385 lines
9.6 KiB
385 lines
9.6 KiB
/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond
** http://www.neostats.net/
** Portions Copyright (c) 2000-2001 ^Enigma^
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id: stats.h,v 1.89 2003/07/30 13:58:22 fishwaldo Exp $
#ifndef STATS_H
#define STATS_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <adns.h>
#include "list.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "config.h"
#if UNREAL == 1
#include "Unreal.h"
#elif ULTIMATE == 1
#include "Ultimate.h"
#elif HYBRID7 == 1
#include "hybrid7.h"
#elif NEOIRCD == 1
#include "neoircd.h"
#elif MYSTIC == 1
#include "mystic.h"
#elif IRCU == 1
#include "Ircu.h"
#elif BAHAMUT == 1
#include "Bahamut.h"
#elif QUANTUM == 1
#include "QuantumIRCd.h"
#error Error, you must select a IRCD to use. See ./configure --help for more information
/* Define this to enable Recived Line Logging - Only enable if Coders ask you to! */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define RECVLOG
/* this is a security hack to give the coders the right levels to debug a NeoStats. Don't define unless we ask you to */
#define CHANLEN 50
#define BUFSIZE 512
#define CONFIG_NAME "neostats.cfg"
#define MAXHOST 128
#define MAXPASS 32
#define MAXNICK 32
#define MAXUSER 15
#define MAXREALNAME 50
#define MODESIZE 53
#define NUM_MODULES 255
#define S_TABLE_SIZE -1
#define U_TABLE_SIZE -1
#define C_TABLE_SIZE -1
#define CHAN_MEM_SIZE -1
#define T_TABLE_SIZE 300 /* Number of Timers */
#define B_TABLE_SIZE 100 /* Number of Bots */
#define MAXMODES -1
#define DNS_QUEUE_SIZE 100 /* number on concurrent DNS lookups */
#define bzero(x, y) memset(x, '\0', y);
#define is_synced me.synced
int servsock;
int times;
extern char s_Debug[MAXNICK], s_Services[MAXNICK];
extern const char version[];
char recbuf[BUFSIZE], segv_location[255];
char segvinmodule[30];
jmp_buf sigvbuf;
hash_t *sh;
hash_t *uh;
hash_t *ch;
/* this is the dns structure */
adns_state ads;
/* version info */
extern const char version_date[], version_time[];
typedef struct server_ Server;
typedef struct user_ User;
typedef struct myuser_ MyUser;
typedef struct chans_ Chans;
typedef struct config_mod_ Config_Mod;
typedef struct chanmem_ Chanmem;
typedef struct modeparms_ ModesParm;
struct me {
char name[MAXHOST];
char modpath[BUFSIZE];
int port;
int r_time;
int lag_time;
char uplink[MAXHOST];
char pass[MAXPASS];
char services_name[MAXHOST];
char infoline[MAXHOST];
char netname[MAXPASS];
char local[MAXHOST];
time_t t_start;
unsigned int allbots;
unsigned int maxsocks;
unsigned int cursocks;
unsigned int enable_spam:1;
unsigned int want_privmsg:1;
unsigned int send_extreme_lag_notices:1;
unsigned int onlyopers:1;
unsigned int die:1;
unsigned int collisions;
unsigned int enable_proxy:1;
unsigned int coder_debug:1;
unsigned int noticelag:1;
unsigned int token:1;
#if defined(ULTIMATE3) || defined(QUANTUM)
unsigned int client:1;
int action;
char message[BUFSIZE];
char chan[BUFSIZE];
unsigned int onchan:1;
unsigned int usesmo:1;
unsigned int synced:1;
Server *s;
int requests;
long SendM;
long SendBytes;
long RcveM;
long RcveBytes;
time_t lastmsg;
int pingtime;
} me;
struct Servbot {
char user[MAXUSER];
char host[MAXHOST];
} Servbot;
struct server_ {
char name[MAXHOST];
int hops;
long hash;
time_t connected_since;
int ping;
char uplink[MAXHOST];
void *moddata[NUM_MODULES];
struct user_ {
char nick[MAXNICK];
char hostname[MAXHOST];
char username[MAXUSER];
char realname[MAXREALNAME];
char vhost[MAXHOST];
Server *server;
MyUser *myuser;
int flood;
int is_away;
time_t t_flood;
long hash;
char modes[MODESIZE];
int ulevel;
long Umode;
list_t *chans;
struct in_addr ipaddr;
time_t TS;
long Smode;
void *moddata[NUM_MODULES];
struct chans_ {
char name[CHANLEN];
long cur_users;
long modes;
list_t *chanmembers;
list_t *modeparms;
char topic[BUFSIZE];
char topicowner[MAXHOST]; /* becuase a "server" can be a topic owner */
time_t topictime;
void *moddata[NUM_MODULES];
time_t tstime;
} chans_;
struct chanmem_ {
char nick[MAXNICK];
time_t joint;
long flags;
void *moddata[NUM_MODULES];
} chanmem_;
struct modeparms_ {
long mode;
char param[PARAMSIZE];
void *moddata[NUM_MODULES];
} modeparms_;
struct ping {
time_t last_sent;
int ulag;
} ping;
/* sock.c */
extern int ConnectTo (char *, int);
