the happy return, ship of the line and flying colours which were the first of a long series about a napoleonic sailor*c s forester
who wrote the borgias*alexandre dumas
who wrote the boscombe valley mystery*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the boy scout*richard harding davis
who wrote the brandenburg concertos*j s bach
who wrote the bravo of venice*heinrich zschokke
who wrote the breaking point*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote the brethren*henry rider haggard
who wrote the brotherhood of consolation*honore de balzac
who wrote the brown fairy book*andrew lang
who wrote the building of the taj majal*lily moresby adams beck
who wrote the buried treasure of cobre*richard harding davis
who wrote the burning spear*john galsworthy
who wrote the caged lion*charlotte mary young
who wrote the calash*nikolai vasilevich gogol
who wrote the call of the canyon*zane grey
who wrote the call of the tame*o. henry
who wrote the canterbury tales*geoffrey chaucer
who wrote the captain of the polestar*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the captives*sir hugh walpole
who wrote the case of the golden bullet*auguste groner
who wrote the case of the lamp that went out*auguste groner
who wrote the case of the pocket diary found in the snow*auguste groner
who wrote the case of the registered letter*auguste groner
who wrote the cash boy*horatio alger
who wrote the categories*aristotle
who wrote the cattle-dealers*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the cavalry general*xenophon
who wrote the celebrated mexican movie, `amores perros`*guillermo arriaga
who wrote the chessmen of mars*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the children's novel the secret garden*francis hodgson burnett
who wrote the children's novel the story of doctor doolittle*hugh lofting
who wrote the children's story badjelly the witch*spike milligan
who wrote the childrens book 'fungus the bogyman'*raymond briggs
who wrote the childrens book 'the railway children'*edith nesbit
who wrote the childrens book swallows and amazons*arthur ransome
who wrote the childrens classic 'the borrowers'*mary norton
who wrote the childrens work 'peter and the wolf'*sergei prokofiev
who wrote the chimes*charles dickens
who wrote the choir invisible*james lane allen
who wrote the choral work the messiah*george frederick handel
who wrote the chouans*honore de balzac
who wrote the christmas story, 'a visit from st nicholas'*clement moore
who wrote the circular staircase*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote the circus boys across the continent : or, winning new laurels on the tanbark*edgar b. p. darlington
who wrote the circus boys in dixie land : or, winning the plaudits of the sunny south*edgar b. p. darlington
who wrote the circus boys on the flying rings : or, making the start in the sawdust life*edgar b. p. darlington
who wrote the circus boys on the mississippi : or, afloat with the big show on the big river*edgar b. p. darlington
who wrote the circus boys on the plains : or, the young advance agents ahead of the show*edgar b. p. darlington
who wrote the classic novel' anne of green gables'*l m montgomery
who wrote the classic science fiction novel ' hellicona spring'*brian aldiss
who wrote the classic spy novel 'the thirty-nine steps'*john buchan
who wrote the classic thriller 'the birds'*alfred hitchcock
who wrote the classic war novel 'all quiet on the western front'*erich maria remarque
who wrote the cloak*nikolai vasilevich gogol
who wrote the cloister and the hearth*charles reade
who wrote the closed cabinet*anonymous
who wrote the club of queer trades*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote the clue of the twisted candle*edgar wallace
who wrote the collection of antiquities*honore de balzac
who wrote the color purple*alice walker
who wrote the comedy of errors*william shakespeare
who wrote the coming race*edward bulwer lytton
who wrote the commission in lunacy*honore de balzac
who wrote the common law*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote the complete works of william shakespeare*william shakespeare
who wrote the consul*richard harding davis
who wrote the convalescence of jack hamlin*bret harte
who wrote the count of monte christo*alexandre dumas
who wrote the count of monte cristo*alexandre dumas
who wrote the country doctor*honore de balzac
who wrote the country house*john galsworthy
who wrote the cricket on the hearth*charles dickens
who wrote the crime fiction books 'black notice' and 'point of origin'*patricia cornwell
who wrote the crime fiction books 'blind date' and 'staring at the light'*francis fyfield
who wrote the crimson fairy book*andrew lang
who wrote the crock of gold*james stephens
who wrote the crossing*winston churchill
who wrote the cruel sea*nicholas monsarrat
who wrote the cruise of the jasper b.*don marquis
who wrote the cruise of the snark*jack london
who wrote the daisy chain; or, aspirations*charlotte mary young
who wrote the dark flower*john galsworthy
who wrote the darling buds of may*h.e. bates
who wrote the darrow enigma*melvin linwood severy
who wrote the darwinian hypothesis*thomas henry huxley
who wrote the daughter of an empress*luise muhlbach
who wrote the david copperfield*charles dickens
who wrote the day of the jackal*frederick forsyth
who wrote the day resurgent*o. henry
who wrote the deerslayer*james fenimore cooper
who wrote the deputy of arcis*honore de balzac
who wrote the descent of man*charles darwin
who wrote the deserted woman*honore de balzac
who wrote the deserter*richard harding davis
who wrote the devil's disciple*george bernard shaw
who wrote the devils : the possessed*fyodor dostoyevsky
who wrote the diary of an old soul*george macdonald
who wrote the disappearance of lady frances carfax*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the discworld series*terry pratchett
who wrote the doctor : a tale of the rockies*ralph connor
who wrote the door in the wall and other stories*herbert george wells
who wrote the double-dealer : a comedy*william congreve
who wrote the dove in the eagle's nest*charlotte mary young
who wrote the dream of debs*jack london
who wrote the dream woman*wilkie collins
who wrote the duchess of padua*oscar wilde
who wrote the duchesse de langeais*honore de balzac
who wrote the duel*o. henry
who wrote the dwelling place of light*winston churchill
who wrote the dynamiter*robert louis stevenson
who wrote the earth's children series*jean m auel
who wrote the ebb-tide*robert louis stevenson
who wrote the economist*xenophon
who wrote the education of henry adams*henry adams
who wrote the eldest son*john galsworthy
who wrote the elixir of life*honore de balzac
who wrote the emerald city of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote the enchanted island of yew*lyman frank baum
who wrote the end of the tether*joseph conrad
who wrote the enemy of all the world*jack london
who wrote the english patient*michael ondaatje
who wrote the epic poem odyssey*homer
