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- Jan 19, 2015 - WebRequestConcern Agents can supply
to disable ssl verification. - Jan 13, 2015 - Docker image updated.
- Jan 8, 2015 - Allow toggling of accuracy when displaying locations in the UserLocationAgent map.
- Dec 26, 2014 - Do not try to monkey patch the mysql adapter on heroku
- Dec 7, 2014 - Update Rails to 4.1.8
- Dec 3, 2014 - Access sites with invalid SSL
- Nov 22, 2014 - Make the website agent support merge events
- Nov 8, 2014 - Added DeDuplicationAgent
- Nov 5, 2014 - Made latlng accessible to liquid
- Nov 4, 2014 - Enable AgentLog to handle a message with invalid byte sequences; upgrade slack-notifier to 1.0.0; use webhook URLs instead of tokens.
- Nov 2, 2014 - Fixes WorkerStatusController for postgresql; updated rails to 4.1.7; added a PDF info agent; commander agent can configure other Agents.
- Nov 1, 2014 - Fixes postgres and DST related spec issues
- Oct 27, 2014 - RSSAgent: Include
in addition tourls
in each event. - Oct 23, 2014 - Assume an uploaded scenario file (JSON) is encoded in UTF-8
- Oct 20, 2014 - Made weather agent dependent on user location
- Oct 16, 2014 - Make event-indicator a link to the events page, with new events highlighted
- Oct 15, 2014 - Add dropbox agent to emit urls for the given paths
- Oct 14, 2014 - Upgrade Devise to 3.4.0; mqttAgent: Ignore a retained message previously received
- Oct 12, 2014 - Add a button to view full error logs; allow longer than 2000 characters
- Oct 10, 2014 - Dropbox watch agent
- Oct 9, 2014 - Make the scheduler frequency tunable via ENV; add CommanderAgent, which controls other agents on a schedule or incoming event; disable the CSRF warning in WebRequestsController.
- Oct 5, 2014 - OpenShift deployment
- Oct 1, 2014 - Migrate to Rspec3
- Sep 29, 2014 - Refactor OmniAuth integration
- Sep 25, 2014 - TumblrPublishAgent
- Sep 24, 2014 - Refactor OmniAuth configuration and fix it with 37Signals; introduce FontAwesome; enable download of user credentials; improve docs for ForecastIO in WeatherAgent.
- Sep 22, 2014 - Improvements to bin/setup_heroku
- Sep 21, 2014 - Reduce gems to save RAM
- Sep 17, 2014 - Give user an option to drop pending events when enabling an agent.
- Sep 16, 2014 - Improvements to UserLocationAgent
- Sep 14, 2014 - Allow some agents to be configured via HTML forms rather then JSON.
- Sep 13, 2014 - Calculate IDs in RssAgent if none are available.
- Sep 12, 2014 - Make tables sortable by most columns.
- Sep 8, 2014 - SchedulerAgent added, allowing granular control of Agent schedules. Agents can now control other Agents via
. - Liquid filterto_uri
added. - Sep 7, 2014 - Optional delayed_job_web replaced by a custom UI for managing failed and queued jobs.
- Sep 6, 2014 - Agent's
is now updated only on Event creation, not on updates. - Sep 4, 2014 - Spring, an application preloader intergated with Rails 4.1, has been added.
- Sep 3, 2014 - Liquid interpolation in the WebsiteAgent now has a
variable available. - Aug 31, 2014 - Fix a bug where AgentLogs errored after a referenced Event was deleted. - HumanTaskAgent can emit separate events for each answer.
- Aug 30, 2014 - Set charset/collation properly for each text column if using MySQL. - One-click "Deploy to Heroku" button added in README.
- Aug 28, 2014 - Liquid filter
added, which quotes a string for use in XPath expression. - Aug 26, 2014 - Transition to new Services model for managing external authorization with omniauth.
- Aug 21, 2014 - WebsiteAgent has a new
parser type. - Scenario tags have a customizable foreground and background color. - HTML is sanitized and supported in emails. - Aug 20, 2014 - Support for markdown in Scenario descriptions added.
- Aug 17, 2014 - TwitterStream no longer tries to run disabled Agents. Sleep and thread bugs fixed in the EM code.
