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TODO | ||
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Unreal.c | ||
Unreal.h | ||
users.c |
************************************************************************ ** NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services ** ** Copyright (c) 1999-2003 NeoStats Group. All Rights Reserved. ** ** This program and all associated documentation is free but ** ** copyrighted software; see the file COPYING for details. ** ** Homepage: ** ************************************************************************ Thank you for downloading NeoStats. NeoStats is a powerful and extendable set of *services* for IRC. By Services, we do not mean NickServ/Chanserv etc (although those are being developed) but additional services. Things like StatServ which give you information on the number of users/operators/channels/servers basically IRC statistics, or MoraleServ, which is a *fun* module, to send funny messages to users, and utility modules. Some modules have a useful function on your network, other modules are developed for fun, and to make your IRC network more attractive to users (thats whats it all about right?, IRC users?) With the release of 2.5 series of NeoStats, several changes have taken place compared to the old version of NeoStats 2.0 series (don't ask me what happened to versions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 2.4, I don't know!) A detailed list of changes can be found in the ChangeLog file, but a brief summary is: -ServiceRoots support -External MOTD files -Module Segfault protection -CrossIRCD support. Support for more IRCD's than just Unreal -StatServ supports dumping Statistics to a HTML file for output (the output of the HTML file is based on a template) -Changes to the ModuleAPI that make it nicer -Channel Support! -StatServ supports Channel Statistics now! -Many bugfixes and changes to the internal NeoStats core -Many updates to the various Modules Visit for the latest news and NeoStats updates. Please read all documentation included with NeoStats carefully. The documents contain all the information you need to get NeoStats running on your network. These Documents include README, and all the documents in the doc directory. All documentation applies to version 2.5.3 and higher. For older versions consult the documentation with that version or consider upgrading. New versions of NeoStats have many new features and bug fixes. We are not able to provide support for older versions of NeoStats. Following is a quick guide to the main NeoStats documentation: README - This file. Contains NeoStats Installation and configuration information and support information. DOCS/USERMAN - Manual for run time operation of NeoStats. You should read this when you have NeoStats running for information on how to use NeoStats. DOCS/FAQ - Frequently asked questions about NeoStats. RELNOTES - Release notes about the current version. This is displayed during the installation process but you should refer to it if you have problems. ChangeLog - Information about what has changed between versions. Consult this document for detailed information about the changes. Additionally, some modules contain Changelogs in their directorys (eg, dl/statserv) so you should consult these documents as well. README.kptool - Description and instructions for maintaining NeoStat's Internal Database and Dynamic Configuration. FOR ADVANCED USERS ONLY! -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- Contents -------- 1. Installing and configuring NeoStats 1.1 General notes 1.2 Getting Started. 1.3 Running configure 1.4 Compiling NeoStats 1.5 Installing NeoStats 1.6 Setting up the neostats.cfg file 1.7 Compiling additional modules 1.8 Running NeoStats 1.9 Notes for upgraders 2. Support Information 2.1 Before contacting support 2.2 Where to get support 2.3 What to provide when requesting support. 3. Contributions 1. Installing and configuring NeoStats -------------------------------------- This section explains how to install and configure NeoStats. We recommend that you read this section in full before trying to install NeoStats. If you have any problems NOT addressed in this or other documents, please see the Support section for how to contact us for help. 1.1 General notes ----------------- All commands and filenames are case sensitive. This means that NeoStats, neostats and NEOSTATS are all different things. When typing commands you should use the same case as provided in this file or things will not work correctly. 