extern void read_loop ();
extern void ResetLogs ();
extern char *sctime (time_t);
extern char *sftime (time_t);
extern int getmaxsock ();
extern int sock_connect (int socktype, unsigned long ipaddr, int port, char *sockname, char *module, char *func_read, char *func_write, char *func_error);
extern int sock_disconnect (char *sockname);
/* conf.c */
extern void strip (char *);
extern void ConfLoad ();
extern void rehash ();
extern int init_modules ();
/* main.c */
extern void login ();
/* extern void init_statserv(); */
extern void init_spam ();
extern void init_ServBot ();
extern void *smalloc (long);
extern char *sstrdup (const char *);
extern unsigned long HASH (const unsigned char *, int);
extern char *strlower (char *);
extern void AddStringToList (char ***List, char S[], int *C);
void FreeList (char **List, int C);
void do_exit (int);
/* ircd.c */
extern void parse ();
extern char *joinbuf (char **av, int ac, int from);
extern int split_buf (char *buf, char ***argv, int colon_special);
extern void prefmsg (char *, const char *, char *, ...);
extern void privmsg (char *, const char *, char *, ...);
extern void notice (char *, const char *, char *, ...);
extern void privmsg_list (char *, char *, const char **);
extern void globops (char *, char *, ...);
extern int flood (User *);
extern int init_bot (char *, char *, char *, char *, char *, char *);
extern int del_bot (char *, char *);
extern void Module_Event (char *, char **av, int ac);
extern int bot_nick_change (char *, char *);
/* timer.c */
extern void chk ();
extern void TimerReset ();
extern void TimerSpam ();
extern void TimerPings ();
extern void TimerMidnight ();
extern int is_midnight ();
extern MyUser *myuhead;
extern void AddUser (const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const unsigned long ip, const unsigned long TS);
extern void DelUser (const char *);
void AddRealName (const char *, const char *);
extern void Change_User (User *, const char *);
extern void sendcoders (char *message, ...);
extern User *finduser (const char *);
extern void UserDump (char *);
extern void part_u_chan (list_t *, lnode_t *, void *);
extern void UserMode (const char *, const char *, int);
extern void init_user_hash ();
extern void init_chan_hash ();
extern void AddServer (char *, char *, int);
extern void DelServer (char *);
extern Server *findserver (const char *);
extern void ServerDump ();
extern void ChanDump ();
extern void init_server_hash ();
extern void LoadMyUsers ();
extern void SaveMyUsers ();
extern void DeleteMyUser (char *);
extern MyUser *findmyuser (char *);
extern int UserLevel (User *);
void Do_Away (User *, const char *);
void KillUser (const char *nick);
/* ns_help.c */
extern const char *ns_help[];
extern const char *ns_myuser_help[];
extern const char *ns_coder_help[];
extern const char *ns_shutdown_help[];
extern const char *ns_reload_help[];
extern const char *ns_logs_help[];
extern const char *ns_join_help[];
extern const char *ns_raw_help[];
extern const char *ns_debug_help[];
extern const char *ns_userdump_help[];
extern const char *ns_chandump_help[];
extern const char *ns_serverdump_help[];
extern const char *ns_version_help[];
extern const char *ns_load_help[];
extern const char *ns_unload_help[];
extern const char *ns_modlist_help[];
extern const char *ns_raw_help[];
extern const char *ns_jupe_help[];
extern const char *ns_level_help[];
/* services.c */
extern void servicesbot (char *nick, char **av, int ac);
extern void ns_debug_to_coders (char *);
extern void ns_shutdown (User *, char *);
/* chans.c */
extern void chandump (char *chan);
extern void part_chan (User * u, char *chan);
extern void join_chan (User * u, char *chan);
extern void change_user_nick (Chans * c, char *newnick, char *oldnick);
extern Chans *findchan (char *chan);
extern int ChanMode (char *origin, char **av, int ac);
extern void Change_Topic (char *, Chans *, time_t t, char *);
extern void ChangeChanUserMode (Chans * c, User * u, int add, long mode);
void kick_chan (User *, char *, User *);
void Change_Chan_Ts (Chans * c, time_t tstime);
extern int CheckChanMode (Chans * c, long mode);
/* dns.c */
extern int dns_lookup (char *str, adns_rrtype type, void (*callback) (char *data, adns_answer * a), char *data);
extern int init_dns ();
extern void do_dns ();