who wrote the epic poems, the iliad and the odyssey*homer
who wrote the errand boy*horatio alger
who wrote the eternal savage*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the evil genius*wilkie collins
who wrote the ewarlord of mars*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the exiles*honore de balzac
who wrote the expression of the emotions in man and animals*charles darwin
who wrote the fairy story hansel and gretel*brothers grimm
who wrote the faith of men*jack london
who wrote the false jeanne d'arc*andrew lang
who wrote the famous hardy boys mystery series*franklin w. dixon
who wrote the famous mirc program*khaled mardam-bey
who wrote the famous poem daffodils*william wordsworth
who wrote the famous series of discworld books*terry pratchett
who wrote the fantasies 'popcorn' and 'this other eden'*ben elton
who wrote the father brown crime stories*gk chesterton
who wrote the fifth string*john philip sousa
who wrote the fifth wheel*o. henry
who wrote the financier, a novel*theodore dreiser
who wrote the fire of beauty*lily moresby adams beck
who wrote the firm of nucingen*honore de balzac
who wrote the first and the last*john galsworthy
who wrote the first men in the moon*herbert george wells
who wrote the first-class passenger*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the five orange pips*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the foreigner : a tale of saskatchewan*ralph connor
who wrote the forsyte saga*galsworthy
who wrote the fortune of seth savage*patrick henry woodward
who wrote the fortunes and misfortunes of the famous moll flanders*daniel dafoe
who wrote the foundations*john galsworthy
who wrote the four million*o. henry
who wrote the frame up*richard harding davis
who wrote the freelands*john galsworthy
who wrote the french lieutenant's woman*john fowles
who wrote the french novel 'madame bovary'*gustave flaubert
who wrote the frozen deep*wilkie collins
who wrote the fugitive*john galsworthy
who wrote the further adventures of robinson crusoe*daniel dafoe
who wrote the gadfly*voynich, ethel lillian
who wrote the gambler*fyodor dostoyevsky
who wrote the game*jack london
who wrote the gentle grafter*o. henry
who wrote the getting of wisdom*henry handel richardson
who wrote the gift of the magi*o. henry
who wrote the girl and the graft*o. henry
who wrote the girl and the habit*o. henry
who wrote the god of coincidence*richard harding davis
who wrote the god of his fathers*jack london
who wrote the goddess of excelsior*bret harte
who wrote the gods of mars*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the gold that glittered*o. henry
who wrote the golden fleece : a romance*julian hawthorne
who wrote the golden fleece and the heroes who lived before achilles*padraic colum
who wrote the golden house*charles dudley warner
who wrote the gormenghast trilogy*mervyn peake
who wrote the grasshopper*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the great boer war*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the great carbuncle*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote the great gatsby*f. scott fitzgerald
who wrote the great gothic classic, the mysteries of udolpho*ann radcliffe
who wrote the great interrogation*jack london
who wrote the great stone face*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote the great stone face; and other tales from the white*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote the great valdez sapphire*anonymous
who wrote the great war syndicate*frank richard stockton
who wrote the guardian angel*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote the guilty river*wilkie collins
who wrote the half-brothers*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote the hand of ethelberta*thomas hardy
who wrote the happy prince*oscar wilde
who wrote the happy prince and other tales*oscar wilde
who wrote the harvester*gene stratton-porter
who wrote the hated son*honore de balzac
who wrote the hatred of the queen; a story of burma*lily moresby adams beck
who wrote the haunted and the haunters*edward bulwer lytton
who wrote the haunted hotel*wilkie collins
who wrote the haunted man and the ghost's bargain*charles dickens
who wrote the head-gardener's story*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the heathen*jack london
who wrote the heir of redclyffe*charlotte mary young
who wrote the heritage of dedlow marsh*bret harte
who wrote the heritage of dedlow marsh and other tales*bret harte
who wrote the herries chronicles*hugh walpole
who wrote the hidden masterpiece*honore de balzac
who wrote the high history of the holy graal*anonymous
who wrote the history of tom thumb*henry altemus
who wrote the hit musical west side story*leonard bernstein
who wrote the hit song 'it doesn't matter anymore*paul anka
who wrote the holly-tree*charles dickens
who wrote the horror book 'the shining'*stephen king
who wrote the hound of the baskervilles*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the house and the brain*edward bulwer lytton
who wrote the house behind the cedars*charles waddell chesnutt
who wrote the house of dust*conrad potter aiken
who wrote the house of mapuhi*jack london
who wrote the house of pride, and other tales of hawaii*jack london
who wrote the house of the dead*fyodor dostoyevsky
who wrote the house of the wolfings*william morris
who wrote the human comedy: introductions and appendix*honore de balzac
who wrote the human drift*jack london
who wrote the hunt for red october*tom clancy
who wrote the hunting of the snark*lewis carroll
who wrote the huntsman*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the idiot*fyodor dostoyevsky
who wrote the iliad*homer
who wrote the illustrious gaudissart*honore de balzac
who wrote the imitation of christ*thomas a. kempis
who wrote the importance of being earnest*oscar wilde
who wrote the inca of perusalem*george bernard shaw
who wrote the incantation*edward bulwer lytton
who wrote the incomparable lady; a story of china with a moral*lily moresby adams beck
who wrote the inevitable white man*jack london
who wrote the inexperienced ghost*herbert george wells
who wrote the innocence of father brown*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote the insidious dr. fu manchu*sax rohmer
who wrote the inspector-general*nikolai vasilevich gogol
who wrote the interpreter; a romance of the east*lily moresby adams beck
who wrote the interpreters of genesis and the interpreters of nature*thomas henry huxley
who wrote the ipcress file*len deighton
who wrote the island of doctor moreau*herbert george wells
who wrote the island pharisees*john galsworthy
who wrote the ivory child*henry rider haggard
who wrote the jacket (star-rover)*jack london
who wrote the james bond books*ian fleming
who wrote the jeeves and wooster novels*p.g. wodehouse
who wrote the jelly-bean*f. scott fitzgerald
who wrote the jew of malta*christopher marlowe
who wrote the jimmyjohn boss and other stories*owen wister
who wrote the jungle*upton sinclair
who wrote the jungle book*rudyard kipling
