* Introducing build-all-ng
* Implementing REBUILD_IMAGES='board1,board2,...' for rebuilding certain images only
* Add optimisations when building kernels - only cycle trough needed targets. Adding variable for defining whether an image is build, otherwise only BSP is made.
* repository manipulating RFC
* Add bianco deb file that is added by default if repository is clean
* Switch to gpg2 signing method, small bugfix
* Create subdir for debs and debs-beta
* Synaptic bugfix: installing indexing tools https://forum.armbian.com/topic/8021-orange-pi-one-synaptic-package-manager-search-very-slow/?do=findComment&comment=74918
* add all modules by default to Odroid N2, but leave them commented
* Bugfix: not making any builds when selecting kernel_only
* Remove EXTERNAL=yes ... move armbian-config and armbian-firmware into main compilation area, drop others since they are deprecated anyway. This will also enable multi threaded images making
* Move armbian.list to create_sources_list function. Replace NTP by Chrony. Remove armbian-firmware from PACKAGE_LIST and RockPi 4A (#1528)
* Replace NTP by chrony. Remove installion of outdated armbian-firmware from reposity.
* added RockPi 4A
* New format for board config
* Fix Bluetooth dependencies for minimal package - add rfkill to family related installs
* Moving networkd-dispatcher from minimal image
* Cubox-i: update default config
* Improving umount process
* Add purgesource feature
* Add FULL_DESKTOP to install few more applications on top of our desktop - notebooks should * rk3399 default: adjust patches and configuration
* Enable full desktop on most powerfull boards and notebooks
Signed-off-by: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@gmail.com>
- change console welcome text
- changed display manager to lightdm by default and remove nodm completly
- desktop login manager enabled by default, toogle can be done with armbian-config
- added URL to the build script and commit hash to /etc/armbian-release file
- added debconf-utils,html2text,mmc-utils,sunxi-tools to the base and additional pkg list
- added synaptic package manager and onboard keyboard to the desktop base
- changed motd console welcome text to: Welcome to Debian Stretch with Armbian Linux 5.1.6-sunxi
- added "logout" to the panel/menu
- added normal users to additional groups: disk tty users games
* Adjust tabs and alter displaying build options at the end - hide empty ones
* Fix wrong MOTD message, adjust logic to autologin by default and request login for both notebooks
* Making fs cache naming more intuitive, rename script
* Move additional kernel drivers into separate file. Add AUFS for K5.1 this way, attach wireguard sources to last known working tag. master is broken atm
* Add two more extra wireless drivers 88x2BU, (improved) 8811EU and introduce switch EXTRAWIFI which is enabled by default
* Move 8812AU to the same version we have now. More recent has some performance issues in AP mode. Adjust configuration, add mvebut-dev 5.1.y kernel
* Enable Wireguard also on 3.10.y since it was fixed upstream. Attach bach to master branch since its working now
* Rockchip64 & RK3399 - upstream patches and remove deprecated patches, mvebu64 add DEV kernel attached to 5.1.y
* Enable BT on Tinkerboard CLI images as well
* cubox-i move to 5.1.y and enable missing HDMI
* Bugfixes for adding wireless driver to Kconfig. Adjusted RK3399 kernel due to upstream changes at FriendlyARM - does not boot yet. Changes has to be extract from their commits. Removed patches with RTL8188EU since we add more recent driver with a new precedure. Small fixes mvebu-default, udoo-next, s56818-next, ... remove deprecated patches.
* Boot-able RK3399-default config, add upstream patches for K4.4.y mvebu-default/udoo-next
* Adjust overclocking patch to meet upstream changes
* Odroid XU4 - remove deprecated kernel patches
Based on work of David Huang https://github.com/hjc4869 Changed in the transition:
- firefly family was renamed to rk3399, which we actually never started to use. It was made for Odroid N1, which will never be sold
- adjusted compiler toolchain2 parameter
- added standard wireless drivers
- kernel config with the following changes: Docker dependencies, ZRAM, CPUfreq info, ...
- added upstream patches
- made test Ubuntu Bionic desktop and CLI Stretch build, bootlog: http://ix.io/1jVu
TBD: wifi and BT support, mainline kernel, ...