* add GPIO/Seceng drivers for linux and create two different whole-bin images for either sispeed m1s or pine64 ox64 (as we have different dts files for them now) * Update Readme * Update Defconfig Files
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Buildroot overlay for BL808 based boards
mkdir buildroot_bouffalo && cd buildroot_bouffalo
git clone https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot
git clone https://github.com/openbouffalo/buildroot_bouffalo
export BR_BOUFFALO_OVERLAY_PATH=$(pwd)/buildroot_bouffalo
cd buildroot
make BR2_EXTERNAL=$BR_BOUFFALO_OVERLAY_PATH pine64_ox64_defconfig
Prebuilt images
Prebuilt images are available on the releases page (for tested images) or development images are available via the github actions page
Two images are currently build - A minimal image - sdcard-pine64_0x64_defconfig
and a more complete image - sdcard-pine64_0x64_full_defconfig
The SD card images are configured with a 1Gb Swap Partition, and will resize the rootfs partition on first boot to the full size of the SD card.
Inside the downloads you will find the following files:
- m0_lowload_bl808_m0.bin - This firmware runs on M0 and forwards interupts to the D0 for several peripherals
- d0_lowload_bl808_d0.bin - This is a very basic bootloader that loads opensbi, the kernel and dts files into ram
- pine64-ox64-firmware.bin/sispeed-m1s-firmware.bin - A image containing OpenSBI, the Kernel and DTS files for Pine64 OX64 and SiSpeed M1S Dock
- sdcard-*.tar.xz - A tarball containing the rootfs for the image to be flashed to the SD card
Development images
Latest Development Build Result:
Released images
Released Images are Here
Flashing Instructions
Download your prefered image above and extract the files.
- Get the latest version of DevCube from http://dev.bouffalolab.com/download
- Connect BL808 board via serial port to your PC
- Set BL808 board to programming mode
- Press BOOT button when reseting or applying power
- Release BOOT button
- Run DevCube, select [BL808], and switch to [MCU] page
- Select the uart port and set baudrate with 2000000
- UART TX is physical pin 1/GPIO 14.
- UART RX is physical pin 2/GPIO 15.
- M0 Group[Group0] Image Addr [0x58000000] [PATH to m0_low_load_bl808_m0.bin]
- D0 Group[Group1] Image Addr [0x58000000] [PATH to d0_low_load_bl808_d0.bin]
- Click 'Create & Download' and wait until it's done
- Switch to [IOT] page
- Enable 'Single Download', set Address with 0xD2000, choose [PATH to pine64-ox64-firmware.bin/sispeed-m1s-firmware.bin] (depending on your board)
- Click 'Create & Download' again and wait until it's done
- flash the sdcard-pine64-*.img.xz to your SD card (you can use dd (after uncompressing) or https://github.com/balena-io/etcher)
- Serial Console access:
- UART TX is physical pin 32/GPIO 16.
- UART RX is physical pin 31/GPIO 17.
- Baud 2000000.
- Enjoy!
Compiling Applications for BL808 based boards
Buildroot provides a "SDK" for the baords. This is a tarball containing the cross compiler and sysroot for the target board. This can be used to compile applications for the board. Please refer to https://github.com/openbouffalo/buildroot_bouffalo/wiki/Building-Programs-outside-of-buildroot for basic instructions (or consult the buildroot documentation)
Current Status of Linux
Please refer to the projects tab for the status of drivers in development.
Please use the github discussions for any questions or issues.