who wrote the kanaka surf*jack london
who wrote the kentons*william dean howells
who wrote the king of ireland's son*padraic colum
who wrote the king's jackal*richard harding davis
who wrote the lady of lyons*edward bulwer lytton
who wrote the lady of the lake*sir walter scott
who wrote the lady of the shroud*bram stoker
who wrote the lady, or the tiger?*frank richard stockton
who wrote the lake gun*james fenimore cooper
who wrote the lamplighter; a farce in one act*charles dickens
who wrote the land of little rain*mary austin
who wrote the land of the changing sun*william nathaniel harben
who wrote the land time forgot*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the landlord at lions head*william dean howells
who wrote the landlord of the big flume hotel*bret harte
who wrote the last of the costellos*anonymous
who wrote the last of the plainsmen*zane grey
who wrote the law and the lady*wilkie collins
who wrote the lay, 'private lives'*noel coward
who wrote the legacy of cain*wilkie collins
who wrote the leopard man's story*jack london
who wrote the lesser bourgeoisie*honore de balzac
who wrote the library*andrew lang
who wrote the life of horatio lord nelson*robert southey
who wrote the life of thomas telford; civil engineer with an introductory history of roads and travelling in great britain*samuel smiles
who wrote the life of timon of athens*william shakespeare
who wrote the light princess*george macdonald
who wrote the lights of the church and the light of science*thomas henry huxley
who wrote the lilac fairy book*andrew lang
who wrote the lily of the valley*honore de balzac
who wrote the line'i'll make him an offer he can't refuse'*mario puzo
who wrote the line, 'o what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive.'*sir walter scott
who wrote the little dream*john galsworthy
who wrote the little duke*charlotte mary young
who wrote the little glass slipper*anonymous
who wrote the little man*john galsworthy
who wrote the little prince*antoine de saint-exupery
who wrote the log of the jolly polly*richard harding davis
who wrote the lone star ranger, a romance of the border*zane grey
who wrote the long arm*richard harding davis
who wrote the long religious epic, 'paradise lost'*john milton
who wrote the lord of the rings (full name)*john ronald reuel tolkien
who wrote the lost continent*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the lost duchess*anonymous
who wrote the lost house*richard harding davis
who wrote the lost princess of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote the lost road*richard harding davis
who wrote the lost world*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the lottery ticket*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the love poem beginning with 'how do i love thee let me count the ways'*elizabeth barrett browning
who wrote the lumley autograph*susan fenimore cooper
who wrote the lyrics for the song 'chestnuts roasting by an open fire'*mel
who wrote the lyrics to 'porgy and bess'*ira gershwin
who wrote the lyrics to 'your song'*bernie taupin
who wrote the lyrics to my fair lady*alan jay lerner
who wrote the lyrics to porgy and bess*ira gershwin
who wrote the machine*upton sinclair
who wrote the magic egg and other stories*frank richard stockton
who wrote the magic of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote the magic shop*herbert george wells
who wrote the magic skin*honore de balzac
who wrote the magician's nephew*c s lewis
who wrote the mahatma and the hare*henry rider haggard
who wrote the major*ralph connor
who wrote the make-believe man*richard harding davis
who wrote the man*bram stoker
who wrote the man from glengarry ; a tale of the ottawa*ralph connor
who wrote the man in case*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the man in lower ten*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote the man in the iron mask*alexandre dumas
who wrote the man of letters as a man of business*william dean howells
who wrote the man of the forest*zane grey
who wrote the man who could not lose*richard harding davis
who wrote the man who knew too much*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote the man who was thursday, a nightmare*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote the man with the gash*jack london
who wrote the man with the twisted lip*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the mansion*william faulkner
who wrote the marble faun*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote the marriage contract*honore de balzac
who wrote the marriage of lit-lit*jack london
who wrote the marvelous land of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote the master key, an electrical fairy tale founded upon the mysteries of electricity*lyman frank baum
who wrote the memorabilia*xenophon
who wrote the men of forty mile*jack london
who wrote the men of zanzibar*richard harding davis
who wrote the merchant of venice*william shakespeare
who wrote the merry wives of windsor*william shakespeare
who wrote the message*honore de balzac
who wrote the messengers*richard harding davis
who wrote the minions of midas*jack london
who wrote the minister's black veil*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote the minor canon*anonymous
who wrote the mirror of the sea*joseph conrad
who wrote the mob*john galsworthy
who wrote the monster men*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the moonstone*wilkie collins
who wrote the movements and habits of climbing plants*charles darwin
who wrote the muse of the department*honore de balzac
who wrote the music for 'chorus line' and 'sunshine, lollipops and roses'*marvin hamlisch
who wrote the music for 'jesus christ superstar'*andrew lloyd webber
who wrote the music for 'south pacific'*richard rogers
who wrote the music for brecht's the threepenny opera*kurt weill
who wrote the music for carmen*georges bizet
who wrote the music for local hero*mark knopfler
who wrote the music for the 1948 film 'scott of the antarctic' and made a symphony out of it*vaughan williams
who wrote the music for the ballet coppelia*delibes
who wrote the music for the ballet giselle*adam
who wrote the music for the film on the waterfront*leonard bernstein
who wrote the music for the show 'a chorus line'*marvin hamlisch
who wrote the music for the show jesus christ superstar*andrew lloyd webber
who wrote the music in the rogers and hammerstein team*oscar hammerstein
who wrote the music to west side story*leonard bernstein
who wrote the musical 'cats'*andrew lloyd webber
who wrote the musical porgy and bess*george gershwin
who wrote the musical score for the blockbuster movie, `titanic`*james horner
who wrote the musical score for the film local hero*mark knopfler
who wrote the musical work the carnival of the animals*saint-saens
who wrote the musical work the goldberg variations*johann sebastian bach
who wrote the mutiny of the elsinore*jack london
who wrote the mysterious island*jules verne
who wrote the mysterious portrait*nikolai vasilevich gogol
