80s: live aid was to benefit which starving country*ethopia
80s: mark david chapman was famous for what in 1980*shooting john lennon
80s: name all five new kids on the block.*danny donny jordan joe jon
80s: name buck rodgers' pal*twiki
80s: name eddie murphy's skit about vocabulary on saturday night live.*mr. robinson's neighborhood
80s: name the cartoon that featured characters who had messages on their clothes to express their feelings.*shirt tales
80s: name the eighties sitcom in which bob ueker was upstaged by an obese butler regularly.*mr. belvedere
80s: name the female comedy star who once had a show on fox, that had a pop hit in the early eighties.*tracy ullman
80s: name the late eighties band that named the sides of their first album hardware and software and also used samples from star trek movies in their songs.*information society
80s: name the original comic strip bill the cat appeared in.*bloom county
80s: name the sitcom that featured judd hirsch, andy kaufman, tony danza and danny devito.*taxi
80s: name the toy that consisted of color pencils and plastic which you would put in the oven to create.*shrinky dinks
80s: name the tv show which featured an average housewife teamed up with a secret agent.*scarecrow and ms. king
80s: name the u.s.s.r. leader with a birthmark on his forehead*gorbachev
80s: nobody puts baby in the corner.*dirty dancing
80s: on what date did 'the wall' fall*1989
80s: shot dead at the airport in manila, in 1983*benigno aquino
80s: spaceman spiff was a charcter on which eighties cartoon strip*calvin and hobbes
80s: the super bowl, and never re-used the commercial*apple
80s: the video for which eighties song features nothing but 5 cheerleaders?(name the artist too)*mickey toni basil
80s: there can be only one.*highlander
80s: though he was dead at the time*bill the cat
80s: to what does the obscure song 'turning japanese' refer*masturbation
80s: two dollars!*better off dead
80s: what 80's game show featured the 'whammy'*press your luck
80s: what actor mouthed the line 'whatch you talkin' 'bout willis?'*gary coleman
80s: what band got their name from the sixties movie barbarella*duran duran
80s: what band sang the theme song to 'the breakfast club?'*simple minds
80s: what canadian sketch comedy show helped launch john candy's career*sctv
80s: what caused the computer in electric dreams to become alive*spilled champagne
80s: what caused the gremlins in the movie gremlin to become evil*eating after midnight
80s: what commercial was michael jackson singing for when his hair caught on fire*pepsi
80s: what company made pacman*bally midway
80s: what company made the first color arcade game*atari
80s: what company used the little aligators as it's symbol on clothing*izods
80s: what computer game featured a disco leftover looking for love*leisure suit larry
80s: what country is men without hats originally from*canada
80s: what craft toy involved cutting plastic figures, coloring them in, and then baking them in the oven*shrinky dinks
80s: what cult-fav eighties movie features john lithgow from another dimension*the adventures of buckaroo banzai
80s: what did people desperately tried to avoid getting on 'press your luck?'*the whammy
80s: what did regan due to the striking air traffic controllers*fired them
80s: what did the license plate on the delorean in back to the future spell out*outatime
80s: what did the person chained to wall in goonies want*a baby ruth candy bar
80s: what does alf stand for*alien life form
80s: what does beetlejuice eat when he reaches out of his grave in the scale model of the town*a fly
80s: what does ll cool j.'s name stand for*ladies love cool james
80s: what duo lost their grammy for best new artist from the eighties*milli vanilli
80s: what eighties tv show starred bruce willis in a detective agency*moonlighting
80s: what eighties tv show starred tom hanks in women's clothing*bosom buddies
80s: what famous soap opera duo reigned on general hospital in the eighties*luke and laura
80s: what famous wham! frontman went on to record a multiplatinum record in 1987*george michael
80s: what father/daughter duo made 'gag me with a spoon' a household phrase during the eighties*frank & moon unit zappa
80s: what fell into the pool in caddyshack which caused a major exodus*a baby ruth candy bar
80s: what german siren sang '99 luftballons' (known in the us as '99 red balloons')*nena
80s: what group sang 'come on eileen'*dexy's midnight runners
80s: what is the name of the lead singer for the smiths*morrisey
80s: what is the name of the telescope that was placed in orbit in the eighties*hubble
80s: what is the song 'pass the dutchie' about*a cooking pot
80s: what kind of sword did thundar the barbarian have*a sun sword
80s: what late night news show became popular in the eighties after the iranian hostage takeover*nightline
80s: what late night show replaced tom synder's show*david letterman
80s: what liverpool band popularized the doors' 'people are strange?' in the 80's*echo and the bunnymen
80s: what made michael milken famous and rich*junk bonds
80s: what made the crew sick in the movie airplane*the fish
80s: what mistake did coca-cola make in 1985*new coke
80s: what movie featured reece's pieces as a crucial part of the story, because the director couldn't obtain the rights to use m&m's*e.t.