1.2 Getting Started ------------------- First, you need to uncompress NeoStats. To do this type the following: tar xvfz NeoStats2.5.x.tar.gz This will vary depending on the version you run of NeoStats. Change the x in NeoStats2.5.x.tar.gz to match your filename e.g. NeoStats2.5.3.tar.gz ** Note: For some systems that don't run a new version of tar you need to do this: gzip -d NeoStats2.5.x.tar.gz tar xvf NeoStats2.5.x.tar 1.3 Running configure --------------------- The configure script has been changed compared to older releases and you must now make sure you supply the right arguments to configure. To run configure this, you must first change to the directory where you uncompressed NeoStats. e.g. cd ~/NeoStats2.5.3 Your prompt should look something like: [user@host NeoStats2.5.3] Now type: ./configure [options] You should read below for the options you need to pass to configure. Required settings: ------------------ IRCD Support: To specify the IRCD you are compiling for. eg: --enable-unreal - enable Unreal IRCD Support --enable-ultimate2 - enable Ultimate 2.x.x IRCD Support --enable-ultimate3 - enable Ultimate 3.x.x IRCD Support --enable-hybrid7 - enable Hybrid7 IRCD Support --enable-neoircd - enable NeoIRCd IRCD Support (Note, at the time of release of this version of NeoStats Ultimate 3.x.x was still in alpha, it is possible that Ultimate3 compatibility might break in future releases of Ultimate as it matures) Optional settings: ------------------ Privledge System: Originally, NeoStats was based on Operator Flags on a network. If you had TechAdmin on Unreal, you were basically allowed full control to Neostats. Now though, you can enable what is called External Authentication. This allows different ways of the NeoStats Privledge system. The Currently available options are: --enable-auth=sr This Enables a ServiceRoots option, which a user must be identified to services (with the +r flag) and they will have full access to NeoStats. if you do not specify --enable-auth then it uses IRCD flags for access to NeoStats Default. This reverts back to the old NeoStats Privledge system, where Authenication is based on the users flags (+oOANs etc) Modules Support: NeoStats has an expanding set of modules. Some Modules have their own --enable options, while other modules do not. To enable a module at compile time (or multiple modules) use the following option: --enable-modules="modulenames" By Default, no modules are compiled. NeoStats ships with the following modules: ConnectServ --enable-modules="cs" HostServ --enable-modules="hostserv" LoveServ --enable-modules="loveserv" MoraleServ --enable-modules="ms" spam --enable-modules="spam" StatServ --enable-modules="statserv" To compile multiple modules combine the enable-modules options together as follows: --enable-modules="statserv spam" (this would enable the statserv and spam modules). If you have downloaded additional modules from the NeoStats website, DO NOT specify them in the enable-modules option. Each module has its own configure script, and must be configured and installed after NeoStats is installed. (See section 6 and the documentation with the module). Debuging: Most users will never look at this option. It compiles NeoStats with debuging turned on. I would only suggest using this if you have problems are are about to fill out a bug form. --enable-debug Enables Debugging XWindows Config Tool: To enable building of the configtool program (Needs X windows) --enable-configtool Enabling RAW command: We strongly recommend against the use of this option. Use of RAW commands can cause desync on your network and badly formatted commands can crash your network. If you do enable this option, we will not provide any support for your use of this command. Please do contact us for support of the RAW command. --enable-raw This script will check to see if all necessary programs to run NeoStats are installed on your system. A small note here, for those of you who have emailed me paranoid, NeoStats DOES NOT actually check your back account balance, nor can it. 1.4 Compiling NeoStats ---------------------- Ok, you should now be back at a shell prompt, type: make it will go through the source and compile it into an executable binary file. If you get some warnings, please ignore them -- we are working on the warnings. 1.5 Installing NeoStats ----------------------- If you are upgrading a working version of NeoStats. Please read section 1.9 Notes for Upgraders now. With version 2.5.0 and higher, NeoStats needs to be "installed" into its own directory if you wish to use additional modules. By default NeoStats will install into ~/NeoStats/ (in your home directory, eg, /home/fish/NeoStats/) if you wish to change the install location, please see the section 2. To install NeoStats type: make install This will create the necessary files, and copy them to the installation directory. 1.6 Setting up the neostats.cfg file ------------------------------------ Now you should change to the installation directory (~/NeoStats/, or whatever you specified in ./configure) Once in this directory, you need to create a configuration file. You should run the makeconf script (./makeconf) and answer the questions. You must edit neostats.cfg to check that everything is set the way you want it before NeoStats will run. You can do this with: pico neostats.cfg All the options are pretty self explanatory. if you have a question please feel free to ask me. Once you are done editting the file save it. If using pico as in the previous example, press Ctrl-X then hit Y and enter to save the file. NOTE: some additional modules have additional configuration options that must be specified in the neostats.cfg file. Please see the documentation for the individual modules on available configuration options for the main NeoStats distribution are: The available options are: SERVER_NAME - Specifies the name of the NeoStats Server as it will apear on the network. eg: SERVER_NAME -When it links, it will apear as SERVER_PORT - Specifies the port to connect to on the IRC Server eg: SERVER_PORT 6667 -When connecting, NeoStats will connect to port 