who wrote the mystery of amy robsart*andrew lang
who wrote the mystery of edwin drood*charles dickens
who wrote the mystery of james de la cloche*andrew lang
who wrote the mystery of lord bateman*andrew lang
who wrote the mystery of sasassa valley*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the mystery of sir edmund berry godfrey*andrew lang
who wrote the myth series*robert asprin
who wrote the nabob*alphonse daudet
who wrote the name of the rose*umberto eco
who wrote the nature faker*richard harding davis
who wrote the neverending story*michael ende
who wrote the new accelerator*herbert george wells
who wrote the new machiavelli*herbert george wells
who wrote the new magdalen*wilkie collins
who wrote the new revelation*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the new villa*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the night of the iguana*tennessee williams
who wrote the night-born*jack london
who wrote the nile tributaries of abyssinia, and the sword hunters of the hamran arabs*samuel white baker
who wrote the ninety-nine guardsmen*bret harte
who wrote the ninth vibration and other stories*lily moresby adams beck
who wrote the nonsense poem 'the owl and the pussycat'*edward leah
who wrote the nonsense poem the jabberwocky*lewis carroll
who wrote the notch on the ax*william makepeace thackeray
who wrote the novel ' anna of the five towns'*arnold bennett
who wrote the novel 'a parliamentary affair'*edwina currie
who wrote the novel 'black arrow'*r l stevenson
who wrote the novel 'bridget jones' diary'*helen fielding
who wrote the novel 'brighton rock'*graham greene
who wrote the novel 'dr jekyll & mr hide'*robert louis stevenson
who wrote the novel 'eyeless in gaza'*aldous huxley
who wrote the novel 'finnegan's wake'*james joyce
who wrote the novel 'hereward the wake' in 1866*charles kingsley
who wrote the novel 'king solomon's mines'*h rider haggard
who wrote the novel 'les miserables'*victor hugo
who wrote the novel 'little women'*louisa may alcott
who wrote the novel 'lord of the flies'*william golding
who wrote the novel 'lucky jim'*kingsley amis
who wrote the novel 'northanger abbey*jane austin
who wrote the novel 'on the beach' but refused to have any involvement in the movie adaptation*nevil shute
who wrote the novel 'orlando'*virginia woolf
who wrote the novel 'rob roy'*sir walter scott
who wrote the novel 'slaughterhouse five'*kurt vonnegut jr
who wrote the novel 'the call of the wild'*jack london
who wrote the novel 'the magic mountain'*thomas mann
who wrote the novel 'the napoleon of notting hill' in 1904*g k chesterton
who wrote the novel 'the picture of dorian grey'*oscar wilde
who wrote the novel 'the spy who came in from the cold*john le carre
who wrote the novel 'the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr hyde'*stevenson
who wrote the novel 'the thirty-nine steps*john buchan
who wrote the novel 'the time machine'*hg wells
who wrote the novel 'the van'*roddy doyle
who wrote the novel 'the water babies'*charles kingsley
who wrote the novel 'to kill a mockingbird'*harper lee
who wrote the novel brighton rock*graham greene
who wrote the novel elmer gantry*sinclair lewis
who wrote the novel enigma in 1995, about the wartime german coding machines*robert harris
who wrote the novel lolita*vladimir nabokov
who wrote the novel misery*stephen king
who wrote the novel moby dick*herman melville
who wrote the novel on which the film solaris is based*stanislaw lem
who wrote the novel sailor billy budd*herman melville
who wrote the novel steppenwolf*herman hesse
who wrote the novel the godfather*mario puzo
who wrote the novel the last of the mohicans, first published in 1820*james fenimore cooper
who wrote the novel the valley of the dolls*jaqueline susann
who wrote the novel tinker, tailor, soldier, spy*john lecarre
who wrote the novel which the movie apocalypse now was based on*joesph conrad
who wrote the novel' the turn of the screw'*henry james
who wrote the novel'murder in mesopotamia'*agatha christie
who wrote the novel, dr jekyll & mr hyde*robert louis stevenson
who wrote the novel, dune*frank herbert
who wrote the novels featuring 'tarzan'*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the novels on which the films 'carrie' and 'the shining' were based*stephen king
who wrote the nutcracker suite*tchaikovsky
who wrote the old bachelor: a comedy*william congreve
who wrote the old curiosity shop*charles dickens
who wrote the old radio series 'journey into space'*charles chilton
who wrote the one thousand dozen*jack london
who wrote the opera 'aida'*verdi
who wrote the opera 'carmen'*george bizet
who wrote the opera 'don giovanni (don juan)'(full name)*wolfgang amadeus mozart
who wrote the opera 'don pasquale'*gaetano donizetti
who wrote the opera 'falstaff'*verdi
who wrote the opera 'fidelio'*ludwig von beethoven
who wrote the opera 'i pagliacci'*ruggiero leoncavallo
who wrote the opera 'julius caesar'*george frederick handel
who wrote the opera 'la cenerentola (cinderella)'*gioacchino rossini
who wrote the opera 'la traviata'*verdi
who wrote the opera 'love of three oranges'*prokofiev
who wrote the opera 'norma'*vincenzo bellini
who wrote the opera 'pagliacci'*ruggiero leoncavallo
who wrote the opera 'rigoletto'*guiseppe verdi
who wrote the opera 'samson and delilah'*camille saint-saens
who wrote the opera 'the cunning little vixen'*leos janacek
who wrote the opera 'the flying dutchman'*richard wagner
who wrote the opera 'the giant'*sergei prokofiev
who wrote the opera 'the golden cockerel'*rimsky-korsakov
who wrote the opera 'the marriage of figaro' & 'don giovanni'*mozart
who wrote the opera 'the masked ball'*guiseppe verdi
who wrote the opera 'the tales of hoffmann'*jacques offenbach
who wrote the opera 'the thieving magpie'*rossini
who wrote the opera 'the trojans'*hector berlioz
who wrote the opera 'tosca'*giacomo puccini
who wrote the opera der rosenkavalier in 1911*richard strauss
who wrote the opera emilia de liverpool*donizetti
who wrote the opera entitled 'eugene onegin'*tchaikovsky
who wrote the opera eugene onegin in 1879*tchaikovsky
who wrote the opera fortinbras*schubert
who wrote the opera hms pinafore*gilbert and sullivan
who wrote the opera la traviata*verdi
who wrote the opera madame butterfly*puccini
who wrote the opera pagliacci*leoncavallo
who wrote the opera rodelinda*handel
who wrote the opera the snow maiden*rimsky-korsakov
who wrote the opera tosca*puccini
who wrote the opera' the turn of the screw'*benjamin britten
who wrote the operetta 'the merry widow'*lehar
who wrote the oprea 'la traviata'*guiseppe verdi
who wrote the orange fairy book*andrew lang
who wrote the original sherlock holmes stories*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the original story 'the lost world'*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the original version of 'eternal flame' recently covered by atomic kitten*the bangles
who wrote the original winnie the pooh stories*a.a. milne
who wrote the outlet*andy adams
who wrote the para handy stories*neil munro
