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1 Know your proverbs?
proverbs: ___ conquers all*love
proverbs: ___ is blind*love
proverbs: ___ is thicker than water*blood
proverbs: ____ begins at home.*charity
proverbs: ____ is bliss*ignorance
proverbs: ____ is the best medicine*laughter
proverbs: ____ is the policy*honesty
proverbs: ____ killed the cat*curiosity
proverbs: ____ never strikes twice in the same place*lightning
proverbs: ____ rush in where angels fear to tread*fools
proverbs: ____ said than done*easier
proverbs: _____ comes but once a year*christmas
proverbs: _____ is a virtue*patience
proverbs: _____ is another day*tomorrow
proverbs: _____ is the spice of life*vanity
proverbs: _____ seldom knocks twice*opportunity
proverbs: _____ what you preach*practice
proverbs: a ___ in time saves nine*stitch
proverbs: a ___ penny always turns up*bad
proverbs: a bird in the hand is worth ___ in the bush*two
proverbs: a chain is no stronger than its weakest ___.*link
proverbs: a fool and his ___ are soon parted*money
proverbs: a friend in need is a ___ indeed.*friend
proverbs: a man is known by his __*friends
proverbs: a man is known by the ___ he keeps*company
proverbs: a man is known by the ___ he keeps*company
proverbs: a man's home is his*castle
proverbs: a rolling ___ gathers no moss*stone
proverbs: a woman's ___ is never done*work
proverbs: a woman's place is in the ___.*kitchen
proverbs: absence makes the heart grow ___*fonder
proverbs: after a ___ comes a calm*storm
proverbs: all good things must come to an ___.*end
proverbs: all is fair in love and __*war
proverbs: all roads lead to ___*rome
proverbs: all that glitters is not ___*gold
proverbs: all the world loves a___*lover
proverbs: all work and no play makes jack a dull ___.*boy
proverbs: all's well that ends ___.*well
proverbs: an ___ a day keeps the doctor away*apple
proverbs: appearances are ___*deceptive
proverbs: april showers brings ___ flowers*may
proverbs: as soon as man is born he begins to ___.*die
proverbs: as you make your ___, so must you lie in it*bed
proverbs: as you sow, so shall you ___*reap
proverbs: ask no questions and hear no ___*lies
proverbs: bad news travels*fast
proverbs: barking ___ seldom bite*dogs
proverbs: beauty is ___ skin-deep.*only
proverbs: beggars can't be ___*choosers
proverbs: better die with honor than live with ___*shame
proverbs: better late ___ never.*than
proverbs: better the devil you know than the ___ you don't know*devil
proverbs: better to be alone than in bad*company
proverbs: birds of a ____ flock together*feather
proverbs: boys will be ___*boys
proverbs: business ___ pleasure*before
proverbs: cleanliness is next to ___*godliness
proverbs: crime does not ___*pay
proverbs: dead men have no ___*friends
proverbs: dead men tell no ___*tales
proverbs: death is the great ___*leveler
proverbs: diligence is the mother of ___ fortune*good
proverbs: discretion is the better part of ___*valor
proverbs: divide and*rule
proverbs: do as i say, and ___ as i do*not
proverbs: do not wear out ___ welcome*your
proverbs: do unto ___ as you would like them to do unto you.*others
proverbs: don't count your chickens until they are ____*hatched
proverbs: don't cut off your nose to spite your ___*face
proverbs: don't go near the water until you learn how to*swim
proverbs: don't put all your eggs in one ___*basket
proverbs: don't wash your dirty linen in*public
proverbs: early to bed and early to ___, make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.*rise
proverbs: every bird loves to hear himself*sing
proverbs: every family has a ___ in the cupboard.*skeleton
proverbs: every man has ___ his*price
proverbs: every man is his own worst*enemy
proverbs: every picture tells a*story
proverbs: experience is the best ___*teacher
proverbs: experience is the mother of ___*wisdom
proverbs: failure ___ success*teaches