- Aug 13, 2014 -
added as an available Liquid variable. - Enable Graphviz on Heroku. - Aug 12, 2014 - Add an environment variable (
) to set a global default User-Agent value. - Hover menu to the "Agents" nav link added. - Aug 9, 2014 - ChangeDetectorAgent added.
- Aug 8, 2014 - Make PostAgent use WebRequestConcern, adding options for Basic Auth and User-Agent.
- Aug 5, 2014 - Use 'net-ftp-list' gem to parse ftp directory listing.
- Aug 1, 2014 - Adding a badge to each Agent node in a diagram.
- Jul 31, 2014 - Allow HipchatAgent to use a shared Credential.
- Jul 29, 2014 - The upstream Agent is now available in the EventFormattingAgent in Liquid via the
key. - The WebsiteAgent is now much more powerful, supporting full XPath evaluations in extractions. - Jul 26, 2014 - Easy Heroku deployment added and document in the wiki!
- Jul 25, 2014 - Simple RSSAgent added for parsing RSS feeds (the WebsiteAgent has always been able to do this, but this new Agent is simpler). - Nicer Agent diagrams.
- Jul 20, 2014 - Email Agents can send to more than one recipient using the new
array. - Jun 29, 2014 - PostAgent can send more HTTP verbs, use both json and html form encoding, and merge event payloads.
- Jun 18, 2014 - Scenarios added, allowing Agents to be grouped, imported, and exported.
added so that most Agent options can contain Liquid markup. - Jun 12, 2014 - XML namespaces are ignored by the WebsiteAgent when evaluating XPath.
- Jun 9, 2014 - User edit form split and cleaned up.
- Jun 8, 2014 - Upgraded to Rails 4.1.1.
- Jun 5, 2014 - MQTTAgent added.
- Jun 1, 2014 - SlackAgent added. - Liquid tag for accessing Credentials added. - Requests to /worker_status no longer spam the log. - GoogleCalendarAgent added.
- May 19, 2014 - ImapFolderAgent added.
- May 11, 2014 - Combine some of the Foreman processes into threads for lower memory usage.
- May 6, 2014 - Agents can be disabled or enabled.
- May 5, 2014 - JiraAgent added.
- May 3, 2014 - If you're using Capistrano,
cap sync:db:down
now works correctly to pull your production DB to your local environment. - May 1, 2014 - Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.1.1
- Apr 20, 2014 - Tons of new additions! FtpsiteAgent; WebsiteAgent has xpath, multiple URL, and encoding support; regexp extractions in EventFormattingAgent; PostAgent takes default params and headers, and can make GET requests; local Graphviz support; ShellCommandAgent; BasecampAgent; HipchatAgent; and lots of bug fixes!
- Apr 10, 2014 - WebHooksController has been renamed to WebRequestsController and all HTTP verbs are now accepted and passed through to Agents' #receive_web_request method. The new DataOutputAgent returns JSON or RSS feeds of incoming Events via external web request. Documentation is on the wiki..
- Jan 2, 2014 - Agents now have an optional keep_events_for option that is propagated to created events' expires_at field, and they update their events' expires_at fields on change.
- Jan 1, 2014 - Remove symbolization of memory, options, and payloads; convert memory, options, and payloads to JSON from YAML. Migration will perform conversion and adjust tables to be UTF-8. Recommend making a DB backup before migrating.
- Nov 6, 2013 - PeakDetectorAgent now uses
. Additionally, peaks trigger when the time series rises over the standard deviation multiple, not after it starts to fall. - Jun 29, 2013 - Removed rails_admin because it was causing deployment issues. Better to have people install their favorite admin tool if they want one.
- Jun, 2013 - A number of new agents have been contributed, including interfaces to Weibo, Twitter, and Twilio, as well as Agents for translation, sentiment analysis, and for posting and receiving webhooks.
- Mar 24, 2013 - Refactored loading of Agents for
to use ids instead of full objects. This should fix the too-large delayed_job issues. Addedsystem_timer
to the Gemfile for the Ruby 1.8 platform. - Mar 18, 2013 - Added Wiki page about the Agent API.
- Mar 17, 2013 - Switched to JSONPath for defining paths through JSON structures. The WebsiteAgent can now scrape and parse JSON.