who wrote the parasite : a story*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the passing of marcus o'brien*jack london
who wrote the passionate pilgrim*william shakespeare
who wrote the past condition of organic nature*thomas henry huxley
who wrote the patchwork girl of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote the path of the law*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote the patrician*john galsworthy
who wrote the patrol of the sun dance trail*ralph connor
who wrote the pavilion on the links*robert louis stevenson
who wrote the peasant wives*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the people of the abyss*jack london
who wrote the people that time forgot*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the perpetuation of living beings; hereditary transmission and variation*thomas henry huxley
who wrote the phoenix and the turtle*william shakespeare
who wrote the pickwick papers*charles dickens
who wrote the picture of dorian gray*oscar wilde
who wrote the pigeon*john galsworthy
who wrote the pigeon pie*charlotte mary young
who wrote the pilgrims of hope*william morris
who wrote the pioneers*james fenimore cooper
who wrote the pipe*anonymous
who wrote the play 'a dolls house'*ibsen
who wrote the play 'all's well that ends well'*william shakespeare
who wrote the play 'an enemy of the people'*henrik ibsen
who wrote the play 'as you like it'*william shakespeare
who wrote the play 'blithe spirit'*noel coward
who wrote the play 'chips with everything'*arnold wesker
who wrote the play 'look back in anger', which opened at the royal court theatre in 1956*john osborne
who wrote the play 'loot'*joe orton
who wrote the play 'relatively speaking'*alan ayckbourn
who wrote the play 'rosencrantz and guildenstein' are dead*tom stoppard
who wrote the play 'the caretaker'*harold pinter
who wrote the play 'the crucible'*arthur miller
who wrote the play 'the singing detective'*dennis potter
who wrote the play 'under milk wood'*dylan thomas
who wrote the play 'who's afraid of virginia woolf'*edward albee
who wrote the play all my sons in 1947*arthur miller
who wrote the play heartbreak house*george bernard shaw
who wrote the play pygmalion*george bernard shaw
who wrote the play <20>the one day of the year'*alan seymour
who wrote the play, 'ghosts'*henrik ibsen
who wrote the playboy of the western world*john millington synge
who wrote the plays 'happy days' and 'krapp's last tape'*samuel beckett
who wrote the plays 'major barbara' and 'arms and the man'*george bernard shaw
who wrote the poem 'hudibras'*samuel butler
who wrote the poem 'mending wall'*robert frost
who wrote the poem 'ode to a haggis'*robert burns
who wrote the poem 'the owl and the pussycat'*edward lear
who wrote the poem 'the waste land'*t s eliot
who wrote the poem 'to a louse'*robert burns
who wrote the poem anthem for doomed youth*wilfred owen
who wrote the poem beginning with 'this is my letter to the world'*emily dickinson
who wrote the poem goblin market*christina rossetti
who wrote the poem gunga din*rudyard kipling
who wrote the poem that this line comes from 'water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink'*samuel coleridge
who wrote the poem the lady of shallot*alfred lord tennyson
who wrote the poem the the divine comedy*dante
who wrote the poem to see a world*william blake
who wrote the poem, the lines were composed a few miles above, tintern abbey*william wordsworth
who wrote the poet and the peasant*o. henry
who wrote the poet at the breakfast-table*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote the poison belt*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the poisoned pen*arthur benjamin reeve
who wrote the poor clare*elizabeth cleghorn gaskell
who wrote the post*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the prehistoric world: or, vanished races*emory adams allen
who wrote the present condition of organic nature*thomas henry huxley
who wrote the priestly prerogative*jack london
who wrote the princess aline*richard harding davis
who wrote the princess and curdie*george macdonald
who wrote the princess and the goblin*george macdonald
who wrote the prisoner of zenda*sir anthony hope
who wrote the privy councillor*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the professor at the breakfast-table*oliver wendell holmes
who wrote the profits of religion*upton sinclair
who wrote the prospector*ralph connor
who wrote the psalms*david
who wrote the pupil of chestnut ridge*bret harte
who wrote the purse*honore de balzac
who wrote the puzzle*anonymous
who wrote the puzzle of dickens's last plot*andrew lang
who wrote the queen of hearts*wilkie collins
who wrote the queen of the pirate isle*bret harte
who wrote the queen's marie*andrew lang
who wrote the quest of the sacred slipper*sax rohmer
who wrote the rape of lucrece*william shakespeare
who wrote the razor's edge*somerset maugham
who wrote the recent best-selling novel 'rainbow six'*tom clancy
who wrote the reception of the origin of species*thomas henry huxley
who wrote the recruit*honore de balzac
who wrote the red cross girl*richard harding davis
who wrote the red fairy book*andrew lang
who wrote the red inn*honore de balzac
who wrote the red one*jack london
who wrote the red-headed league*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the redheaded outfield*zane grey
who wrote the reincarnation of smith*bret harte
who wrote the relation of literature to life*charles dudley warner
who wrote the reporter who made himself king*richard harding davis
who wrote the requiem*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the rescue*joseph conrad
who wrote the research magnificent*herbert george wells
who wrote the return of dr. fu-manchu*sax rohmer
who wrote the return of sherlock holmes*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the return of tarzan*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the rifle and the hound in ceylon*samuel white baker
who wrote the rights of man*thomas paine
who wrote the rime of the ancient mariner*samuel taylor coleridge
who wrote the rise and progress of palaeontology*thomas henry huxley
who wrote the road to oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote the roads must roll*robert heinlein
who wrote the robe of peace*o. henry
who wrote the robocomm computer program*dan parsons
who wrote the round-faced beauty; a story of the chinese court*lily moresby adams beck
who wrote the russian novel 'the brothers karamazov'*dostoevsky
who wrote the satanic verses*salman rushdie
who wrote the satanic verses, and was condemned to death by the ayatollah khomeini*salman rushdie
who wrote the savoy operas*gilbert & sulivan
who wrote the scarecrow of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote the scarlet car*richard harding davis
who wrote the scarlet letter*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote the scarlet pimpernel*baroness orczy
who wrote the schoolmistress, and other stories*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the science fiction books consider her ways and chocky*john wyndham
