In-process Go Job Scheduler. Supports Fixed, Timely, and Cron Expression Intervals. Instrument and Expose Scheduler's Job Metrics.
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Sherif Abdel-Naby 6eeb2cc626
Merge pull request #2 from Fishwaldo/logrus
Implement a logrus based logger
2021-04-20 12:02:00 +02:00
.github Update issue templates 2021-04-12 09:43:54 +02:00
examples fix: make the LruLogger private, and either a Default Logrus logger, or pass in a existing logger 2021-04-20 08:01:27 +08:00
job Skip Linting for Test Files 2021-04-11 22:56:04 +02:00
.editorconfig Add Linters and Lint Code 2021-04-10 11:07:02 +02:00
.gitignore Add Linters and Lint Code 2021-04-10 11:07:02 +02:00
.golangci.yml Add Github Actions + 2021-04-10 14:14:10 +02:00
go.mod fix: tidy up logrus logger 2021-04-19 13:15:23 +08:00
go.sum fix: tidy up logrus logger 2021-04-19 13:15:23 +08:00
jobmap.go Add Linters and Lint Code 2021-04-10 11:07:02 +02:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2021-04-03 06:40:08 +02:00
log.go Add Documentation Comments 2021-04-10 12:19:32 +02:00
logrus.go fix: make the LruLogger private, and either a Default Logrus logger, or pass in a existing logger 2021-04-20 08:01:27 +08:00
metric.go Add 🚀 + Small Tweaks 2021-04-10 15:08:27 +02:00
options.go Added Extra Opts + Example + ExceedExpected Option 2021-04-10 14:06:34 +02:00 Update Badge Minimum Go Version 2021-04-10 15:14:58 +02:00
schedule.go Add 🚀 + Small Tweaks 2021-04-10 15:08:27 +02:00
scheduler.go Add 🚀 + Small Tweaks 2021-04-10 15:08:27 +02:00
state.go Add Documentation Comments 2021-04-10 12:19:32 +02:00
timer.go Add Documentation Comments 2021-04-10 12:19:32 +02:00

🕰 Sched

Go In-Process Scheduler with Cron Expression Support

Run Jobs on a schedule, supports fixed interval, timely, and cron-expression timers; Instrument your processes and expose metrics for each job.

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A simple process manager that allows you to specify a Schedule that execute a Job based on a Timer. Schedule manage the state of this job allowing you to start/stop/restart in concurrent safe way. Schedule also instrument this Job and gather metrics and optionally expose them via uber-go/tally scope.


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Go 1.13 >=



Simply a func(){} implementation that is the schedule goal to run, and instrument.


An Object that Implements the type Timer interface{}. A Timer is responsible for providing a schedule with the next time the job should run and if there will be subsequent runs.

Packaged Implementations:

  1. Fixed :- Infinitely Fires a job at a Fixed Interval (time.Duration)
  2. Cron :- Infinitely Fires a job based on a Cron Expression, all Expressions supported by gorhill/cronexpr are supported.
  3. Once :- A Timer that run ONCE after an optional specific delay or at a specified time, schedule will stop after it fires.

You can Implement your own Timer for your specific scheduling needs by implementing

type Timer interface {
	// done indicated that there will be no more runs.
    Next() (next time.Time, done bool)


A Schedule wraps a Job and fires it according to Timer.

	fixedTimer30second, _ := sched.NewFixed(30 * time.Second)

	job := func() {
		log.Println("Doing some work...")
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		log.Println("Finished Work.")

	// Create Schedule
	schedule := sched.NewSchedule("every30s", fixedTimer30second, job)

	// Start


Additional Options can be passed to Schedule to change its behavior.

// Create Schedule
schedule := sched.NewSchedule("every30s", fixedTimer30second, job,

Logger Option

WithLogger( logger Logger) -> Supply the Schedule the Logger it is going to use for logging.

  1. func DefaultLogger() Logger : Provide a Default Logging Interface to be used Instead of Implementing your own.
  2. func NopLogger() Logger : A nop Logger that will not output anything to stdout.

Metrics Option

WithMetrics( scope tally.Scope) -> Supply the Schedule with a metrics scope it can use to export metrics.