80s: what planet was spock brought back to life on*genesis
80s: what rock magazine that came out in the eighties is now rolling stone's major competitor*spin
80s: what show did the catch phrase, 'yeah, that's the ticket' originate on*saturday night live
80s: what show featured nell carter as a larger than life housekeeper*gimme a break
80s: what show was 'whatcha talkin' 'bout willis?' a standard catch phrase*different strokes
80s: what snack food was portrayed in claymation dancing to 'heard it through the grapevine'*raisins
80s: what speed did marty have to reach in order to activate the flux capacitor*88 miles an hour
80s: what style of dancing was popularized with rap music*break dancing
80s: what time would you watch 'late night with david letterman' on nbc*12:30-1:30
80s: what toy was in short supply for the 1983 chirstmas season*cabbage patch kid
80s: what tv actress co-starred in 1986's 'howard the duck'*lea thompson
80s: what tv show with married couples and family life appealed to those over the age of 29*thirtysomething
80s: what type of men's jacket featured it's name on the outer breast pocket,and epaulets on the shoulders*member's only
80s: what type of shoes did run-d.m.c. sing about, which were what most rappers in the early eighties were into*addidas
80s: what type of shoes were favored by skateboarders? (hint, it's 4 letterslong).*vans
80s: what was dustin hoffman's character's name in 'rain man?'*raymond babbitt
80s: what was e.t.'s favorite candy*recee's pieces
80s: what was gary gnu's catch phrase*no gnus is good gnus
80s: what was maggie seaver's maiden name on growing pains*maggie malone
80s: what was max headroom's network number*23
80s: what was the board game introduced in the eighties which featured six categories of questions and little pie shaped pieces you had to collect*trivia pursuit
80s: what was the british equivalent of 'we are the world?'*do they know it's christmas
80s: what was the challanging method of catching a fly in karate kid*using chopsticks
80s: what was the claymation domino's pizza thing to avoid*the noid
80s: what was the famous line uttered by an old woman in wendy's ads*where's the beef?