who wrote the science fiction novel childhood's end*arthur c. clarke
who wrote the score and performed the songs for the jack nicholson movie heartburn*carly simon
who wrote the score of the musical west side story*leonard bernstein
who wrote the scorn of women*jack london
who wrote the screen play for the film 'chariots of fire'*colin welland
who wrote the screenplay for day of the dolphin*buck henry
who wrote the sea wolf*jack london
who wrote the sea-farmer*jack london
who wrote the sea-gull*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the second-story man*upton sinclair
who wrote the secret agent; a simple tale*joseph conrad
who wrote the secret diary of adrian mole*sue townsend
who wrote the secret sharer*joseph conrad
who wrote the seed of mccoy*jack london
who wrote the semi-autobiographical novel 'of human bondage*somerset maughan
who wrote the series of napoleonic naval books about the character richard bolitho*alexander kent
who wrote the seven poor travellers*charles dickens
who wrote the shadow and the flash*jack london
who wrote the shadow line; a confession*joseph conrad
who wrote the shakespeare-bacon imbroglio*andrew lang
who wrote the sheriff of kona*jack london
who wrote the shining*stephen king
who wrote the shoemaker and the devil*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the shoes of fortune*hans christian andersen
who wrote the short story candide*voltaire
who wrote the sign of four and the valley of fear*conan doyle
who wrote the sign of the four*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the signal man*charles dickens
who wrote the silent bullet*arthur benjamin reeve
who wrote the silver box*john galsworthy
who wrote the silverado squatters*robert louis stevenson
who wrote the sister's tragedy*thomas bailey aldrich
who wrote the skin game*john galsworthy
who wrote the sky pilot : a tale of the foothills*ralph connor
who wrote the sky pilot in no man's land*ralph connor
who wrote the slim young man's story*bret harte
who wrote the smalcald articles*martin luther
who wrote the small catechism of martin luther*martin luther
who wrote the snow image and other stories*nathaniel hawthorne
who wrote the son of tarzan*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote the son of the wolf*jack london
who wrote the song 'anything goes'*cole porter
who wrote the song 'auld lang syne'*robert burns
who wrote the song 'do they know it's christmas' with bob geldof*midge ure
who wrote the song 'do they know it's christmas' with midge ure*bob geldof
who wrote the song 'johnny b good'*chuck berry
who wrote the song 'johnny be good'*chuck berry
who wrote the song 'roll over beethoven'*chuck berry
who wrote the song 'see my baby jive'*roy wood
who wrote the song 'st. louis blues'*w c handy
who wrote the song 'there's no business like show business'*irving berlin
who wrote the song 'white christmas'*irving berlin
who wrote the song 'woodstock'*joni mitchell
who wrote the song for 'the silk road'*kitaro
who wrote the song georgia on my mind*hoagy carmichael
who wrote the song of roland*anonymous
who wrote the song of songs*solomon
who wrote the song of the cardinal*gene stratton-porter
who wrote the song smoke gets in your eyes*jerome kern
who wrote the song, 'unchained melody'*alex north and hy zaret
who wrote the sonnet, 'much have i travell'd in the realms of gold'*john
who wrote the sorrows of young werther*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote the soul of man under socialism*oscar wilde
who wrote the souls of black folk*william edward burghardt du bois
who wrote the spirit of the border*zane grey
who wrote the sportsman*xenophon
who wrote the spy*richard harding davis
who wrote the standard household-effect company*william dean howells
who wrote the star spangled banner*francis scott key
who wrote the stark munro letters*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the stars look down and hatter's castle*a j cronin
who wrote the stokesley secret*charlotte mary young
who wrote the stolen body*herbert george wells
who wrote the stories on which disney's, 'jungle book' is based*rudyard kipling
who wrote the story of 'the nutcracker'*eta hoffmann
who wrote the story of a bad boy*thomas bailey aldrich
who wrote the story of a mine*bret harte
who wrote the story of jees uck*jack london
who wrote the story of pocahontas*charles dudley warner
who wrote the story of the glittering plain; or, the land of living men*william morris
who wrote the story, the invisible man*h g wells
who wrote the street of seven stars*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote the strength of the strong*jack london
who wrote the student*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the summa theologica*thomas aquinas
who wrote the supernatural tale the turn of the screw*henry james
who wrote the swiss family robinson*j r wyss
who wrote the symposium*xenophon
who wrote the tale of balen*algernon charles swineburne
who wrote the tale of peter rabbit*beatrix potter
who wrote the tale of three lions*henry rider haggard
who wrote the tao of pooh*benjamin hoff
who wrote the tapestried chamber*sir walter scott
who wrote the tears of ah kim*jack london
who wrote the tempest*william shakespeare
who wrote the terrible solomons*jack london
who wrote the theme song for the tonight show, 'here's johnny'*paul anka
who wrote the theory of the leisure class*thorstein veblen
who wrote the thing's the play*o. henry
who wrote the three musketeers*alexandre dumas
who wrote the three partners*bret harte
who wrote the threepenny opera*bertolt brecht
who wrote the thriller 'the bourne identity'*robert ludlum
who wrote the thriller 'the eagle has landed'*jack higgins
who wrote the thriller jurassic park*michael crichton
who wrote the thriller the name of the rose*umberto eco
who wrote the thrillers 'harry's game' and 'a song in the morning'*gerald seymour
who wrote the thrillers, 'sheba' and 'year of the tiger'*jack higgins
who wrote the time machine*herbert george wells
who wrote the time machine and the island of doctor moreau*h.g.wells
who wrote the tin woodman of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote the tinker's wedding*john millington synge
who wrote the titan*theodore dreiser
who wrote the tragedy of coriolanus*william shakespeare
who wrote the tragedy of titus andronicus*william shakespeare
who wrote the travel book 'a walk in the woods' - first published in 1997*bill bryson
who wrote the travel book 'the pillars of hercules' - first published in 1995*paul theroux
who wrote the trees of pride*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote the trial for murder*charles dickens
who wrote the troll garden and selected stories*willa sibert cather
who wrote the trumpet-major*thomas hardy
who wrote the truth about 'fisher's ghost'*andrew lang
who wrote the truth about pyecraft*herbert george wells
who wrote the twins of table mountain*bret harte
who wrote the two brothers*honore de balzac
