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# Release history
**v4.5 / 14.10.2015**
- vanilla kernel upgraded to 4.2.3 for Allwinner based boards
- legacy kernel for Allwinner compiled from new sources (linux-sunxi)
- udoo vanilla upgraded to 4.2.3
- cubox / hummingboard upgraded to 3.14.54
- changed kernel naming: A10 = linux-image-sun4i, A20 = linux-image-sun7i
- new boards: Banana M2, Orange+(A31S), Cubieboard 1, Cubieboard 2 Dual SD, Lime A10
- fixed Udoo legacy wireless problems
- fixed Jessie boot problems by disabling systemd. Its possible to re-enable within boot scripts
- added ramlog to Jessie because we dont have systemd anymore
- changed wireless driver for Cubietruck and Banana PRO (now its ap6210)
- added ZRAM to vanilla kernel
- fixed dvbsky modules
and a bunch of small fixes.
**v4.4 / 1.10.2015**
- vanilla kernel upgrade to 4.2.2 (Allwinner, Udoo Quad),
- legacy kernel upgraded to 3.4.109 (Allwinner),
- added I2C support and bunch of multimedia modules (DVB) (vanilla Allwinner),
- Udoo quad images with fixed legacy kernel 3.14.28,
- Cubox and Hummingboard kernel upgrade to 3.14.53,
- brcmfmac driver fixes for vanilla kernel (Banana PRO / Cubietruck)
- performance tweak: choosing a closest Debian mirror (Debian images)
- added Astrometa DVB firmware and dvb-tools
- added Nikkov SPDIF / I2S recent patch (legacy Allwinner)
- added patch for rtl8192cu: Add missing case in rtl92cu_get_hw_reg (Lamobo R1)
- bigger NAND boot partition on install
- install script bug fixes
- force apt-get update on older rootfs cache,
- image harden manipulation security,
- packages NAND/FAT/same version install faling fixed,
- image shrinking function rework,
- better packages installation install checking,
- added Debian keys to suppress warnings in debootstrap process,
- added fancy progress bars,
- added whiptail downloading prior to usage (bugfix).
**v4.3 / 17.9.2015**
- kernel 4.2 for Allwinner based boards
- kernel 4.2 for Udoo Quad
- walk-around if ethernet is not detected on some boards due to RTC not set(?)
- update is done (semi) automatic if you are using Armbian 4.2. You only need to issue command: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. If you are coming from older system, check Documentation
- U-boot on R1 is now updated to latest stable version (2015.07)
- Fixed AW SOM. Working with latest u-boot but you need to build image by yourself.
- Enabled whole USB net and HID section in kernel for Allwinner boards v4.2
- Fixed upgrade script only some minor bugs remains.
- Fixes to build script that its working under Ubuntu 15.04
- Adding Bananapi Wireless driver (ap6210) back to legacy kernel
- Udoo official kernel (3.14.28) not updated due too many troubles.
**v4.2 / 1.9.2015**
- Upgraded NAND / SATA installer. Possible to install to SATA/NAND boot in one step.
- Easy kernel switching between old 3.4 and 4.x
- Automatic kernel updating (to disable comment armbian repo /etc/apt/sources.list)
- Allwinner boards share one 4.x kernel and two 3.4
- All boards share the same revision number
- One minimal Ubuntu Desktop per board (Wicd, Firefox, Word)
- u-boot v2015.07 for most boards
- Aufs file system support
- kernel 4.1.6 and 3.4.108
- Added Orangepi Mini, Cubieboard 1 (4.x only), Udoo with official kernel
- Repository for Wheezy, Jessie and Trusty
- enabled USB audio in kernel 4.x
- kernel headers fixed. No need to rebuild when you update the kernel.
- fixed boot scripts that can load from FAT partition too
- removed Cubox binnary repository because of troubles
- Docker support (kernel 4.x). Already here for a while / forget to mention.
- nodm change default login
Build script:
- changed structure: sources now in folder sources, output is what we produce, deb in one folder
- expanded desktop part
- possible to build all images at once, create package repository
- SD card initial size is 4Gb, variable transfered into
- Avaliable board list is now created from file
- Fixed image shrinking problem
- Patching part rework
- Using first FAT boot partition now fixes boot scripts
- Uboot TAG moved to and differs for some boards
- new variables for source branches. Only too remove errors when checking out
**v4.1 / 5.8.2015**
- Added desktop image
- U-Boot 2015.07 with many new features
- Added auto system update via repository
- Root password change is initialized at first boot.