6667 CONNECT_TO - Specifies the IP address to connect to. eg: CONNECT_TO - This will force stats to connect to CONNECT_PASS -Specifies the password used to connect. This must match your CN lines in your IRCD configuration eg: CONNECT_PASS linkpass - Send "linkpass" as the password to connect SERVER_INFOLINE -Specify the description of the server that appears when you do /links eg: SERVER_INFOLINE Network Auxilurary Services SERVICES_CHAN -Specify the channel that all bots on NeoStats will automatically join, and echo out any important information eg: SERVICES_CHAN #services -Makes NeoStats, and all the other bots join #services channel on startup/load. STATSERV_NETNAME - Your network name e.g. for put irc-chat, if unknown refer to your network file. Does not apply to All IRCd's NEOSTAT_HOST - Specifies the Hostname that NeoStats comes from Some people like to make it the same as the Services host (eg, or one just for NeoStats (eg, eg: NEOSTATS_HOST -Means the bot will apear as NeoStats! NEOSTAT_USER - Specifies the User/ident of the NeoStats Bot (the part before the @host) eg: NEOSTATS_USER neo - Means the bot will apear as NeoStats!neo@Host ONLY_OPERS - Restrict NeoStats and StatServ to opers use only. If not specified, users will have some acesss to NeoStats and StatServ commands. BINDTO - Make NeoStats bind to a particular IP Address. If not specified NeoStats will attempt to find this address itself. eg: BINDTO - All outgoing connections from NeoStats will originate from thsi IP address. WANT_PRIVMSG -Specify if the bots should send all messages as privmsg's or as notices (Most Services use notice) eg: WANT_PRIVMSG - if present, will send all messages as Privmsg's (if commented out, it will send as Notices) *NOTE:* This option Violates IRC RFC, and can cause Flooding Problems on your network. Its NOT recomended. NO_LOAD - If this is in the neostats.cfg your NeoStats WILL NOT START UP. To disable this simply comment this line out. eg: NO_LOAD <- NeoStats will not load. eg2: #NO_LOAD <- NeoStats will load. RECONNECT_TIME -If NeoStats server gets split from the network, how long to wait before attempting to reconnect to the network eg: RECONNECT_TIME 10 -Specifies wait 10 seconds before trying to reconnect LOAD_MODULE -what module to load at startup. Multiple instances of LOAD_MODULE may be specified eg: LOAD_MODULE statserv -Will load up StatServ at boot if you have enabled the ServiceRoots authentication module, the the additional configuration options are available: SERVICE_ROOTS -Who should get access to NeoStats regardless of their O line flags. You can specify this option upto 10 times to specify different nicks who will be allowed this priveledge. eg: SERVICE_ROOTS fish!?Fish@* -Will give "fish" access to NeoStats privledged commands if fish has Umode +r and comes from the specified hostname and ident. 1.7 Compiling additional modules -------------------------------- If you have downloaded other NeoStats modules e.g. OPSB, you should now install them. If you upgrading NeoStats, you must rebuild all other seperate modules to work with the new version of NeoStats. See the documentation with these modules for instructions on building and installing them. 1.8 Running NeoStats -------------------- NeoStats is now configured and installed. Before running NeoStats you must make sure that your server(s) have C: N: and U: lines for your NeoStats server. I WILL NOT ASSIST YOU WITH ADDING C: N: AND U: LINES TO YOUR SERVER, YOU SHOULD READ THE IRCd's DOCUMENTATION IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DO IT!!! DO NOT CONTACT US ABOUT C: N: and U: Lines Once your C/N/U lines are setup, you need to start NeoStats. You should change to the directory where NeoStats in installed e.g. cd ~/NeoStats Then to run NeoStats type: ./neostats It should link and sync with your server in a matter of seconds. Please now read USERMAN for details on how to operate NeoStats from an IRC Client. If anything goes wrong, there *might* be a error message in the log files. Have a look in ~/NeoStats/logs/NeoStats.log it might give you a clue to whats wrong! NeoStats might also send a wallops to the network about what went wrong. Check the status window of your IRC client. 1.9 Notes for upgraders ----------------------- If you are upgrading from an older version we recommend that you backup the current version first. If you are running crontab for NeoStats, we recommend that you disable this before making the upgrade. Make sure that NeoStats is not running. In an IRC client connected to your network type: /msg NeoStats shutdown NeoStats will save important information so wait for this to finish. To make the backup go to your home directory and type: cp NeoStats NeoStatsBackup -r If you fail to perform this backup and the upgrade causes you problems, you might lose all NeoStats information. We also recommend rebuilding any additional modules after upgrading NeoStats. You may not need to upgrade the additional module, just rebuild and reinstall it after the make install in Step 1.4 above. If after upgrading, NeoStats crashes when loading one of your modules e.g. OPSB, this usually means that you did not rebuild the module for the latest version of NeoStats. If you do run into problems upgrading and need to restore your backup, you can do so by going to your home