who wrote the two destinies*wilkie collins
who wrote the two noble kinsmen*william shakespeare
who wrote the ugly duckling*hans christian anderson
who wrote the unbearable lightness of being*milan kundera
who wrote the uncle remus stories*joel chandler harris
who wrote the uncle remus tales*joel chandler harris
who wrote the uncommercial traveller*charles dickens
who wrote the underdogs, a story of the mexican revolution*mariano azuela
who wrote the underground city; or the child of the cavern*jules verne
who wrote the unknown quantity*o. henry
who wrote the unparalleled invasion*jack london
who wrote the utopian novel woman on the edge of time*marge piercy
who wrote the valet's tragedy*andrew lang
who wrote the valiant runaways*gertrude franklin horn atherton
who wrote the valley of fear*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the valley of spiders*herbert george wells
who wrote the valley of the moon*jack london
who wrote the vampire series that featured lestat as the main character*anne rice
who wrote the variation of animals and plants under domestication*charles darwin
who wrote the venturers*o. henry
who wrote the vested interests and the common man*thorstein veblen
who wrote the vicar of tours*honore de balzac
who wrote the vicomte de bragelonne*alexandre dumas
who wrote the village rector*honore de balzac
who wrote the violet fairy book*andrew lang
who wrote the virgin of the sun*henry rider haggard
who wrote the virginian, horseman of the plains*owen wister
who wrote the vital message*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the voice of the city: further stories of the four million*o. henry
who wrote the voices of jeanne d'arc*andrew lang
who wrote the voyage of the beagle*charles darwin
who wrote the voyage out*virginia woolf
who wrote the wanderer's necklace*henry rider haggard
who wrote the war in the air*herbert george wells
who wrote the war of the worlds*herbert george wells
who wrote the water babies*charles kingsley
who wrote the water baby*jack london
who wrote the way of the world*william congreve
who wrote the well at the world's end*william morris
who wrote the well of the saints*john millington synge
who wrote the well-beloved*thomas hardy
who wrote the whale tooth*jack london
who wrote the white company*sir arthur conan doyle
who wrote the white silence*jack london
who wrote the wife of a king*jack london
who wrote the wife, and other stories*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the winter's tale*william shakespeare
who wrote the wisdom of father brown*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote the wisdom of the trail*jack london
who wrote the wit of porportuk*jack london
who wrote the witch and other stories*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote the wizard*henry rider haggard
who wrote the woman in white*wilkie collins
who wrote the wonderful wizard of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote the woodlanders*thomas hardy
who wrote the words of the great hymn 'jerusalem'*william blake
who wrote the words of the hymn 'amazing grace'*john newton
who wrote the words that are engraved on the statue of liberty*emma lazarus
who wrote the words to 'the battle hymn of the republic'*julia ward howe
who wrote the words to the carol 'away in a manger'*martin luther
who wrote the words to the hymn 'abide with me'*h. f. lyte
who wrote the works entitled the right stuff and the bonfire of the vanities*thomas wolfe
who wrote the works of max beerbohm*sir max beerbohm
who wrote the world according to garp*john irving
who wrote the world set free*herbert george wells
who wrote the world's desire*henry rider haggard
who wrote the wreck of the hesperus*henry wadsworth longfellow
who wrote the wrong box*robert louis stevenson
who wrote the xanth science fantasy series*piers anthony
who wrote the yellow claw*sax rohmer
who wrote the yellow fairy book*andrew lang
who wrote the young forester*zane grey
who wrote their pilgrimage*charles dudley warner
who wrote their silver wedding journey*william dean howells
who wrote their wedding journey*william dean howells
who wrote theory of business enterprise*thorstein veblen
who wrote therise of silas lapham*william dean howells
who wrote this line of poetry 'i wandered lonely as a cloud'*william
who wrote this side of paradise*f. scott fitzgerald
who wrote thoughts suggested by mr.foude's 'progress'*charles dudley warner
who wrote three books under the title 'das kapital'*karl marx
who wrote thuvia, maid of mars*edgar rice burroughs
who wrote thy heart's desire*netta syrett
who wrote tik-tok of oz*lyman frank baum
who wrote time and life*thomas henry huxley
who wrote time's laughingstocks and other verses*thomas hardy
who wrote timon of athens*william shakespeare
who wrote tinker, tailor, soldier spy*john le carre
who wrote tish*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote titus andronicus*william shakespeare
who wrote to be read at dusk*charles dickens
who wrote to build a fire*jack london
who wrote to him that hath : a tale of the west of today*ralph connor
who wrote to kill a mockingbird*harper lee
who wrote to the last man*zane grey
who wrote to the man on the trail*jack london
who wrote to-morrow*joseph conrad
who wrote tom jones*henry fielding
who wrote tom swift among the diamond makers, or, the secret of phantom mountain*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift among the fire fighters, or, battling with flames from the air*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his aerial warship, or, the naval terror of the seas*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his air glider, or seeking the platinum treasure*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his air scout, or, uncle sam's mastery of the sky*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his airship*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his big tunnel, or, the hidden city of the andes*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his electric locomotive, or, two miles a minute on the rails*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his electric runabout, or, the speediest car on the road*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his giant cannon, or, the longest shots on record*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his motor-boat, or, the rivals of lake carlopa*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his sky racer, or, the quickest flight on record*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his submarine boat, or, under the ocean for sunken treasure*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his undersea search, or, the treasure on the floor of the atlantic*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his war tank, or, doing his bit for uncle sam*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift and his wizard camera, or, thrilling adventures while taking moving pictures*victor appleton
who wrote tom swift in the land of wonders, or, the underground search for the idol of gold*victor appleton