- 3.4.108 kernel fixes, 4.1.4 Allwinner Security System
**v4.0 / 12.7.2015**
- Fixed stability issues, temperature display in 4.x
- Kernel upgrades to 3.4.108 and 4.1.2
**v3.9 / 11.6.2015**
- Bugfix release
- Kernel 4.0.5 traffic control support
- SATA / USB install fixed on kernel 4.x
- Added 256Mb emergency swap area, created automatically @first boot
**v3.8 / 21.5.2015**
- Bugfix release: Cubietruck images successfully booted on Cubietruck. I waited for automatic reboot than tested remote login.
- Kernel 4.0.4 added support for power on/off button
- Both: Jessie fixed, Ethernet init fixed (uboot)
- introduction
**v3.7 / 14.5.2015**
- Kernel 4.0.3 some new functionality
- Kernel 3.4.107 added sunxi display manager to change FB on demand
- Both: Ubuntu and jessie install errors fixed, removed busybox-syslogd and changed to default logger due to problems in Jessie and Ubuntu, apt-get upgrade fixed, documentations update, Uboot fixed to 2015.4 no more from dev branch
- Build script rework - image size shrink to actual size, possible to have fat boot partition on SD card, several script bug fixes
**v3.6 / 29.4.2015**
- Kernel 3.19.6
- Kernel 3.4.107 with better BT loading solution
**v3.5 / 18.4.2015**
- Kernel 3.19.4: fixed AP mode, fixed USB, added 8192CU module
- Common: apt-get upgrade ready but not enabled yet, serial console fixed, fixed hostapd under jessie, easy kernel switching, latest patched hostapd for best performance normal and for realtek adaptors, auto IO scheduler script
- Build script: everything packed as DEB
**v3.4 / 28.3.2015**
- Kernel 3.19.3: docker support, apple hid, pmp, nfsd, sata peformance fix
- Kernel 3.4.106: pmp, a20_tp - soc temp sensor
- Common: console setup fixed, headers bugfix, nand install fix
- Build script: kernel build only, custom packets install, hardware accelerated desktop build as option
**v3.3 / 28.2.2015**
- Kernel 3.19.0: many new functionality and fixes.
- Bugfixes: CT wireless works in all kernels
**v3.2 / 24.1.2015**
- Possible to compile external modules on both kernels
- Kernel 3.19.0 RC5
- Bugfixes: install script, headers, bashrc, spi
**v3.1 / 16.1.2015**
- Kernel 3.19.0 RC4
- Added Cubieboard 1 images
- Dualboot for CB2 and CT dropped due to u-boot change. Now separate images.
- New user friendly SATA + USB installer, also on mainline
**v3.0 / 29.12.2014**
- Kernel 3.18.1 for mainline image
- Added Ubuntu Trusty (14.04 LTS) image
- Bugfixes: auto packages update
**v2.9 / 3.12.2014**
- Kernel 3.4.105 with new MALI driver and other fixes
- Added: Jessie image
- Major build script rewrite - much faster image building
- Fixed: failed MIN/MAX settings
**v2.8 / 17.10.2014**
- Added: ondemand governor, fhandle, squashfs and btrfs
- Removed: bootsplash, lvm, version numbering in issue
- Fixed: custom scripts, Jessie upgrade
- Disabled: BT firmware loading, enable back with: insserv brcm40183-patch
- Added working driver for RT 8188C, 8192C
**v2.7 / 1.10.2014**
- Kernel 3.4.104
- Automatic Debian system updates
- VGA output is now default but if HDMI is attached at first boot than it switch to HDMI for good. After first restart!
- Fixed NAND install script. /boot is mounted by default. Kernel upgrade is now the same as on SD systems.