  1. Use any of uber-go/tally implementations (Prometheus, statsd, etc)

Use func WithConsoleMetrics(printEvery time.Duration) Option Implementation to Output Metrics to stdout (good for debugging)

Expected Runtime

WithExpectedRunTime(d time.Duration) -> Supply the Schedule with the expected duration for the job to run, schedule will output corresponding logs and metrics if job run exceeded expected.


Scheduler manage one or more Schedule creating them using common options, enforcing unique IDs, and supply methods to Start / Stop all schedule(s).

Exported Metrics

Metric Type Desc
up Gauge If the schedule is Running / Stopped
runs Counter Number of Runs Since Starting
runs_overlapping Counter Number of times more than one job was running together. (Overlapped)
run_actual_elapsed_time Time Elapsed Time between Starting and Ending of Job Execution
run_total_elapsed_time Time Total Elapsed Time between Creating the Job and Ending of Job Execution, This differ from Actual Elapsed time when Overlapping blocking is Implemented
run_errors Counter Count Number of Times a Job error'd(Panicked) during execution.
run_exceed_expected_time Counter Count Number of Times a Job Execution Time exceeded the Expected Time

In Prometheus Format

# HELP sched_run_actual_elapsed_time sched_run_actual_elapsed_time summary
# TYPE sched_run_actual_elapsed_time summary
sched_run_actual_elapsed_time{id="every5s",quantile="0.5"} 0.203843151
sched_run_actual_elapsed_time{id="every5s",quantile="0.75"} 1.104031623
sched_run_actual_elapsed_time{id="every5s",quantile="0.95"} 1.104031623
sched_run_actual_elapsed_time{id="every5s",quantile="0.99"} 1.104031623
sched_run_actual_elapsed_time{id="every5s",quantile="0.999"} 1.104031623
sched_run_actual_elapsed_time_sum{id="every5s"} 1.307874774
sched_run_actual_elapsed_time_count{id="every5s"} 2
# HELP sched_run_errors sched_run_errors counter
# TYPE sched_run_errors counter
sched_run_errors{id="every5s"} 0
# HELP sched_run_exceed_expected_time sched_run_exceed_expected_time counter
# TYPE sched_run_exceed_expected_time counter
sched_run_exceed_expected_time{id="every5s"} 0
# HELP sched_run_total_elapsed_time sched_run_total_elapsed_time summary
# TYPE sched_run_total_elapsed_time summary
sched_run_total_elapsed_time{id="every5s",quantile="0.5"} 0.203880714
sched_run_total_elapsed_time{id="every5s",quantile="0.75"} 1.104065614
sched_run_total_elapsed_time{id="every5s",quantile="0.95"} 1.104065614
sched_run_total_elapsed_time{id="every5s",quantile="0.99"} 1.104065614
sched_run_total_elapsed_time{id="every5s",quantile="0.999"} 1.104065614
sched_run_total_elapsed_time_sum{id="every5s"} 1.307946328
sched_run_total_elapsed_time_count{id="every5s"} 2
# HELP sched_runs sched_runs counter
# TYPE sched_runs counter
sched_runs{id="every5s"} 2
# HELP sched_runs_overlapping sched_runs_overlapping counter
# TYPE sched_runs_overlapping counter
sched_runs_overlapping{id="every5s"} 0
# HELP sched_up sched_up gauge
# TYPE sched_up gauge
sched_up{id="every5s"} 1


  1. schedule-console-metrics
  2. schedule-cron
  3. schedule-fixed
  4. schedule-four-mixed-timers
  5. schedule-once
  6. schedule-overlapping
  7. schedule-panic
  8. schedule-prom-metrics
  9. schedule-warn-expected
  10. scheduler
  11. scheduler-extra-opts

Inline Example

package main

import (

func main() {

    cronTimer, err := sched.NewCron("* * * * *")
    if err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid cron expression: %s", err.Error()))

    job := func() {
        log.Println("Doing some work...")
        time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
        log.Println("Finished Work.")

    // Create Schedule
    schedule := sched.NewSchedule("cron", cronTimer, job, sched.WithLogger(sched.DefaultLogger()))

    // Start Schedule

    // Stop schedule after 5 Minutes
    time.AfterFunc(5*time.Minute, func() {

    // Listen to CTRL + C
    signalChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(signalChan, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGQUIT)
    _ = <-signalChan

    // Stop before shutting down.


