This change adds a board configuration for the NanoPi NEO Core2 LTS device ("nanopineocore2").
This board configuration provides support for the Core2's SY8106A I2C-based voltage regulator.
This regulator provides higher CPU voltage operation, allowing higher CPU clock rates to be
* [Early WIP] Update sunxi-next to kernel 4.17
* Switch Allwinner 32 and 64bit to U-boot 2018.05
* Adjust patched for 4.17.y / sunxi-next
- adjust both configurations
- removing FAT support from u-boot (breaks if you try to save)
Tested those boards:
Cubietruck: wlan fails USB OK, HDMI yes
Bananapi R40: USB OK, HDMI yes
Lime A64: USB no, HDMI no, wireless buggy, eMMC yes
Orangepi prime H5: OK DVFS no
Orangepi2e: DVFS OK, HDMI OK, net OK, wifi OK, eMMC ok,
* Kernel config update, enabling HDMI on CT+
* Trying to fix A64 HDMI but failed. Fixed M64 ethernet instead
* Update orangepioneplus.wip
* Update orangepioneplus.wip
* Fix H6 build process
* Add regulator bits for Orangepizero+, thanks to @5kft
* add H5 support for optional 1.3v regulator and 1.3GHz operation
This patch adds two optional overlays that can be used to:
1) enable the 1.1v/1.3v regulator on boards that provide the necessary compatible H/W support
2) modify the default CPU clock operating table to add new 1.2GHz and 1.3GHz clocks
Note that the generated regulator overlay will only support boards whose 1.1v/1.3v regulator
is controlled by GPIO PL6.
* updates for the NanoPi NEO Plus2
This change introduces a patch that provides two changes for the NanoPi NEO Plus2:
* Configure the "cpu0" to use the "vdd_cpux" regulator; this enables the ability to use higher CPU clocks
* Correct the configurations of the on-board power and status LEDs
* Adjust nightly building and few boards config cleanup
* implemented improved support for the FriendlyArm NanoPi Fire3
* introduced new WIP board configuration "nanopifire3"
* added and enabled the FA SPU1705 regulator
* enabled CPU-based thermal support
* implemented DT-based DVFS table (400MHz-1.4GHz)
* fixed and updated the thermal table and cooling maps
* added support for the onboard LED
* minor patch cleanup