proverbs: faith will ___ mountains*move
proverbs: familiarity ___ contempt*breeds
proverbs: fight fire with*fire
proverbs: finders keepers, ___ weepers*losers
proverbs: first come,___ ___*first served
proverbs: first things ___.*first
proverbs: garbage in, ____ __*garbage out
proverbs: give him an ___ and he'll take a yard*inch
proverbs: give the ___ his due*devil
proverbs: god helps them who help*themselves
proverbs: good fences make good*neighbors
proverbs: goodness is better than ___*beauty
proverbs: great minds __ __*think alike
proverbs: he that ___ nothing, doubts nothing*knows
proverbs: he that is master of himself, will soon be master of ___.*others
proverbs: he who ____ is lost*hesitates
proverbs: it takes two to __*tango
proverbs: jack of all ___, master of none*trades
proverbs: keep your mouth shut and your ___ open*ears
proverbs: let sleeping dogs ___*lie
proverbs: life is just a ___ of cherries*bowl
proverbs: like father, __ __*like son
proverbs: like mother, __ ___*like daughter
proverbs: live and __*learn
proverbs: live and let __*live
proverbs: look on the ___ side*bright
proverbs: love makes the ___ go round*world
proverbs: love will find _ __*a way
proverbs: man cannot ___ by bread alone*live
proverbs: mind your own ___*business
proverbs: money is the root of __ __*all evil
proverbs: necessity is the ___ of invention*mother
proverbs: never ___ die.*say
proverbs: never look a ___ ___ in the mouth*gift horse
proverbs: never speak ___ of the dead*ill
proverbs: no man can serve ___ masters*two
proverbs: no news is __ __*good news
proverbs: no use crying over __ __*spilt milk
proverbs: nothing is certain but death and ___*taxes
proverbs: old habits __ __*die hard
proverbs: one good turn ___ ___*deserves another
proverbs: one man's loss is another man's __*gain
proverbs: out of sight, __ __ __*out of mind
proverbs: rain, rain, go away, ___ ___ ____ __*come again another day
proverbs: revenge is ___*sweet
proverbs: robbing peter to pay __*paul
proverbs: scratch my back and i'll ___ __*scratch yours
proverbs: seeing is ___*believing
proverbs: spare the rod and spoil the ___*child
proverbs: still waters run*deep
proverbs: the __ __ catches the worm*early bird
proverbs: the __ is always greener on the other side of the fence*grass
proverbs: the ___ hae ears*walls
proverbs: the ___ step is the hardest*first
proverbs: the best thngs in life __ __*are free
proverbs: the bigger they are, __ ___ __ __*the harder they fall
proverbs: the end justifies the ___*means
proverbs: the last straw ___ the camel's back*broke
proverbs: the more you get, the more __ __*you want
proverbs: the pot calls the kettle ___*black
proverbs: the proof of the ____ is in the eating*pudding
proverbs: there is ___ in numbers*safety
proverbs: there is a place and a time for ___*everything
proverbs: there is more than one way to skin _ __*a cat
proverbs: there is no honor among __*thieves
proverbs: there's no __ without fire*smoke
proverbs: there's no place like __*home
proverbs: things are not always what __ ___*they seem
proverbs: those who live in __ ___ should not throw stones*glass houses
proverbs: to err is ___*human
proverbs: true __ never grows old*love
proverbs: two is company, three is _ __*a crowd
proverbs: two wrongs do not make _ __*a right
proverbs: united we stand, ____ we fall*divided
proverbs: what you don't know can't ___ __*hurt you
proverbs: when in rome, do as __ ___ __*the romans do
proverbs: when the cat's away, __ ___ __ __*the mouse will play
proverbs: where there is no ___, there is no love*trust
proverbs: where there's a will, there's _ __*a way
proverbs: you can't ___ everyone*please
proverbs: you can't judge a __ by it's cover*book
proverbs: you can't make an omelette without ___ eggs*breaking
proverbs: you don't get ____ for nothing*something
proverbs: you win some, __ __ __*you lose some