Output for 3 minutes

2021-04-10T12:30: 13.132+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 96    Job Schedule Started    {"id": "cron"}
2021-04-10T12:30: 13.132+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 168   Job Next Run Scheduled  {"id": "cron", "After": "47s", "At": "2021-04-10T12:31:00+02:00"}
2021-04-10T12: 31: 00.000+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 168   Job Next Run Scheduled  {"id": "cron", "After": "1m0s", "At": "2021-04-10T12:32:00+02:00"}
2021-04-10T12: 31:00.000+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 193   Job Run Starting        {"id": "cron", "Instance": "8e1044ab-20b6-4acf-8a15-e06c0418522c"}
2021/04/10 12: 31: 00 Doing some work...
2021/04/10 12: 31: 01 Finished Work.
2021-04-10T12: 31: 01.001+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 208   Job Finished    {"id": "cron", "Instance": "8e1044ab-20b6-4acf-8a15-e06c0418522c", "Duration": "1.001s", "State": "FINISHED"}
2021-04-10T12:32: 00.002+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 168   Job Next Run Scheduled  {"id": "cron", "After": "1m0s", "At": "2021-04-10T12:33:00+02:00"}
2021-04-10T12: 32: 00.002+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 193   Job Run Starting        {"id": "cron", "Instance": "baae94eb-f818-4b34-a1f4-45b521a360a1"}
2021/04/10 12: 32: 00 Doing some work...
2021/04/10 12: 32: 01 Finished Work.
2021-04-10T12:32: 01.005+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 208   Job Finished    {"id": "cron", "Instance": "baae94eb-f818-4b34-a1f4-45b521a360a1", "Duration": "1.003s", "State": "FINISHED"}
2021-04-10T12: 33: 00.001+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go:168   Job Next Run Scheduled  {"id": "cron", "After": "1m0s", "At": "2021-04-10T12:34:00+02:00"}
2021-04-10T12:33: 00.001+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 193   Job Run Starting        {"id": "cron", "Instance": "71c8f0bf-3624-4a92-909c-b4149f3c62a3"}
2021/04/10 12: 33: 00 Doing some work...
2021/04/10 12: 33: 01 Finished Work.
2021-04-10T12: 33: 01.004+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go:208   Job Finished    {"id": "cron", "Instance": "71c8f0bf-3624-4a92-909c-b4149f3c62a3", "Duration": "1.003s", "State": "FINISHED"}

Output With CTRL+C

2021-04-10T12:28: 45.591+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 96    Job Schedule Started    {"id": "cron"}
2021-04-10T12:28: 45.592+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 168   Job Next Run Scheduled  {"id": "cron", "After": "14s", "At": "2021-04-10T12:29:00+02:00"}
2021-04-10T12: 29: 00.000+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 168   Job Next Run Scheduled  {"id": "cron", "After": "1m0s", "At": "2021-04-10T12:30:00+02:00"}
2021-04-10T12: 29:00.000+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 193   Job Run Starting        {"id": "cron", "Instance": "786540f1-594b-44a0-9a66-7181619e38a6"}
2021/04/10 12: 29: 00 Doing some work...
2021-04-10T12: 29: 00.567+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 125   Stopping Schedule...    {"id": "cron"}
2021-04-10T12: 29: 00.567+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 130   Waiting active jobs to finish...        {"id": "cron"}
2021-04-10T12: 29: 00.567+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 171   Job Next Run Canceled   {"id": "cron", "At": "2021-04-10T12:30:00+02:00"}
2021/04/10 12: 29: 01 Finished Work.
2021-04-10T12: 29:01.000+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 208   Job Finished    {"id": "cron", "Instance": "786540f1-594b-44a0-9a66-7181619e38a6", "Duration": "1s", "State": "FINISHED"}
2021-04-10T12: 29: 01.000+0200    INFO    sched   sched/schedule.go: 133   Job Schedule Stopped {"id": "cron" }

Todo(s) and Enhancements

  • Control Logging Verbosity
  • Make Panic Recovery Optional
  • Make Job a func() error and allow retry(s), backoff, and collect errors and their metrics
  • Make Jobs context aware and support canceling Jobs Context.
  • Make allow Overlapping Optional and Configure How Overlapping is handled/denied.
  • Global Package-Level Metrics


MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Sherif Abdel-Naby


PR(s) are Open and Welcomed. ❤️