directory and typing: cp NeoStatsBackup NeoStats -r Your old modules will also be restored along with the old version of NeoStats so there is no need to rebuild them for a restore. -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- 2 Support Information --------------------- 2.1 Before contacting support ----------------------------- ** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTACTING US ** In order that we can dedicate time tp developing NeoStats and can address support issues quickly, there are some ways you can help to reduce the unnecssary support calls to the NeoStats team. First, check you are using the latest release version of NeoStats as found on the NeoStats download page. It could be that your problem is fixed or your suggestion implemented in the latest version. We are not able to provide support for older versions of NeoStats than the current release. We provide no support for CVS snapshots whether released on the web site or not. If you have downloaded a CVS snapshot and are having problems, you should revert back to your previous working version or if this is your first installation, the current release build as indicated on the web site. Please do not contact us about problems with CVS versions. We will advise users occasionally to try a CVS snapshot to fix a problem, but as we do not put our CVS versions through extensive testings, there might be new bugs or problems. Before contacting us with a problem or a bug, please make sure you have read all the documentation provided. You should then check the web site bug list and search the forums to see if your problem has already been reported and if a solution has been posted. Before sending us a suggestion, you should check the forums carefully to see if your suggestion has already been made and if the NeoStats team have decided to implement it or not. The use of the "Search" feature on the forums is a great way to quickly get answers to your problem if other users have already encountered the issue. You do not have to read all the messages to find out if your issue has already been discussed. The message board has a search function so you can quickly check to see if there is a discussion on your problem. NeoStats Group are only able to help with issues affecting NeoStats. We are not able to help set up your IRC Server or Services on your network (including the setup of C: N: and U: lines) so please don't ask us. If you have a question about your IRC Server or Services package, please check the documentation that came with them and contact their team if you still need assistance. The RAW command is an usupported command. If you need help using it, you should probably not be using it. Please do not ask us for help on the RAW command. Thank you. 2.1 Where to get support ------------------------ You can get support for NeoStats in a number of different ways so choose the one that suits you best. * Bug reporting system A new bug reporting section has been introduced and you can check this to see if there are any known bugs in NeoStats and find out when they are fixed. Soon you will be able to report bugs using this system. Visit for the bug tracking system * Message boards available at * The NeoStats IRC support channel at #neostats Be warned that we are not always available on the channel to help you. There is a bot there called neoserv that contains the latest bugs and support information (duplicated from the NeoStats board) 2.2 What to provide when requesting support ------------------------------------------- It always helps to provide as much information as possible about your environment when asking for help. Please make sure you include at least the following information: Operating system version (ie, Redhat 7.0, Mandrake 9.1 etc) gcc version (found via gcc -v) Version of NeoStats you are using and if the problem is with a module, the version of the module (found via /msg neostats modlist) The type of IRCD you are attempting to connect to (and version number) We may request that you enable debugging and submit us the results of debugging. To enable Debugging, use the following command to start NeoStats: ./neostats -d 9 -r When it crashes, or the bug has been reproduced, send us: logs/NeoStats.log logs/recv.log (if it exists, You may wish to edit the first few lines of the file to remove the link password) and it will help us to be able to reproduce the bug -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- 3. Contributions ---------------- Want to Help us? We are always looking for help. Currently, what we really are looking for is people to help us out with translating our documentation and of course, other people that can code in C to help us with development. We hope to shortly provide a Module Programers Guide to help those people out there take advantage of NeoStats and write their own extensions (or Modules) for NeoStats. If you would like to help out, See Support Information above for details on how to contact us. -----------------------------------<>----------------------------------- ************************************************************************ ** This document was last updated on June 11, 2003 by M and is ** ** based on documents originally created by Shmad and Fish. ** ************************************************************************