- Vanilla kernel for Allwinner based boards upgraded to 4.4
- Allwinner audio driver playback and capture on kernel 4.4, [UAS](http://linux-sunxi.org/USB/UAS), USB OTG, battery readings,
- added Marvel Armada kernel 3.10.94, 4.3.3, 4.4 and patches for changing mPCI to SATA
- added Cubox / Hummingboard kernel 4.4
- firstrun does autoreboot only if needed: wheezy and some legacy kernels.
- [added motd](http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/602-new-motd-for-ubuntudebian/#entry4223) to /etc/updated.motd ... redesign, added battery info for Allwinner boards, bugfix, coloring
- fixed temperature reading on Cubox / Hummingboard legacy kernel
- added patch for rtl8192cu: Add missing case in rtl92cu_get_hw_reg (Lamobo R1)
- bigger NAND boot partition on install
- install script bug fixes
- force apt-get update on older rootfs cache,
- image harden manipulation security,
- packages NAND/FAT/same version install faling fixed,
- image shrinking function rework,
- better packages installation install checking,
- added Debian keys to suppress warnings in debootstrap process,
- added fancy progress bars,
- added whiptail downloading prior to usage (bugfix).
**v4.3 / 17.9.2015**
- kernel 4.2 for Allwinner based boards
- kernel 4.2 for Udoo Quad
- walk-around if ethernet is not detected on some boards due to RTC not set(?)
- update is done (semi) automatic if you are using Armbian 4.2. You only need to issue command: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. If you are coming from older system, check Documentation
- U-boot on R1 is now updated to latest stable version (2015.07)
- Fixed AW SOM. Working with latest u-boot but you need to build image by yourself.
- Enabled whole USB net and HID section in kernel for Allwinner boards v4.2
- Fixed upgrade script – only some minor bugs remains.
- Fixes to build script that it’s working under Ubuntu 15.04
- Adding Bananapi Wireless driver (ap6210) back to legacy kernel
- Udoo official kernel (3.14.28) not updated due too many troubles.
**v4.2 / 1.9.2015**
- Upgraded NAND / SATA installer. Possible to install to SATA/NAND boot in one step.
- Allwinner boards share one 4.x kernel and two 3.4
- All boards share the same revision number
- One minimal Ubuntu Desktop per board (Wicd, Firefox, Word)
- u-boot v2015.07 for most boards
- Aufs file system support
- kernel 4.1.6 and 3.4.108
- Added Orangepi Mini, Cubieboard 1 (4.x only), Udoo with official kernel
- Repository for Wheezy, Jessie and Trusty
- enabled USB audio in kernel 4.x
- kernel headers fixed. No need to rebuild when you update the kernel.
- fixed boot scripts that can load from FAT partition too
- removed Cubox binnary repository because of troubles
- Docker support (kernel 4.x). Already here for a while / forget to mention.
- nodm change default login
Build script:
- changed structure: sources now in folder sources, output is what we produce, deb in one folder
- expanded desktop part
- possible to build all images at once, create package repository
- SD card initial size is 4Gb, variable transfered into configuration.sh
- Avaliable board list is now created from file configuration.sh
- Fixed image shrinking problem
- Patching part rework
- Using first FAT boot partition now fixes boot scripts
- Uboot TAG moved to configuration.sh and differs for some boards
- new variables for source branches. Only too remove errors when checking out
**v4.1 / 5.8.2015**
- Added desktop image
- U-Boot 2015.07 with many new features
- Added auto system update via repository apt.armbian.com
- Root password change is initialized at first boot.
- 3.4.108 kernel fixes, 4.1.4 Allwinner Security System
**v4.0 / 12.7.2015**
- Fixed stability issues, temperature display in 4.x
- Kernel upgrades to 3.4.108 and 4.1.2
**v3.9 / 11.6.2015**
- Bugfix release
- Kernel 4.0.5 traffic control support
- SATA / USB install fixed on kernel 4.x
- Added 256Mb emergency swap area, created automatically @first boot
**v3.8 / 21.5.2015**
- Bugfix release: Cubietruck images successfully booted on Cubietruck. I waited for automatic reboot than tested remote login.
- Kernel 4.0.4 added support for power on/off button
- Both: Jessie fixed, Ethernet init fixed (uboot)
- armbian.com introduction
**v3.7 / 14.5.2015**
- Kernel 4.0.3 some new functionality
- Kernel 3.4.107 added sunxi display manager to change FB on demand
- Both: Ubuntu and jessie install errors fixed, removed busybox-syslogd and changed to default logger due to problems in Jessie and Ubuntu, apt-get upgrade fixed, documentations update, Uboot fixed to 2015.4 – no more from dev branch
- Build script rework - image size shrink to actual size, possible to have fat boot partition on SD card, several script bug fixes
- Common: apt-get upgrade ready but not enabled yet, serial console fixed, fixed hostapd under jessie, easy kernel switching, latest patched hostapd for best performance – normal and for realtek adaptors, auto IO scheduler script
- Build script: everything packed as DEB
**v3.4 / 28.3.2015**
- Kernel 3.19.3: docker support, apple hid, pmp, nfsd, sata peformance fix