Cubieboard2 - disabled Cubietruck dedicated scripts (BT firmware, LED disable)
- Added network bonding and configuration for "notebook" mode (/etc/network/interfaces.bonding)
- IR receiver is preconfigured with default driver and LG remote (/etc/lirc/lircd.conf), advanced driver is present but disabled
- Added SPI and LVM functionality
- Added Debian logo boot splash image
- Added build essentials package
**v2.6 / 22.8.2014**
- Kernel 3.4.103 and 3.17.0-RC1
- Added GPIO patch (only for 3.4.103)
**v2.5 / 2.8.2014**
- Kernel 3.4.101 and 3.16.0-RC4
- major build script rewrite
**v2.4 / 11.7.2014**
- Kernel 3.4.98
- default root password (1234) expires at first login
- build script rewrite, now 100% non-interactive process, time zone as config option
- bug fixes: removed non-existing links in /lib/modules
**v2.3 / 2.7.2014**
- Kernel 3.4.96
- cpuinfo serial number added
- bug fixes: stability issues - downclocked to factory defaults, root SSH login enabled in Jessie, dedicated core for eth0 fix
- disp_vsync kernel patch
**v2.2 / 26.6.2014**
- Kernel 3.4.94
- Added Jessie distro image
- Updated hostapd, bashrc, build script
- bug fixes: disabled upgrade and best mirror search @firstboot, bluetooth enabler fix
- MD5 hash image protection
**v2.1 / 13.6.2014**
- Kernel 3.4.93
- Onboard Bluetooth finally works
- Small performance fix
- Allwinner Security System cryptographic accelerator
**v2.0 / 2.6.2014**
- Kernel 3.4.91 with many fixes
- Cubieboard 2 stability issues fix
- eth0 interrupts are using dedicated core
- Global bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc
- Verbose output and package upgrade @ first run
**v1.9 / 27.4.2014**
- Kernel headers included
- Clustering support
- Advanced IR driver with RAW RX and TX
- Bluetooth ready (working only with supported USB devices)
- Bugfixes: VLAN, login script, build script
- New packages: lirc, bluetooth
**v1.8 / 27.3.2014**
- Kernel 3.4.79
- Alsa I2S patch + basic ALSA utils
- Performance tweaks: CPU O.C. to 1.2Ghz, IO scheduler NOOP for SD, CFQ for sda, journal data writeback enabled
- Avaliable memory = 2000MB
- Minimized console output at boot
- MAC address from chip ID, manual optional
- Latest (Access point) hostapd, 2.1 final release
- Login script shows current CPU temp, hard drive temp & actual free memory
- Fastest Debian mirror auto selection @first boot
- New packages: alsa-utils netselect-apt sysfsutils hddtemp bc
**v1.7 / 26.2.2014**
- Flash media performance tweaks, reduced writings, tmp & logging to RAM with ramlog app sync logs on shutdown
- SATA install script
- Dynamic MOTD: Cubieboard / Cubietruck
- Disabled Debian logo at startup
- New packages: figlet toilet screen hdparm libfuse2 ntfs-3g bash-completion
**v1.6 / 9.2.2014**
- Added support for Cubieboard 2
- Build script creates separate images for VGA and HDMI
- NAND install script added support for Cubieboard 2
**v1.52 / 7.2.2014**
- Various kernel tweaks, more modules enabled
- Root filesystem can be moved to USB drive
- Bugfixes: NAND install script
**v1.5 / 22.1.2014**
- Hotspot Wifi Access Point / Hostapd 2.1
- Bugfixes: MAC creation script, SSH keys creation, removed double packages, …
- Graphics desktop environment upgrade ready
**v1.4 / 12.1.2014**
- Patwoods kernel 3.4.75+ with many features
- Optimized CPU frequency scaling 480-1010Mhz with interactive governor
- NAND install script included
- Cubietruck MOTD
- USB redirector  for sharing USB over TCP/IP
**v1.3 / 3.1.2014**
- CPU frequency scaling 30-1000Mhz
- Patch for gpio
**v1.23 / 1.1.2014**
- added HDMI version
- added sunxi-tools
- transfered to Github repository
- disabled LED blinking
**v1.2 / 26.12.2013**
- changed kernel and hardware config repository
- kernel 3.4.61+
- wi-fi working
- updated manual how-to
**v1.0 / 24.12.2013**
- total memory available is 2G (disabled memory for GPU by default)
- gigabit ethernet is fully operational
- sata driver enabled
- root filesystem autoresize
- MAC address fixed at first boot
- Kernel 3.4.75
- root password=1234
- Bugs: wifi and BT not working