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<!-- https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/271 --><Product Revision="8" xmlns="https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave">
<MetaDataItem name="OzwInfoPage">http://www.openzwave.com/device-database/0060:0001:0006</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="ProductPic">images/everspring/st814.png</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem id="0001" name="ZWProductPage" type="0006">https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/974/</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem id="0001" name="Identifier" type="0006">ST814-2</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="Description">The Temperature/Humidity Detector is designed to monitor the current temperature and humidity of ambient environment. The reading of temperature/humidity can be reported to you on a regular base at your disposal. If temperature/humidity reaches set points, the detector will send alerts to associated devices for further execution. The application example will be like this , Step 1 include both ST814 and ON/OFF Z-Wave module (like AN158 or AN157, HAN01…) into a Z-wave controller, Step2 associate ST814 to the ON/OFF Z-Wave module Step3 connect the power wire of the heater or humidifier to the ON/OFF Z-Wave module and this simple 3 step will let user easy to control the temperature or humidity of the room automatically Since sudden temperature/humidity change may cause health problems to people such as elderly or very young children, Temp./Humid. Detector provides you most up-to-date temperature and humidity reading for you to watch your family’s health.
<MetaDataItem id="0001" name="FrequencyName" type="0006">U.S. / Canada / Mexico / CEPT (Europe) / Russia / CEPT (Europe) / U.S. / Canada / Mexico</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="ProductPage">http://www.everspring.com/ST814.aspx</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="Name">Temperature/Humidity Sensor</MetaDataItem>
<Entry author="Justin Hammond - Justin@dynam.ac" date="03 May 2019" revision="4">Initial Metadata Import from Z-Wave Alliance Database - https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/3/xml</Entry>
<Entry author="Justin Hammond - Justin@dynam.ac" date="03 May 2019" revision="5">Updated Metadata Import from Z-Wave Alliance Database - https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/271/xml</Entry>
<Entry author="Justin Hammond - Justin@dynam.ac" date="03 May 2019" revision="6">Updated Metadata Import from Z-Wave Alliance Database - https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/923/xml</Entry>
<Entry author="Justin Hammond - Justin@dynam.ac" date="03 May 2019" revision="7">Updated Metadata Import from Z-Wave Alliance Database - https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/934/xml</Entry>
<Entry author="Justin Hammond - Justin@dynam.ac" date="03 May 2019" revision="8">Updated Metadata Import from Z-Wave Alliance Database - https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/974/xml</Entry>
<MetaDataItem name="ProductSupport">http://www.everspring.com.tw/contact-us/index.asp</MetaDataItem>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value genre="config" index="1" label="Basic Set Level" max="99" min="0" type="byte" units="%" value="99">
Defines the level in the Basic Set event sent to group 2 when the sensor is triggered. Default is 99 (full brightness for a Z-Wave dimmer). 0 disables.
<Value genre="config" index="2" label="Temperature On Trigger" max="99" min="-20" type="byte" units="degrees" value="30">
Temperature level to trigger when a ON command is sent out. 99 will clear the value.
<Value genre="config" index="3" label="Temperature Off Trigger" max="99" min="-20" type="byte" units="degrees" value="20">
Temperature level to trigger when an OFF command is sent out. 99 will clear the value.
<Value genre="config" index="4" label="Humidity On Trigger" max="99" min="20" type="byte" units="%" value="50">
Humidity level to trigger when a ON command is sent out. 99 will clear the value.
<Value genre="config" index="5" label="Humidity Off Trigger" max="99" min="20" type="byte" units="%" value="40">
Humidity level to trigger when a OFF command is sent out. 99 will clear the value.
<Value genre="config" index="6" label="Auto Report Time" max="1439" min="0" type="short" units="minutes" value="0">
Sets the auto report time interval. 0 disables.
<Value genre="config" index="7" label="Auto Report Temperature" max="70" min="0" type="byte" units="degrees" value="0">
Sets the auto report temperature trigger interval. 0 disables.
<Value genre="config" index="8" label="Auto Report Humidity" max="70" min="0" type="byte" units="%" value="0">
Sets the auto report humidity trigger interval. 0 disables.
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="2">
<Group index="1" label="Reports" max_associations="1"/>
<Group index="2" label="Basic" max_associations="3"/>
<CommandClass id="96">