who wrote tom tiddler's ground*charles dickens
who wrote tono bungay*herbert george wells
who wrote too much gold*jack london
who wrote tour through eastern counties of england, 1722*daniel dafoe
who wrote travels with a donkey in the cevennes*robert louis stevenson
who wrote treasure island*robert louis stevenson
who wrote treatise on parents and children*george bernard shaw
who wrote trent's trust, and other stories*bret harte
who wrote trimmed lamp, and other stories of the four million*o. henry
who wrote troilus and cressida*william shakespeare
who wrote troilus and criseyde*geoffrey chaucer
who wrote tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn*henry miller
who wrote trust*jack london
who wrote tubular bells*mike oldfield
who wrote twelfth night; or what you will*william shakespeare
who wrote twelve stories and a dream*herbert george wells
who wrote twenty thousand leagues under the sea*jules verne
who wrote twenty years after*alexandre dumas
who wrote twenty years at hull house*jane addams
who wrote twixt land and sea*joseph conrad
who wrote two gentlemen of verona*william shakespeare
who wrote two men of sandy bar; a drama*bret harte
who wrote two on a tower*thomas hardy
who wrote two penniless princesses*charlotte mary young
who wrote two poets*honore de balzac
who wrote typhoon*joseph conrad
who wrote uncle josh's punkin centre stories*cal stewart
who wrote uncle tom's cabin*harriet beecher stowe
who wrote uncle vanya*anton pavlovich chekhov
who wrote unconscious comedians*honore de balzac
who wrote under the andes*rex stout
who wrote under the greenwood tree, or, the mellstock quire; a rural painting of the dutch school*thomas hardy
who wrote under the pen name 'dr seuss'*theodor geisel
who wrote under the redwoods*bret harte
who wrote under western eyes*joseph conrad
who wrote underwoods*robert louis stevenson
who wrote unsafe at any speed*ralph nader
who wrote unterhaltungen deutscher ausgewanderten*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote up from slavery: an autobiography*booker t. washington
who wrote urbain grandier*alexandre dumas
who wrote urban sketches*bret harte
who wrote ursula*honore de balzac
who wrote utopia of usurers, and other essays*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote van bibber's life*richard harding davis
who wrote vaninka*alexandre dumas
who wrote vanity fair*william thackeray
who wrote vendetta*honore de balzac
who wrote venus and adonis*william shakespeare
who wrote vera, the medium*richard harding davis
who wrote villa rubein, and other stories*john galsworthy
who wrote vindication of the rights of woman*mary wollstonecraft
who wrote vittoria accoramboni*marie-henri stendhal
who wrote volcanic islands*charles darwin
who wrote war and peace*lev nikolayevich tolstoy
who wrote war and the future: italy, france and britain at war*herbert george wells
who wrote war of the classes*jack london
who wrote war& peace*leo tolstoy
who wrote watership down*richard adams
who wrote waverley*sir walter scott
who wrote we two; a novel*edna lyall
who wrote weird harold and fat albert*bill cosby
who wrote wessex poems and other verses*thomas hardy
who wrote west-oestlicher divan*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote what you want*o. henry
who wrote what's wrong with the world*gilbert keith chesterton
who wrote wheels of chance, a bicycling idyll*herbert george wells
who wrote when a man marries*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote when alice told her soul*jack london
who wrote when god laughs: and other stories*jack london
who wrote when the sleeper wakes*herbert george wells
who wrote when the world shook; being an account of the great adventure of bastin, bickley and arbuthnot*henry rider haggard
who wrote where the trail forks*jack london
who wrote where there's a will*mary roberts rinehart
who wrote which make men remember*jack london
who wrote whirligigs*o. henry
who wrote whisky galore*compton mackenzie
who wrote white fang*jack london
who wrote white lies*charles reade
who wrote wild animals i have known*ernest thompson seton
who wrote wild beasts and their ways, reminiscences of europe, asia, africa and america*samuel white baker
who wrote wildfire*zane grey
who wrote wilhelm meisters lehrjahre*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote wilhelm meisters wanderjahre*johann wolfgang von goethe
who wrote william harvey and the circulation of the blood*thomas henry huxley
who wrote windsor castle*william harrison ainsworth
who wrote within the tides*joseph conrad
who wrote wood beyond the world*william morris
who wrote wreck of the golden mary*charles dickens
who wrote wuthering heights*emily bronte
who wrote wyndham towers*thomas bailey aldrich
who wrote yah! yah! yah!*jack london
who wrote yeast*thomas henry huxley
who wrote yet again*sir max beerbohm
who wrote you never can tell*george bernard shaw
who wrote youth, a narrative*joseph conrad
who wrote z.marcas*honore de balzac
who wrote zanoni*edward bulwer lytton
who wrote zuleika dobson, or, an oxford love story*sir max beerbohm
who wrote <20>a house for mr biswas<61>*v. s. naipaul
who wrote <20>aunt julia and the scriptwriter<65>*mario vargas llosa
who wrote <20>death in venice<63>*thomas mann
who wrote <20>franny and zooey<65>*j. d. salinger
who wrote <20>funeral in berlin<69>*len deighton
who wrote <20>great expectations<6E>*charles dickens
who wrote <20>heart of darkness<73>*joseph conrad
who wrote <20>house of the spirits<74>*isabel allende
who wrote <20>madame bovary<72>*gustave flaubert
who wrote <20>mademoiselle de maupin<69>*theophile gautier
who wrote <20>monsieur quixote<74>*graham greene
who wrote <20>murder on the orient express<73>*agatha christie
who wrote <20>my cousin rachel<65>*daphne du maurier
who wrote <20>narziss and goldmund<6E>*hermann hesse
who wrote <20>oscar and lucinda<64>*peter carey
who wrote <20>the great american novel<65>*philip roth
who wrote <20>the great gatsby<62>*f. scott fitzgerald
who wrote <20>the heart of midlothian<61>*sir walter scott
who wrote <20>the heart of the matter<65>*graham greene
who wrote <20>the house of mirth<74>*edith wharton
who wrote <20>the last days of pompeii<69>*edward bulwer-lytton
who wrote <20>the last of the mohicans<6E>*james fenimore cooper
who wrote <20>the last picture show<6F>*larry mcmurty
who wrote <20>uncle fred in the springtime<6D>*p. g. wodehouse
who wrote'poems are made by fools like me but only god can make a tree'*joyce kilmer
who wrote, 'goodbye to all that'*robert graves
who wrote, 'the female of the species is more deadly than the male'*rudyard kipling
who wrote, 'the workers have nothing to lose but their chains'*karl marx
who wrote, 'this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper'*t s eliot
who wrote, 'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all'*alfred lord tennyson
who wrote, directed and starred in the film 'the plank'*eric sykes
who wrote: 'move your shadow, south africa black and white'*joseph lelyveld