80s: what was the fight between argentina and great britan over*faulkland islands
80s: what was the first game show on mtv*remote control
80s: what was the first movie disney released through a subsidary company that carried an r rating*down and out in beverly hills
80s: what was the first name of the baby girl who fell down the well*jessica
80s: what was the first video mtv played*video killed the radio star
80s: what was the gift from the gods in the movie the gods must be crazy*a coke bottle
80s: what was the inexpensive designer watch of choice amongst teenagers during the eighties*swatch
80s: what was the movie that starred the little furry creatures from 'return of the jedi'*escape from endor
80s: what was the name (4 letters) of the new york night club that helped launch the career of several early new wave groups*cbgb's
80s: what was the name of david hasselhoff's talking car in knight ridder*kitt
80s: what was the name of eddie murphy's character in beverly hills cop*axel foley
80s: what was the name of garfield's teddy bear*pookie
80s: what was the name of garfield's vet*liz
80s: what was the name of he-man's magician sidekick*orko
80s: what was the name of norm's wife on cheers*vera
80s: what was the name of the bartender on 'the love boat'*issac
80s: what was the name of the bjork-fronted 80's band*the sugarcubes
80s: what was the name of the character on the 1st garbage pail kids pack*blasted billy or adam bomb
80s: what was the name of the company that the characters on taxi worked for*sunshine cab company
80s: what was the name of the first 'portable' computer*osbourne
80s: what was the name of the funky van scooby doo and friends rode in*the mystery machine
80s: what was the name of the guy who couldn't enunciate on 'the fat albert show?'*mushmouth
80s: what was the name of the heroic boy in 'the never ending story*atreyu
80s: what was the name of the hollow hole-covered plastic ball kids used to hit instead of a baseball*wiffle ball
80s: what was the name of the host of double dare*mark summers
80s: what was the name of the multi-colored cube you had to re-organize*rubik cube
80s: what was the name of the nuclear missle defense system reagan proposed*star wars
80s: what was the name of the once morrissey-fronted band in the 80's*the smiths
80s: what was the name of the party dog that that was budwiser's mascot in the late eighties*spuds mckenzie
80s: what was the name of the rich boy that andie was asked to go to the senior prom with in the movie 'pretty in pink'*blaine
80s: what was the name of the show that featured larry appleton and his zany foreign cousin*perfect strangers
80s: what was the name of the show that featured sniglets*not necessarily the news
80s: what was the name of the space shuttle that exploded*challenger
80s: what was the original name of duran duran*raf
80s: what was the war during regan's first term that took place on an island in the carribean*grenada
80s: what was tom cruise's call sign in the movie 'top gun'*maverick
80s: what were club nouveu originally known as*timex social club
80s: what were the b-52's named after? (hint, it's not a plane)*beehive
80s: what were the names of kevin's best friend and girl friend on 'the wonder years?'*paul and winnie
80s: what were the names of the host and his sidekick on 'fantasy island'*mr.rourke and tattoo
80s: what were the names of the saturday morning cartoon critters who lived in air-vents and befriended a boy who kept their secret hidden*the littles
80s: which aerosmith song was re-made by run d.m.c.*walk this way
80s: which band had members robert palmer, andy and john taylor, and tony thompson*the power station
80s: which band member was boy george allegedly seeing in culture club during the eighties? (just name the instrument he plays)*the drummer
80s: which city did crocket and tubbs spend most of their time in*miami vice
80s: which city was axel foley a cop in*detroit
80s: which eighties album, that sold 20 million plus copies, featured vincent price*thriller
80s: which eighties cartoon ended with the phrase: 'and knowing is half the battle?'*g.i.joe
80s: which eighties fashion accessory consisted of a saftey pin and small beads*friendship pins
80s: which eighties musician got sued by a music related company for using their name as part of his pseudonym*thomas dolby
80s: which eighties sitcom featured tom hanks in drag on a regular basis*bosom buddies
80s: which movie had a device known as a flux-capacitor*back to the future
80s: which movie is the line 'snakes, i hate snakes' from*raiders of the lost ark
80s: which movie prompted the style of wearing cutoff sweatshirts over the shoulder*flashdance
80s: which olympics did the us boycott*980
80s: which quirky brunette was one of the first mtv vj's*martha quinn
80s: which red-head won star search and then went on a shopping mall singing tour that took america by storm in 1987 and 1988*tiffany
80s: which rock group of the eighties gave away a silver keychain at every concert, which was supposed to bring good luck to whoever caught it*zztop
80s: which sci-fi sitcom star like to eat cats*alf
80s: which sitcom helped launch michael j. fox's career by portraying him as a money-grubbing teenager*family ties
80s: which tv show portrayed the lives of performing arts high school students*fame
80s: whih royal wedding of the eighties is now scandelously coming apart*charles and di
80s: who got his 100-meter dash gold medal stripped away due to his steroid use in the 1988 olympics*ben johnson
80s: who got slimmed first in ghostbusters*peter venkman
80s: who lamented about 'no chocolate-covered candy hearts to give away and no wedding saturday within the month of june'*stevie wonder
80s: who played axel foley's best friend in detroit*paul riser
80s: who played ming of mongo in 'flash gordon'*max von sydow
80s: who played sarah connor in 1984's 'terminator'*linda hamilton
80s: who ran unsuccesfully against regan in 1984*walter mondale
80s: who sang 'i want my mtv' on the dire straits song 'money for nothing'*sting
80s: who sang the song 'cry' which was the first video on mtv to use morphing technology through the entire video*godley and creme
80s: who sang the theme song to the 'breakfast club'*simple minds
80s: who shot j.r. euing*kristin sheppard
80s: who was margret thatcher*prime minister of great britan
80s: who was responsible for the infamous assination attempt on then president reagan*john hinkley jr.
