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<Product Revision="3" xmlns="">
<MetaDataItem name="OzwInfoPage"></MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="ProductPic">images/cooper/RF9542-Z.png</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem id="0000" name="ZWProductPage" type="4441"></MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem id="0000" name="FrequencyName" type="4441">U.S. / Canada / Mexico</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem id="0000" name="Identifier" type="4441">RF9542-Z</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="Description">Aspire RF™ Accessory Dimmers replace regular switches or dimmers to provide local and remote ON/OFF/DIM/BRIGHT control. The device also provides multi-location control or virtual 3-way remote ON/OFF/DIM/BRIGHT control without the need for traditional 3-way wiring or a dedicated traveler wire. Aspire RF Accessory Dimmers provide other programmable functions (scenes, events, association, child lockout, etc.) when used with Aspire RF or other Z-Wave® compliant controller*. Each dimmer can be manually controlled and remotely controlled by commands sent from an Aspire RF controller (RFHDCSG, RFTDCSG, RFBER) or other Z-Wave compatible controllers or programs. Aspire RF Dimmers utilize existing 120V/AC 60Hz standard house wiring and fit in standard wallboxes. No new wiring is needed.</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="Name">Dimmer Accessory Switch</MetaDataItem>
<Entry author="Justin Hammond -" date="03 May 2019" revision="2">Initial Metadata Import from Z-Wave Alliance Database -</Entry>
<Entry author="Justin Hammond -" date="03 May 2019" revision="3">Updated Metadata Import from Z-Wave Alliance Database -</Entry>
<MetaDataItem name="ProductPage"></MetaDataItem>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value genre="config" index="1" label="Delayed OFF time" max="255" min="0" type="byte" units="seconds" value="0">
The configuration value is a signed single byte number. This value may represent a value with no units or may represent a value such as time. 0 to 127 (decimal) represents 0 to 127 seconds of time. -128 to -1 (negative decimal numbers) represents 128 to 255 seconds as calculated by this formula. Config value = desired time in seconds (or desired value) -256 For an example of 172 seconds: config value = 172 - 256 = -84 (decimal) or 0xAC (hex)
<Value genre="config" index="4" label="Basic set value" max="255" min="1" type="byte" units="" value="0">
Setting this to anything other than 0 will cause the value to be transmitted to devices in the association group when the switch is triggered. A setting other than 0 will likely result in undesired operation
<Value genre="config" index="5" label="Power Up State" max="3" min="1" size="1" type="list" units="" value="3">
Power up state of the device
<Item label="OFF" value="1"/>
<Item label="ON" value="2"/>
<Item label="Last state" value="3"/>
<Value genre="config" index="6" label="Panic mode enable" max="2" min="1" size="1" type="list" units="" value="1">
Enables this switch to participate in panic mode
<Item label="OFF" value="1"/>
<Item label="ON" value="2"/>
<Value genre="config" index="7" label="Dimmer Ramp Time" max="255" min="0" type="byte" units="seconds" value="0">
The amount of time in seconds the switch will take to reach the desired dim level. The configuration value is a signed single byte number. This value may represent a value with no units or may represent a value such as time. 0 to 127 (decimal) represents 0 to 127 seconds of time. -128 to -1 (negative decimal numbers) represents 128 to 255 seconds as calculated by this formula. Config value = desired time in seconds (or desired value) -256 For an example of 172 seconds: config value = 172 - 256 = -84 (decimal) or 0xAC (hex)
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="1">
<Group index="1" label="Group #1" max_associations="5"/>