80s: who was the 4th child on 'growing pains?'*chrissy
80s: who was the actress that made waves in 1984's 'splash'*darryl hannah
80s: who was the actress that played ferris bueller's sister*jennifer grey
80s: who was the eighties group that was named after the inventor of the radio*tesla
80s: who was the famous individual who originated the catch phrase 'just say no'*nancy reagan
80s: who was the female prime minister of england throughout the eighties*marget thatcher
80s: who was the founder of live aid*bob geldof
80s: who was the head villian on 'the smurfs' and what was his cat's name*gargamel and azreal
80s: who was the lead actress in the famous bomb 'grease 2'*michelle pfiffer
80s: who was the lead singer of the cure*robert smith
80s: who was the leader of the transformers*optimus prime
80s: who was the original singer of los lobos' 1987 hit 'la bamba'*ritchie valens
80s: whose character name was also the title of the show*punky brewster
80s: xavier roberts was the name associated with which eighties toy*cabbage patch kids
80s: you're eating maggots michael.*lost boys
80s: you've got a lot of repressed feelings, don't you (..)? must be what keeps your hair up. (.. name with held to protect the innocent)*dragnet
category: 80s: g.d. searle & co put this brand sweetener on the market in 1983.*nutrasweet
category: 80s: in 1983, anne burford left her position as administrator of this agency.*epa
category: 80s: shot dead at the airport in manila, in 1983.*benigno aquino
category: 80s: this leader dozed off in a 1984 speech, leading to speculation of his health*chernenko
category: 1980s grabbag : country that saw 32 of its citizens convicted of spying from 1981-88*united states
category: 1980s grabbag : he lost the 1977 nyc mayoral bid before taking successful aim at albany*mario cuomo
category: 1980s grabbag : the biggest selling single from paul simon's graceland*you can call me al
category: 1980s grabbag : the youngest leader of the soviet union before gorbachev*joseph stalin
category: 1980s grabbag : this country's president zia ul-haq was killed in a 1988 plane crash*pakistan
category: 1980s grabbag : what state gave birth to more than half of the 1980 us olympic hockey team*minnesota
category: 1980s grabbag : who nyc mayor ed kock said jews would be 'crazy' to back for president in 88*jesse jackson
category: 1980s grabbag: c. american strongman who appeared on a time cover entitled 'the drug thugs'*general manuel noriega
category: 1980s grabbag: country that saw 32 of its citizens convicted of spying from 1981-88*united states
category: 1980s grabbag: first shortstop since carew to lead all-star voting 2 years in a row*ozzie smith
category: 1980s grabbag: he was the first tennis player exceed $10 million in career earnings*ivan lendl
category: 1980s grabbag: the last team tom seaver tried to pitch for*new york mets
category: 1980s grabbag: this country's president zia ul-haq was killed in a 1988 plane crash*pakistan
category: 1980s grabbag: tom brokaw and this network anchor made their debuts in 1983*peter jennings